Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 15 Boss Zhu’s life as a king

Zhu Yuanzhang's ability to start from scratch and create this eternal great undertaking certainly depends on God's favor, but it is also inseparable from his self-struggle.

Even after becoming the emperor, Boss Zhu remained unshakable. He got up on time every day at Yinpai time, that is, at four in the morning. After washing, he would do a few sets of exercises... uh, and approve a few memorials to wake up.

The next half hour is morning class time. Boss Zhu comes from an illiterate background, but he attaches great importance to learning and works hard every day.

However, he mainly studied listening to books. Song Lian and other well-educated scholars translated the contents of the books into vernacular and spoke them to him.

This way he could have breakfast and listen at the same time without delay. Sometimes I can find time to read a few memorials and think about whose mother I should scold in the morning.

Then he drove to Fengtian Gate and went to the morning court.

After going down to court, Boss Zhu immediately moved to Wuying Hall and summoned relevant ministers to review the issues raised in the morning court. Consult their opinions, adjust your decisions, and issue your final decree.

The dynasty of the country has been established for the first time, but the world is not at peace; the system has been created, and everything is in ruins waiting to be revitalized. The state affairs to be discussed were so vast that they often didn't even bother to eat lunch. Boss Zhu and the ministers could only eat snacks to satisfy their hunger while discussing.

Boss Zhu has been working non-stop until the sun turns west in the afternoon. Boss Zhu is sitting on the dragon chair, but his back is still straight, his voice is like a bell, and he does not show any signs of fatigue.

His right-hand prime minister Hu Weiyong is also a man of superhuman energy, and is a bit younger than Zhu Yuanzhang, but at this moment he is exhausted by his life.

After feeling dizzy for a while, Lao Hu couldn't help but sigh to himself, this guy who let cows off when he was a kid is just different...

He secretly glanced at the throne high above, and saw the setting sun shining through the window lattice of the main hall, casting golden light on Emperor Hongwu, making Boss Zhu become sacred and mysterious, like a god who cannot be looked up to.

"Xiao Hu, what do you think of General Xu's memorial?" At this time, the god spoke, speaking in Fengyang dialect.

Hu Weiyong's heart tightened, and he quickly put away his disrespect and said respectfully: "Reporting to the superior, what the general said, 'the Northern Expedition was postponed due to the lack of military rations', is the truth."

As he spoke, he knelt down and kowtowed, saying, "Zhongshu failed to fulfill his duties and let down the superiors, generals and soldiers. I am so ashamed. Please punish me."

"Don't try to imitate cries. What we need to know is, why is the opening method not working? Wasn't it very strong at the beginning? It has only been a few years, but it has turned into a silver pewter spear head. ?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked.

"This..." Hu Weiyong wiped his sweat with his sleeves and took the opportunity to organize his thoughts.


The so-called "Kaizhongfa" dates back to the third year of Hongwu's reign. Because the Northern Expedition to the Mongolian Yuan Dynasty was in urgent need of military supplies, it was not possible to rely solely on the government's transportation capabilities. At that time, Yang Xian, who was participating in the political affairs of Shanxi Province, petitioned the government to allow the government to recruit merchants to transport grain to the border areas in exchange for salt and lead as a reward, which was called "Kaizhong".

Once this method was tried, it was effective, quickly solving the food problem of the Northern Expedition and reducing the burden on the people. Therefore, in the fourth year of Hongwu, the imperial court formulated the regulations on salt in China and promoted the opening of salt in the borders across the country. The effect was also immediate.

However, only three years later, the amount of grain transported by merchants to the border areas has dropped by half. Even if the imperial court increased the amount of salt withdrawals, it would not help.

Zhu Yuanzhang was very worried about this. This was the third time he had asked about it in half a year.

"Reporting to the superior, as early as April, Wei Chen secretly ordered the Ministry of Punishment to send out capable and fast personnel to secretly investigate the matter."

"Oh, do you have any clues?" Zhu Yuanzhang's eyes lit up, knowing that Xiao Hu would not fire the cannon.


"Then why don't you say anything?"

"Because the involvement is too deep, I don't dare to be careless." Hu Weiyong replied in a deep voice.

"Who are you trying to protect, you bastard?" Boss Zhu's tone became gloomy.

"Wei Chen doesn't dare. Wei Chen is just afraid of betraying the trust of his superiors. He wants to make a final report before making a final report." Hu Weiyong twitched the corner of his mouth. "Toothless" is Fengyang's word for missing a tooth.

Because when he first entered Zhongshu, one of his front teeth was knocked out by Yang Xian with a punch, and his speech was a bit leaky...

