Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 503: What the rogue did

Bai Yao was startled, and then the black lines on his face showed that he had never married, how could he know whether a woman is difficult to understand.

But the master asked, he said something somehow.

Bai Yao said with a serious face: "Women are indeed difficult to understand, but I think Princess Lingyi is not that kind of woman. The reason why she is like this is really because the prince did not trust her before, so she will fight against the prince everywhere. ."

Young Master Bai Yao stabbed his master in an instant.

Xiao Jiuyuan's handsome facial features showed a little more cracks, and then he lay down on the soft couch in a depressed mood, closed his eyes and went to rest.

On the other side, Feng Wuya was seriously reflecting on himself.

Why am I so stupid? Feather came out to do good things. Naturally, he wanted to do good things by himself. He sent his hand to grab her.

Can she be happy?

I'm so stupid, so stupid.

Feng Wuya thought about it, so he got up and went to Prince An's Mansion to apologize to Yun Qianyu, but after thinking about it, he didn't go anymore. Feather was getting angry right now. Didn't he go to death in the past? Let her calm down.

The next day, Yun Qianyu changed to look like yesterday's son again. This time he took Ye Jia and Thrush to go out as assistants, and Xiao Ling Dang was left in Prince Ann's mansion for reflection.

At last no one came to **** Yun Qianyu’s patients in the morning. In the morning, she treated nearly 30 patients and scored nearly 800 points. It was only five or six hundred points short that she could open Fengling Ring. , Yun Qianyu is very happy.

In the afternoon, she would be able to open the second layer of Feng Ling Ring just by treating about 20 more patients.

But in the afternoon, she treated more than a dozen patients, and the score did not rise even by one point. Yun Qianyu was very strange.

At the same time, she discovered a phenomenon that the patients who came to be treated were all skin wounds, and they looked like they were injured.

How is this going?

Yun Qianyu asked, as expected, these people were actually injured by a group of people in black who appeared inexplicably.

The people in black also made it clear that they must come here to be healed. If they don't come here to heal, it won't be hurt to turn around, it will be killed.

As soon as Yun Qianyu heard this, he was so angry that his liver and lungs hurt, and his whole body was weak.

Her equivalent.

It turns out that Feng Ling must be a real patient or an injured person in order to rescue a person.

These injured people made it clear that someone operated it secretly, just for her to heal. .

Yun Qianyu always thought that this was Feng Wuya's job.

Such a rogue thing could only be done by a demon like Feng Wuya.

When Yun Qianyu was about to find Feng Wuya to settle the accounts, Feng Wuya appeared in a enchanting red dress.

Then he smiled and said with Yun Qianyu.

"Feather, I didn't do it, but I know who did it."

In fact, Feng Wuya originally wanted to do this, but Xiao Jiuyuan finally took the lead.

It's just that Xiao Jiuyuan meant to let his subordinates look for patients everywhere, but his subordinates looked for patients everywhere and they were almost clean.

After all, many people don't believe in this kind of doctors on the street. They always think that their medical skills are not good enough and would rather spend money to treat them.

The people who really come to treat the sick are actually patients with little money.

After yesterday’s treatment, plus this morning, there are actually no more patients.

But seeing that there were no more patients in the afternoon, Xiao Jiuyuan's subordinates took care of it temporarily.

This matter happened to be seen by Feng Wuya's people and reported it to Feng Wuya. When Feng Wuya heard about it, he rushed over as if he had caught the opportunity.

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