Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu actually woke up long ago.

The two were talking in the cave, and they walked out when they heard the movement outside.

When Liu Qinwu saw Yun Qianyu, he rushed to Yun Qianyu's side anxiously.

"Princess Lingyi, it's okay, my master, she is okay, I spent a lot of money to see her before, she passed out in the dungeon, and it doesn't seem very good."

Yun Qianyu turned around and looked at Xiao Jiuyuan beside him, and said, "Now our revenge action has begun."

"Ling Yun Sect dared to offend us, we will destroy them."

An icy air gleamed on the two of them, and then Yun Qianyu looked at Liu Qinwu and said quickly.

"Let's save your master now. She has soaked in the cold pool for so long, I'm afraid she won't be too healthy..."


Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu motioned to Liu Qinwu to lead the way, and they went to the second peak to rescue Mu Qingluo, the owner of the fifth peak.

It was twilight at this time.

Although the second peak was quiet, Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu could easily feel that there were many masters hidden in the second peak.

Yun Qianyu thought for a moment and realized that the last time she let Ao Ming and Diaoye kill the person must have been discovered, so Second Peak strengthened its manpower to prevent anyone from coming to rescue Mu Qingluo.

But at the moment Xiao Jiuyuan is the blue spirit peak, and it is the blue spirit peak that is about to be upgraded and breakthrough, and his strength is only a step away from the low level of the purple spirit, so his five sense sensitivity is beyond ordinary.

So they arrived near the dungeon.

Xiao Jiuyuan felt the master hidden near the water prison.

If these people have reduced their spiritual power, maybe he can still be confused.

But these people have no spiritual power at all.

So as soon as Xiao Jiuyuan felt it, he knew how many masters there were near the water prison.

"There are five spiritual power masters in this neighborhood, two of them are blue spirits, two green powers, and one green spirit."

After Xiao Jiuyuan finished speaking, Yun Qianyu sneered.

"Lingyun Sect is really big-handed. A small Second Peak Water Prison hides so many spiritual masters. It seems that there are many masters hidden in Lingyun Sect."

When Yun Qianyu said this, his voice suddenly became fierce: "But even so, I won't let Lingyunzong go."

Yun Qianyu remembered the image of her adoptive father's humiliation, and thought of the fact that he and Xiao Jiuyuan almost died, so Lingyun Sect must be destroyed.

Yun Qianyu's side, Xiao Jiuyuan waved Bai Yao and Obsidian to come over, Yun Qianyu called Shadow, Ao Ming, and Master Diao, and said, "You follow Prince Li's arrangements and cooperate with the murder. "

"Yes. Master."

Xiao Jiuyuan ordered the five people out and asked them to move quickly, killing five spiritual power masters in one blow.

Several people responded at the same time, and in accordance with Xiao Jiuyuan's instructions, they shot up.

Go straight to the location of the five hidden spiritual powers.

Almost instantly, everyone heard the screaming screams.

Ao Ming and Diao Ye are the most direct, they bite directly on their mouths, and bite the spiritual power person’s neck without relaxing.

Even if the spiritual power is strong, when the neck is suddenly bitten by a huge spiritual beast, he can't react.

Finally, he was directly killed by Ao Ming and Diao Ye.

As for the other spiritual powers, although they resisted desperately, they were directly entangled by the shadows and others because they were careless before.

Was quickly killed.

Xiao Jiuyuan and Yun Qianyu came straight to the dungeon.

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