Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 457: Cow, too cow

Down the corridor, Yun Qianyu, Ye Jia and others couldn't help but yell, "Little Ying, be careful."

Yun Qianyu wanted to shoot as soon as she moved, not wanting Ao Ming, who had been quietly beside her, to suddenly move.

The little white figure rushed out like a streamer, blinked to the little parrot's side, raised his hand and slapped it fiercely, and the guy who attacked the little parrot was slammed into the air.

When he was beaten out, he looked at the little white figure that came up with a horrified face. A cat, a cat had such terrifying power, it was terrible, and the world was too mysterious.

With a touch, the man smashed to the ground, vomiting blood and died.

And the little parrot who was rescued by Ao Ming behind him looked at Ao Ming obsessively, and said, "Brother Ming, you are so amazing, so brave, and people like you so much."

Ao Ming trembled a bit, and as soon as he retracted, he quickly withdrew back.

It's a pity that Xiaoying didn't give up, and hurriedly chased him.

"Brother Ming, you saved people just now. How do you want them to repay you? People don't mind agreeing with your body."

After Sakura finished speaking, Bird's Eye glanced at the white kitten shyly.

Ao Ming glanced at her faintly, and then proudly said: "Dead Bird, get out."

Well, Xiaoping was injured, and flew to the side silently to be sad.

Yun Qianyu glanced at Xiaoping silently, this guy would really choose the timetable for nothing.

In the yard, the assassins saw that they could not kill Yun Qianyu, but they were more injured. The leader waved his hand and said, "Withdraw."

On the promenade, Yun Qianyu said coldly, "Ye Jia, Little Bell, chase."

Ye Jia, Xiao Lingdang and Diao Ye chased them up.

The people from the Shadow Palace also chased up.

In the blink of an eye, Nuo's yard was a lot empty.

Outside the courtyard, the sound of fighting soon sounded.

Yun Qianyu looked up at the night sky with cold eyes, slowly listening to the provocative movement.

The other party is likely to use the black assassins who have been defeated to transfer all the people around her away, and then kill her smoothly.

Then why doesn't she come to a trick.

Yun Qianyu was thinking about it, and suddenly heard a squeaky sound, followed by the sound of breaking wind.

In the blink of an eye, a faint blue spiritual power enveloped the entire corridor, making the surrounding space seem to freeze.

And as the blue spiritual power enveloped, a figure fell from the sky, raised his hand, and patted Yun Qianyu's head with a palm.

In the dark, Feng Wuya wanted to shoot as soon as he moved.

But Yun Qianyu stopped him: "I'll come."

Feng Wuya had to stop.

Yun Qianyu used to cultivate her spiritual power so fast in Tianmu Villa, which almost caused her spiritual veins to skyrocket and die, so now she has to temper her spiritual power. This Lan Ling is a good opponent. Just use him to temper your spiritual power.

She is the pinnacle of the Green Spirit, and this person is a low-level Blue Spirit, and the difference is not great, just right.

Yun Qianyu's thoughts fell, and she raised her hand steeply, a thick green spiritual power enveloped her whole body, and she raised her hand to greet her.

Touch, a loud noise broke out.

In Qifeng Courtyard, a large area was destroyed instantly as if it had been bombed by thunder.

When Yun Qianyu shot, not only the opponent's person was shocked, but Feng Wuya was also shocked.

This little girl is too powerful, she was still Huang Ling Intermediate before, how long it has been before, she turned out to be the peak of Green Spirit.

Cow, too good.

This kind of talent is really not comparable to ordinary people.

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