Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1105 The First Battle

Silun acted vigorously and resolutely. On the same day, he mobilized his troops and generals to surround the small and dilapidated Dingbian City.

Even a blind man could see that the Ming army in the city was exhausted and could pick this peach without any effort. Therefore, his generals asked for war one after another, all clamoring to avenge the swordsman and his dead compatriots.

Silunfa was not in a hurry, and said calmly: "Dingbiancheng is right there, and you can eat it in one bite at any time. But if you eat the bait first, how can you catch a big fish? It's better not to be anxious, wait until the fish takes the bait. "

"Yes." The generals responded.

"Use these few days to rest and recuperate, so that the boys can recharge their batteries and face Mu Ying."

"As ordered." The generals had no choice but to be patient and besiege instead of attack.

Fortunately, they didn't have to wait long before the big fish came.

It's just that this big fish came much faster than they expected...


Silunfa was always cautious. While surrounding Dingbian City, he also sent a "Golden Umbrella Daba" named Zhaohualang and two thousand "Lang Munai", which was the troop in charge of investigation, to the south entrance of Nanjian Valley to guard. To prevent being attacked by the Russian Taoist troops.

Although he didn't believe that Otao had the courage to dare to mess with Tai Sui, there was no harm in being lenient and cautious.

So Zhaohua Lang had no time to rest, so he took Lang Munai's cavalry and rushed to Nangukou to start patrolling.

The warm sunshine made the people drowsy, and the Lucchuan cavalry were swaying on their horses, looking a little lazy. First of all, the distance from Mengmao to Dingyuan was thousands of miles, and they were indeed a little tired from marching all the way here. Secondly, they are the most elite Lang Munai, and they have no problem cleaning up those stinky fish and shrimps in Otao.

"Cheer up, everyone." Seeing that his subordinates were too lax, Zhao Hualang scolded them. "Attention alert!"

"Yes." Lang Munai, his subordinate, responded unevenly.

"Don't worry, Daba." His deputy smiled: "We have an army of 300,000 people here. The guys from Etao must have run as far as they can. They don't dare to touch the tiger's butt because of their courage."

"That's right." All the Lang Munai also whispered in agreement, all feeling that the loudspeaker was too careful.

Zhaohua Lang looked unkind, and just as he was about to scold his men, he heard a dense whooshing sound...

His face changed drastically, and before he could say the word 'enemy attack', there was a pop, and an eagle-feather arrow hit him right in the face!

Zhaohualang felt like he was struck by lightning, and he fell straight off his horse without even letting out a scream.

Dozens of "Lang Munai" were also hit by arrows and fell off their horses. The remaining people hurriedly ducked to avoid them. For a moment, people fell on their backs and their horses fell, and the scene was chaotic.

"There are enemies!" They all exclaimed, lying on their horses and looking around. Sure enough, they saw large groups of enemy soldiers ambushed on the hillsides on both sides of the valley entrance.

"Kill!" A loud shouting of killing resounded in the valley, and the enemy troops launched a charge. Horse hooves are rolling, the enemy is also a cavalry!

And unlike these light cavalry who only wore breastplates and helmets, those rolling cavalry wore water-milled lock-neck helmets and long-bodied iron armor with water-milled willow leaves. Even their horses were covered with metal The iron-clad vest!

This kind of heavy cavalry with both men and horses is the most elite armored cavalry of the Ming army!

After the Ming army cavalry launched a charge, they fired another round of arrows on horseback, knocking down a large number of Luchuan cavalry. When he got closer, he hung the hard bow back on the saddle, smoothly pulled out the ten-foot-long horse shaft, and rushed into the chaotic enemy formation with it held flat.

The horses of the Ming army had long and wide heads, and they were open on both sides. With the force of rushing down from a high place, the thin bronze armor on the Luchuan army could be torn apart as easily as a paper shell. Not to mention their flesh and blood. If it comes into contact, the flesh will be split open and the flesh and blood will be separated!

Lang Munai defeated the general when he came up and was caught off guard. He was completely confused and could not organize an effective counterattack at all. He could only rely on his personal bravery to fight against the enemy. However, the weapons in their hands could easily hit the Ming army, but they only brought out strings of sparks and could not hurt the opponent at all.

The Luchuan Cavalry looked at the effect of their attack in disbelief, wondering how they could fight this battle? After being stunned for a moment, he was swept off his horse by the Ming army's horse and trampled into mud.

This is the power of the armored cavalry. Except for the pikemen who target them and the heavy cavalry who also wear iron armor, it is difficult for other arms to hurt them.

Also, if they were prepared for the attack but not prepared for the attack, they would naturally cut down the melons and vegetables when they made a successful surprise attack, killing the Lucchuan soldiers to pieces.

Those 'Lang Munai' in the rear formation were still aloof from the incident for the time being. They raised their javelins one after another, no longer distinguishing between friend and foe, and fired at the cavalry of the two armies that were huddled together.

Also hit by a javelin, the Luchuan cavalry was heartbroken and fell off the horse with a scream. However, the fine willow leaf armor on the Ming army cavalry can prevent the javelin from penetrating deeply. It only causes flesh wounds and does not affect their fighting!

Seeing that the Ming army was clearly equipped with javelins, but they were still able to wield their horses and kill everyone. Lang Munai, who was in the rear, completely gave up the idea of ​​supporting his colleagues.

Facing this group of terrifying Ming army cavalry who can't be hurt by swords or penetrated by spears, they are going up now not to save people, but to die!

So Lang Munai, who had not yet joined the battle group, turned his horse's head and fled back to the valley camp. As for the comrades caught by the Ming army, they can only hope for good luck.

The Ming army did not pursue them either. Armored cavalry are not used for pursuit. Both men and horses are covered in heavy armor, and even the exhausted horses cannot catch up with the light cavalry. He only killed all the Lucchuan soldiers who could not escape and then retreated.


Soon, the surviving Lang Munai fled back to Luchuan Camp in embarrassment.

When the defenders saw Lang Munai, who usually flaunted his military skills, but now he had thrown away his armor and was in a state of embarrassment, they couldn't help but burst into laughter, and some even whistled.

It can be seen that you should not be too arrogant in life, otherwise there will always be ugly moments.

Silunfa couldn't laugh, however. After hearing the report from Vice-General Lang Munai who had escaped with a livid face, he suppressed his anger and asked:

"How many enemy soldiers are there?"

"Back to your Majesty, about five hundred..." the deputy general swallowed.

"Five hundred?" Silunfa couldn't help it at that time, and suddenly raised his voice: "You mean that five hundred Ming troops defeated my king's two thousand Lang Mu Nai? Even your loudspeaker, seven of you were killed. Eight hundred people?!”

"Yes..." The deputy general nodded fearfully.

"Idiot, trash, loser!" Silunfa broke his guard on the spot and cursed.

"Are you sure they are the Ming army?" At this time, Dao Ganmeng asked the deputy general softly.

"Definitely." The deputy general nodded again, still not freed from the fear caused by the armored cavalry: "They are all wrapped in iron armor, and even the horses are armored. Except for the Ming army, there can't be another one like this. The elite."

After a pause, he defended himself: "In addition, we were caught off guard by their sneak attack again, which is why we suffered such a huge loss."

ps. The decisive battle should be written more precisely. The next two chapters will be before 12 o'clock.

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