Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1113 Breaking the Formation

Xila was also extremely brave. He did not hold a shield, but held a long Dai knife in both hands. He nimbly dodged the iron sword of the Ming army cavalry, and then cut off a piece with a rolling knife. A horse's leg.

The war horse screamed and fell down, and the Ming army on the horse screamed and fell to the ground. Before he could recover, Xi Layi followed up with a knife, and his head was missing...

After he killed several Ming army cavalry one after another, he finally attracted Feng Cheng's attention. Feng Cheng saw that although he was wearing a peacock feather on his helmet and a green and black cloak like other Xila forbidden soldiers, the long knife in his hand that was as sharp as clay showed that his status was definitely not low.

So Feng Cheng turned his horse and faced Xi Layi. He straightened up his iron sword and stabbed him in the face!

Xi La did the same thing, dodged to avoid the iron tree, and then used his rolling knife to chop off his horse's legs.

Unexpectedly, Feng Cheng had expected it, and the previous stab was just a false move. Seeing this, he twisted his waist, leaned his body backwards, and used the 'Cang Dragon Tail Swinging Move', turning the iron pole around like a thunderbolt, turning around and sweeping like a rushing wind!

Hearing the sharp sound of breaking wind behind him, Xi La also knew that if he did not change his tactics, although the general's legs would be in danger, he would also be killed by the sharp iron spear. He had no choice but to put away his knife and roll over, embarrassingly dodging the blow from behind!

Seeing that the blow missed, Feng Cheng directly clamped the horse's belly. The horse immediately raised its front hooves high and stepped fiercely towards Xi Layi who was about to get up with the sword.

Xi Layi took a look and thought, keep rolling...

As a result, he was stepped on and stabbed by the man-horse Feng Cheng. He was so stunned that he couldn't get up. He could only roll around quickly on the ground, spinning like crazy.

Seeing that he was about to faint, Xila Yi thought that this was not going to work. He gritted his teeth and rolled outwards, preparing to stand up from a distance first.

But he forgot that this was not a competition between two people, but a battlefield where two armies were fighting. As soon as he stood up, before he could distinguish between east, west, north and south, he was split into two parts by another passing Ming army cavalry...

"Idiot." Feng Cheng spat, rode his horse over the upper body of Xi Layi's dead body, and continued to charge!

He didn't know that Xi Layi was actually the leader of this elite Lucchuan army and the number one general in Lucchuan. But those Luchuan soldiers knew it!

Seeing that the arrogant Xi Layi was killed by the Ming army, the servant army, who were originally full of fear of the cavalry, could not hold back at all and turned around and ran away.

Those Xila forbidden soldiers were furious and desperately wanted to take back Sila Yi's body, but they were javelin soldiers. How could they be an opponent of the Ming army's cavalry once they were in close combat?

As a result, they fell to the ground and died under the attack of the Ming army, and went underground to follow their leader...

At this time, the fire gun soldiers sent by Mu Ying for reinforcements also arrived. They took advantage of the gap between the cavalry charge and fired at the Xila forbidden soldiers. Each volley can bring down large swaths of tin soldiers.

The Ming army's cavalry and fire gun soldiers cooperated skillfully in this way, eating Silunfa's most precious Xila forbidden soldiers in one bite.


Silunfa's heart felt like a knife piercing his heart when he saw this. These loyal elite warriors are the guarantee of his throne! Without them to protect Wang Ting, his uncles and brothers would definitely stage a coup!

In desperation, Silunfa made a decision that he deeply regretted, and ordered in a hissing voice: "Let the forbidden soldiers withdraw."

The surrounding ministers intuitively felt that something was wrong, but when they wanted to speak to dissuade him, they were stopped by Dao Ganmeng's eyes.

They thought so, those forbidden soldiers were the king's foundation. If he tried to stop him, he would definitely be suspected. Why, do you really want to use up all the king’s forbidden troops? What's your intention?

The power struggle in small countries is more cruel, so it is better to do less than to do more.


Soon, Silunfa's order came, and the soldiers, who had always obeyed the king's orders, had no choice but to leave Sila Yi's body behind and began to retreat to the rear.

The Lucchuan Army on the right saw that the most elite forbidden soldiers were defeated. How could they still have the will to continue fighting? Regardless of whether they were ordinary soldiers or servants, they all retreated with a cheer.

Mu Ying immediately noticed this change on the chaotic battlefield, stood up excitedly and said: "Okay, Luchuan's defeat has been revealed!"

After saying that, he immediately ordered the whole army to attack and never give the enemy a chance to breathe!




The powerful horn sounded again, and the officers and soldiers were shocked when they heard this. They knew that the decisive moment had come, so they led by the officers and launched an all-out charge towards the Luchuan Army. At this time, it doesn’t matter what the formation is, it’s just a fierce attack!

The Luchuan Army's defense line was already shaky, and the Ming Army's sudden use of force naturally led to unstoppable retreats. At this time, the central army discovered that its right flank had completely collapsed. For fear of being flanked by the Ming army on the left, they quickly retreated...

The Lucchuan Army on the left naturally would not fight alone, and also began to retreat.

As a result, the 100,000 Lucchuan army was really repelled by the 30,000 Ming army...

But the Ming army had a huge appetite. Their goal is not to defeat and repel the enemy, but to annihilate the enemy's effective forces as much as possible and complete their victory in one battle!

At this time, the Ming army's extremely high tactical literacy was fully demonstrated.

According to Mu Ying's pre-battle arrangement, the Ming army in the middle stopped charging at full speed after the Lucchuan army in the middle was defeated, and then divided into two teams, forming two human walls, and followed the enemy in the middle.

This blocked the confluence route of the Lucchuan Army on the left and the Central Army. Under the strong impact of the Ming army's cavalry on both wings, they could only be driven like a flock of sheep and fled straight to their rear formation.

Originally, at this time, Silunfa's rear formation still had tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, but they were not engaged in the battle. As a result, they were rushed by the defeated troops, and everyone was thrown into disarray. The defeated troops in Luchuan and the servants in the rear group huddled together, pushing and shoving each other, and it was completely chaotic.

At this time, the Ming army's cavalry launched a new round of charge. Although the Lucchuan army was still several times stronger than the Ming army, it was already in chaos and could not resist it at all, so it could only continue to retreat.

And this time, the front army hugged the rear army, and the whole army retreated like a swarm.

The retreat of the pursuers was actually an escape.

Whoever falls behind will be killed by the Ming army who are chasing after them crazily. So everyone had to run away desperately, only regretting that their parents had lost two pairs of feet. Even Silunfa is no exception.

So in the blink of an eye, it became a huge rout, and there was no chance of stabilizing our position...

Silunfa couldn't help but look back while on horseback. Seeing helplessly that he still had an army of 70,000 to 80,000 men, but was driven across the Nanjian River by the Ming army like an ebbing tide. He knew that he would never have the chance to cross this shallow river again in his life.

If you are defeated by an upright army, your confidence will be completely destroyed, and you will not even have the courage to try again.

The king's tears were scattered in the wind, and he didn't know for whom they were shed.

But that doesn't matter anymore, because after today's battle, the Luchuan regime is destined to fall apart.

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