The tower will struggle continuously, Yun Qianyu lifted his hand, and a colorful magic soul flower floated out.

The demon soul flower can confuse people's minds, and the tower will not know the power of the demon soul flower, so it is easy to be fascinated by Yun Qianyu's colorful demon soul flower.

For a while, I forgot to move.

Yun Qianyu caught the gap of Qian's first shot, stiffened, and slapped the red lifeline in the center of Tajiang's forehead with a palm.

A palm hit, roar, the tower will struggle ceaselessly, the body quickly dissipates, and finally vanishes.

Here Yun Qianyu had just killed a tower general, and Xiao Jiuyuan's black spear also flew out, hitting the red lifeline of the opposite tower general with one shot.


Another tower will also be killed.

In the end only one tower king remained.

The tower king was mad, ah, ah, waving his big hand nonstop.

The Black Demon Tower swayed from side to side, and Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu were shaken to the point of dizziness.

Xiao Jiuyuan headed straight for the tower king together. He looked at Yun Qianyu and said quickly: "I will entangle him and you will destroy his lifeline."

"it is good."

Yun Qianyu agreed, and Xiao Jiuyuan raised his hand and released the powerful blue spirit coercion, pressing the tower king.

It's a pity that his blue spirit can't suppress the tower king. Xiao Jiuyuan started with a spear, and the rich blue spirit poured into the spear. His figure floated out, and the spear flicked directly to suppress the tower king's body.

Ao Ming and Diao Ye cleverly hugged one of King Tower’s legs, and the three of them looked at Yun Qianyu together and shouted: "Hurry up, destroy his lifeline."

Yun Qianyu's figure moved, holding the silver needle in his hand and flew fiercely towards King Tower's forehead. With a **** of the silver needle in his hand, he fiercely pierced the lifeline of King Tower.


Tower King shook his body madly, Xiao Jiuyuan, Ao Ming, and Diao Ye were all thrown out by him.

Tower King Xue's eyes were red, and he raised his palm and patted Yun Qianyu fiercely.

With a bang, Yun Qianyu was directly photographed on the ground.

Tower King glared at her angrily, raised a giant foot and stepped on it fiercely.

Not far away, Xiao Jiuyuan's expression changed, and his figure floated over quickly, pulling Yun Qianyu past, and the two of them rolled on the spot, avoiding the kick of King Tower.

But as soon as one foot hid, the tower king's second foot stomped over again.

Xiao Jiuyuan hugged Yun Qianyu and quickly slid to the side.

Yun Qianyu was slapped severely by the Tower King before, so at this time the blood in his chest surged and blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth.

Shuiling's face was paper-white.

She quickly raised her head to look at the little parrot, calmly commanding: "Little parrot, breathe out the fire and burn the red lifeline on its forehead."

Xiaoying was unexplainably anxious, because she was so anxious, she suddenly imagined a phoenix phantom, her mouth opened, and a ball of flame spurted out.

Burn directly to the red lifeblood on the forehead of King Tower.

The phoenix fire can burn everything, so the tower king was burned by the flames ejected by the little parrot.

Roaring, rolling on the ground, until it was slowly burnt to ashes.

In the Black Demon Tower, everyone was relieved.

Looking at each other at this time, I found that everyone was very embarrassed.

Especially Yun Qianyu, because he was slapped severely by the tower king before, his face was transparent and white, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing.

Seeing people like her, everyone feels distressed.

Xiao Jiuyuan even hugged her body and cried out nervously, "Feather, are you okay? Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Yun Qianyu shook her head. Although she was injured by the Dark Devil Tower King, she was not serious.

Fortunately, now they have destroyed the Black Magic Tower, which is a blessing in misfortune.

Yun Qianyu was thinking, behind him, Ao Ming's voice rang: "The Black Devil Tower is ruined."

The black magic tower they were facing shattered.

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