Yun Qianyu waved his hand.

"I'm fine, don't worry."

Although her face was pale, her body was injured in many places, and the whole person looked embarrassed, her eyes were firm and persistent.

Everyone couldn't bear to make her feel embarrassed any more, so they didn't say anything.

"Xiao Yechen, you took Ye Jia and the people from Prince An's Mansion and set fire to the southeast corner of the third peak to disturb the sight of the third peak."

"Obiao Baiyao, you bring a group of people to make trouble in the northwest. Remember, you don't have a head-on conflict with the people on the third peak, and leave as soon as you set the fire on."

"Remember, have we? Our goal tonight is not to kill people, but to rescue the Fifth Peak Peak Master, so that we can open the secret room and we can save Xiao Jiuyuan."

Their purpose tonight is very simple, and that is to rescue the Fifth Peak Peak Master.

Right now only the fifth peak master knew where the secret room was switched.

No matter how the underground secret room is, she must open the secret room and rescue Xiao Jiuyuan.

Yun Qianyu waved his hand, Xiao Yechen, Ye Jia and the others flashed away and left.

Bai Yao and Obsidian glanced at Yun Qianyu and exclaimed, "Princess Lingyi, be careful."

The two also flashed away with a few of their men.

Yun Qianyu, shadow Liu Qinwu, Wei Yao and others waited quietly for a while.

Soon the third peak caught fire, and chaos within the peak began.

Yun Qianyu looked at Liu Qinwu and Wei Yao and said, "Let's go."

Liu Qinwu nodded, turned around and instructed the people behind the fifth peak: "You are waiting here, don't act rashly, let's go in and save the master."

The three of them sprinted and left, the shadow in the dark and the three spirit beasts followed Yun Qianyu, protecting her all the way to the prison of the third peak.

Because something happened to the third peak, the number of people near the dungeon was reduced a lot.

In addition, Liu Qinwu was very familiar with the water jail, so she soon brought Yun Qianyu to the water jail.

But there are three people guarding the door of the dungeon, all very powerful masters.

Liu Qinwu stopped, staring at the three guys guarding the dungeon and said.

"They are powerful masters of Luoxiafeng, we are afraid they are not their opponents."

Yun Qianyu's eyes were unspeakably cold, and directly ordered Ao Ming and Diao Ye to have shadows.

"The three of you are one by one. You must be fast, and you must never give each other a chance to counterattack."


The two spirit beasts and the shadow responded.

The figure shot like lightning, and in the blink of an eye, he rushed to the three masters who guarded the door.

These three speeds were too fast, and the other party did not react at all.

When he reacted, Ao Ming had bitten one of them on the neck.

Lord Diao did not let him go too far, so that you dare to make the master sad, and tell you to make the master sad.

His young body suddenly became bigger, and it was almost as big as Ao Ming's body.

For a while, Lord Diao had eaten a lot of demons in the Black Demon Tower, so his ability has greatly increased, and his strength is now very strong.

He went to his mouth and bit one of them on the neck.

Shadow Eye watched the two of them wink and restrained one of them. He dared not to fall behind and raised his hand. Lan Lingwei suppressed the other party fiercely. Then he raised his palm to one of them and slammed it down. The person smashed a deep pit directly into the ground.

Three people almost killed three people in the blink of an eye.

Then he quickly retracted and flashed to Yun Qianyu's side.

By Yun Qianyu's side, Liu Qinwu and Wei Yao were shocked to see them. They were so powerful men.

No wonder this woman said that she would destroy Lingyun Sect, but she was afraid that she would really succeed in the end. Thinking of this, Liu Qinwu and Wei Yao were indescribably excited.

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