Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 437: Love Xiao Jiuyuan

Prince Li's mansion, Xiao Jiuyuan's room.

Xiao Jiuyuan leaned on the bed, his face was very pale, and cold sweat loomed out. The cold sweat soaked his hair and stuck to his exquisite face. It was less aggressive and more pitiful. Pityingly soft, he slightly opened his eyes and looked at the people in the room.

Both Yun Qianyu and Ye Ziyan were standing in front of his bed.

Before Xiao Jiuyuan could speak, Yun Qianyu said: "Since the prince specially invited the young lady of Ling Yunzong to come and treat the prince, let this young lady take action."

The evil spirit blood infant poison can not be detected by ordinary people. She believes that her medical skills are very powerful, but if there is no genius doctor in the inheritance of genius doctors, she does not even know that there is such a poison in the world.

So will Ye Ziyan find out?

Yun Qianyu looked at Ye Ziyan.

Looking at it up close, I found that this woman not only had a light peach makeup on her eyes, but she also had delicate makeup on any part of her face, so she looked extraordinarily beautiful.

At this moment, the eldest lady was looking at Yun Qianyu with contemptuous eyes, then turned her head down and walked to Xiao Jiuyuan's bed, and said coldly.

"Prince Li, since you sent someone to Lingyun Sect to ask us to help you check the disease, no matter what, I have to try it again. If I find out what disease the prince is suffering from, then this disease will I will treat the prince. If I can’t find out the disease of the prince, someone else will treat the disease. What does the prince think?”

Xiao Jiuyuan looked at Ye Ziyan, his eyes were a little dull, and his eyes flashed with impatience.

But the people of Ling Yunzong were indeed invited by him.

Since he invited people to come over and not let them check the disease, it seems unreasonable, and Xiao Jiuyuan doesn't think that this woman can detect the poison on his body. How many doctors have checked the poison, but they have not found it, even the doctors in his barracks Did not find out.

What's more, it is Ye Ziyan. Although Lingyun Sect is the gathering place of famous doctors in the world, it does not mean that Ye Ziyan is a famous doctor.

In the room, Ye Ziyan saw that Xiao Jiuyuan didn't speak, and he took a step forward and wanted to check Xiao Jiuyuan's pulse.

Xiao Jiuyuan moved his hand, but since he took out a veil from the bed, he gently put it on his arm.

This action once again caused Ye Ziyan's face to look ugly, and his breath became thicker.

Although she likes Xiao Jiuyuan, she is the eldest lady of Lingyun Sect, Ye Ziyan, not to mention Xiao Jiuyuan, the emperor of the royal family is very polite when she meets her, and will not treat her too slowly, but Xiao Jiuyuan unexpectedly repeated And the third embarrassed her.

What does he mean?

Ye Ziyan looked at Xiao Jiuyuan with an ugly expression, but when faced with Xiao Jiuyuan's handsome and innocent face, he reduced his anger.

She likes Xiao Jiuyuan once when he followed a doctor of Ling Yunzong to enter Beijing to treat the dignitaries, just to see Xiao Jiuyuan on the high horse, arrogant and domineering, like a lion king in the forest, as noble and elegant, and extraordinary.

She was fascinated by him at a glance, and always remembered his appearance, always thinking of going out of the sect to see him.

But there has been no chance. Now that she has such an opportunity to come to Prince Li's Mansion, she will naturally not let it go.

Ye Ziyan thought of his heart for many years, and finally calmed down the anger in his heart, sat down calmly, stretched out his hand to catch Xiao Jiuyuan's pulse.

No one in the room spoke, everyone looked at Ye Ziyan.

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