Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 1279 Joy and sorrow

The two were talking at the top of the city when they saw a small group of light cavalry galloping towards them from the northwest.

Seeing the red flag hanging behind the leading knight, Fu Youde said: "There is news from the right army!"

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded, and the two prayed together. It must be good news.

Although in terms of strength, the 20,000 Great Ming Jing riding on the current grassland are invincible, but any accidents may happen on the battlefield... For example, no one expected that the Wuliangha tribe would suddenly return to Tongliao, leaving the Right Route Army behind. Suddenly fell into a disadvantage in terms of military strength.

But the battle had to be fought, and Naha's retreat to the northeast was not cut off. How could he surrender?

Communication is inconvenient on the battlefield, so frontline generals can only rely on their own decisions. When the two received the last military report, Wang Bi and Guo Ying had already started fighting with Azashili, so they must be here to report the results of the battle this time.

Fu Youde took the military report from the messenger, read it quickly, handed it to Zhu Zhen with a smile and said: "That's great, Your Majesty! The right army defeated Azasili, beheaded 20,000 people, and captured countless cattle and sheep!"

"Oh?" Zhu Zhen hurriedly took the military report and looked at it. He finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Well done!"

Eleven and Twelve also came up and took the military report and looked at it carefully. Lao Twelve discovered a strange place and asked Lao Eleven in a low voice: "Hey, why didn't you say how many were captured? Is there not a single prisoner?"

"Do you understand if there is no such condition?" Eleven whispered: "Everything must be based on the actual situation. If Yongchang Marquis has conditions, there will be prisoners. If Dingyuan Marquis has no conditions, there will be no prisoners."

"Oh." Twelve nodded as if he understood, and then asked: "Then what will they do if they capture the prisoner?"

"No one will think you are mute if you don't speak." Eleven rolled her eyes at him.

After hearing what he said, Twelve finally understood completely and glanced at Brother Six guiltily, fearing that he would be scolded for talking nonsense.

Fortunately, Sixth Brother was discussing follow-up matters with Fu Youde and didn't hear what he said at all.

"Okay, the left army successfully captured Qingzhou City, and the right army defeated the main force of the King of Liao!" Zhu Zhen happily patted the adobe arrow stack and said:

"Our first phase strategy has been overfulfilled!"

"Absolutely!" Fu Youde was also overjoyed. After these two great victories, the pressure on his shoulders dropped drastically, and he was finally able to secure his position as general.

"Our original plan was for the left army to capture Gyeongju City, but Yongchanghou captured a large number of princes and nobles, including Nahachu's eldest son. The right army defeated Ongniut's tribe, but Dingyuanhou and others defeated them again. Azasili and the most powerful Uliangha tribe!”

He clapped his hands happily and said, "This will be of great help to our next stage of action!"

"Yes." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "It's much easier to surrender now."

"Can Nailawu and the others be allowed to set off?" Fu Youde asked.

"You are the commander-in-chief, you decide." Zhu Zhen said with a smile.

"Then let them go early," Fu Youde said: "Naha's main force is still there, and there are a lot of die-hards around him. I guess it won't be so easy to recruit him."

"That's for sure." Zhu Zhen nodded and said, "We captured Daning and Dongliao and trapped him in Qingyun Mountain and Fuhei Mountain. If we don't give him a way out, he will jump over the wall in a hurry."

"Your Majesty, your Majesty." Fu Youde patted his ass lightly and said, "I don't expect Nailawu and the others to succeed immediately, but the current situation will definitely shake Naha's will to resist. This is enough."

"Well, while we have to talk, we have to be prepared for war." Zhu Zhen said with a smile: "Fighting to promote peace has always been much more effective than pure negotiation. Of course, if the fight goes well, then there is no need to talk. ”

"Haha, the prince is right." Fu Youde smiled and said: "But again and again, after experiencing two major defeats in Qingzhou and Tongliao, it is unlikely that Naha will give us a third victory. Opportunity.”

"Then follow the plan step by step and build the castle to Qingzhou." Zhu Zhen waved his hand and said solemnly: "Since we are here, we don't plan to leave! There is no rush!"


Some families are happy and some are sad. The sadness in Qingyun Mountain is even worse.

What the Ming army called the foothills of Qingyun Mountain was actually the southernmost branch of the Greater Khingan Mountains, with continuous mountains covering a vast area. Qingyun Mountain and Fuhei Mountain are just the two most representative peaks.

There are both towering peaks and flat mountain valleys in the foothills of Qingyun Mountain. It is also the birthplace of many rivers. The mountains block the howling north wind, making the mountain valleys the best winter pastures.

The hundreds of thousands of herdsmen in Naha's headquarters survived this extremely cold winter thanks to the dozen or so mountain pastures scattered throughout the mountains.

It is now the end of February, the ice and snow are beginning to melt everywhere, and the warm spring is finally coming, but Nahachu is hit by the bad news one after another, which is like falling into an ice cellar, and his heart feels cold... …

Three days ago, those who escaped from Gyeongju City brought back the sad news that the Ming army captured Gyeongju and captured thousands of princes and nobles including his Da Tae Ji. It made his head buzz and his whole body was confused.

He never expected that when he went out for inspection, his old place would be captured by the Ming army.

Of course, he was lucky to have come out, otherwise he might have become a prisoner of the Ming army like his eldest son.

In fact, what made him more uneasy than the fall of Qingzhou was that the Ming army would attack at this time. It was obviously aimed at him.

Since it was directed at him, the 10,000 to 20,000 Ming troops were definitely not enough to watch, so they assigned the rats to pull the wooden shovels - the big head was at the back.

Therefore, Naha issued an order to break out of camp as soon as possible, preparing to retreat to Jinshan's home base before making plans.

At this time, he was a little lucky. Previously, the ancestor of the clan king was unfair and angered the Liao king Azha Shili. Azashili took the Ulliangha tribe back to Horqin first, which was just in time to hold the army's retreat route, and it was considered a successful attack.

It took three full days for hundreds of thousands of tribesmen to finally pack up all their belongings and drive back millions of cattle and sheep from pastures in the mountains, and they were ready to return to the Northeast.

As a result, another bad news came. The King of Liao sent someone to report that his troops were severely beaten by the main force of the Ming army at the Liao River and suffered heavy losses...

"The Ming army shamelessly attacked our tribe, and all our cattle, horses, and livestock were lost..." the messenger reported with tears on his face: "Our king is taking the remaining people to retreat to join the Taiwei. He specially asked Xiao Someone comes and informs Taiwei in advance so that he can take precautions."

After the messenger finished speaking, a pin drop could be heard in the king's tent. Not only Naha came out, but all the princes and generals under him were also stunned.

They didn't care how much Wu Liangha's three troops had lost. But with the defeat of King Liao, their way home was cut off...

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