Fate’s Little Feral Consort

Chapter 803: How to solve it

Yun Qianyu glanced sharply at his lower body and set up the tall small tent, his face flushed again so that he did not dare to look around.

At the same time, thinking badly, it's not bad to hold him back.

There was a sound of water in the bath room, and Xiao Jiuyuan commanded Bai Yao outside the door.

"Immediately order people to prepare the carriage, and Princess Lingyi and I will enter the palace immediately."

Bai Yao responded and prepared.

In the small part of the room, Yun Qianyu finally relaxed a little when he heard the footsteps of Bai Yao leaving.

She really didn't know how she faced Bai Yao when she got out of Xiao Jiuyuan's bath room.

Fortunately, he was gone, Yun Qianyu quickly tidied up and slipped out of the bath room.

When she went out, she found that there was no one outside the bathroom.

She was finally relieved.

Standing outside the door waiting for Xiao Jiuyuan.

Although there was no one, she still felt uncomfortable as if she had been discovered.

Yun Qianyu was better until Xiao Jiuyuan came out neatly dressed, but she didn't dare to look at Xiao Jiuyuan.

At the thought of the previous two people almost breaking through that line of defense, she had no face to see people.

And she thought that she seemed to have taken the initiative before, so Xiao Jiuyuan would think too much.

Yun Qianyu was thinking about it, walking out of the door, Xiao Jiuyuan suddenly leaned over and looked down at her.

Yun Qianyu was taken aback when seeing the enlarged face in front of him, and quickly stepped back.

"what are you doing?."

"I see Yu'er's frustrated face, what am I thinking about?"

Xiao Jiuyuan's pupils were full of clarity, the little girl encountered such a thing for the first time, since he was entangled, how could he not know.

He really loved her entangled look, and couldn't help but want to tease her.

Thinking of the future life, there is such a little girl who likes to accompany.

so good.

Thinking about it, Xiao Jiuyuan took two steps forward, walked up to Yun Qianyu, arranged her hair, and then arranged her clothes.

Gentle and indescribable in his face.

He was already outstanding, but now he was full of tenderness and pampering, he was really drunk like this.

Yun Qianyu stared at him blankly until he tidied it up for her, holding her hand, and the **** clasped together.

He just said: "Go, let's go into the palace."


Yun Qianyu had only one sentence left, and followed Xiao Jiuyuan all the way out of Prince Li's mansion and entered the palace.

But when the two people got on the carriage, Yun Qianyu's thinking became much better. She looked at Xiao Jiuyuan and thought of Xiao Jiuyuan's previous small tent badly. She couldn't help but glanced at the bottom of Xiao Jiuyuan, and then said badly.

"Xiao Jiuyuan, how did you solve that?"

She is a doctor. She knows the structure of the human body well. A man has reached his previous level, and **** will not be easily quenched. Even in a cold bath, it is difficult to pour out the fire in the heart. Go down.

How did he do it, or is he actually?

Yun Qianyu's eyes caught Xiao Jiuyuan's jade-like hand.

Xiao Jiuyuan's face turned black, but the roots of his ears turned red, and soon he said solemnly: "Yu'er, what do you think of your little head, what is the little girl's mind?"

However, Yun Qianyu's words still evoked Xiao Jiuyuan's thoughts very well. He did solve it as she thought before, and her figure was all in his mind. After pressing and pressing, he reached a point just thinking about it. Kind of agitated emotions, so it was resolved.

Xiao Jiuyuan thought, turned his head and looked at Yun Qianyu, put his arm around her, bit her lip, and said fiercely.

"Yu'er, when we get married, I want to eat back with profit."

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