"Let's talk now!" Zhu Yuanzhang didn't have that patience.

"Seems like, superior." Hu Weiyong straightened up, as if he had made up his mind to report:

"There is a saying that 'everyone in the world is bustling for profit, and everyone is bustling for profit.' The method of opening the middle is effective because the money earned by merchants through salt production exceeds the cost of transporting grain to the border areas. If you make a lot of profits, you will naturally flock to it.”

"What do you mean, businessmen can't make money now?" Boss Zhu was as sharp as ever.

"There is no wiser person than a superior. That's the problem." Hu Weiyong said solemnly: "Nowadays, businessmen not only fail to make money, but also lose money if they fail. Naturally, their enthusiasm for transporting food is greatly reduced. This is why the general is short of food. Because of that.”

"Then why was it that I could make money before, but now I can't?"

"Because illegal salt is rampant, relying on salt to introduce legal salt and sell salt has naturally become a loss-making business."

"Smuggling salt?" Zhu Yuanzhang's tone became increasingly unhappy. Zhang Shicheng, his close friend at the time, started his business by selling smuggled salt.

Therefore, Boss Zhu is very wary of these private salt dealers who are ruthless, bold, and have deep pockets.

"We have repeatedly applied for the "Salt Law and Tea Law" over the past few years, cracking down on private salt dealers and killing them if caught! It has only been quiet for a few years, why is it happening again?"

"Yes, there are people who not only dare to do it, but are also very courageous!" Hu Weiyong said with a sad look on his face:

"According to the investigation by the Ministry of Punishment, since the fifth year of Hongwu, illegal salt trafficking has been discovered one after another in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Huguang, Shandong, Henan, and Shanxi provinces. Now, in just over two years, it has spread like a spark to a prairie fire, and the scale has become very large. "

"Let me tell you something! For such a long time and in such a wide range, what did the provincial inspection and salt envoys do? Why didn't they investigate and report it?!" Zhu Yuanzhang was furious.

"Yes, Wei Chen was also surprised before. He didn't receive any news before." Hu Weiyong hurriedly bowed his head and said: "Now after investigation, I found out that the gangs that trafficked in smuggled salt had a huge background, and their backers were even more troubled by local officials. Not worth it."

"Who is so awesome? Say it and see if we will be shocked!" Zhu Yuanzhang said secretly.

"It's... Marquis Deqing and his navy!" Hu Weiyong raised his head and said loudly:

"They refused to change their ways and returned to their old ways! Taking advantage of their control of the waters of the Ming Dynasty, they trafficked Huai salt from north to south, and then sold it openly in various places by their family servants! If the officials dare to inquire, they will be intimidated and threatened. Anyone who dares to resist , was directly killed and silenced!"

"Doesn't Xiao Liao not want to live?!" After Zhu Yuanzhang heard this, he calmed down, looked at Hu Weiyong with a serious look, and asked quietly:

"I have already rewarded him with glory and wealth, but he still wants to make money by selling smuggled salt. What exactly does he want to do?"

"When I heard that Marquis Deqing relied on his great achievements, he was often dissatisfied and spoke rudely..." Hu Weiyong knew that he couldn't do anything if he didn't give out strong information, so he gritted his teeth and said, "He is even good at using dragon and phoenix patterns, and often goes beyond the rules."

The words were not stated clearly, but the meaning was clear. Liao Yongzhong wanted to enjoy being an emperor!

"Hehehe..." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed when he heard this, and his laughter was very scary. He looked at the prince standing aside and said, "Biao'er, Liao Yongzhong wants to rebel. Do you believe it?"

"I don't believe it." Zhu Biao shook his head and said softly: "These uncles may not know the rules, but there is no need to doubt their loyalty to the father, and they don't have the guts to rebel against the father."

Although the prince is only twenty years old, his level is extremely high. These words not only dispelled Zhu Yuanzhang's suspicion, but also exonerated Liao Yongzhong, and also beat up Hu Weiyong who had made a complaint. Killing three birds with one stone belongs to yes.

"Haha, that's right. Thanks to Xiao Liao's courage, he doesn't dare to rebel against us. But if he really dares to sell private salt, we can't spare him!" Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with satisfaction and looked at Hu Weiyong sideways:

"What did he fart?!"

"Marquis Deqing often said that with his great contribution to destroying the Three Kingdoms, it was not enough to be given a duke, but it was too humiliating to only give him a marquis." Hu Weiyong was unyielding and continued to fire cannons.

"Why should we give him a marquis? It's clearly written on the iron certificate!" Zhu Yuanzhang was upset for a while and smoothed the jade belt around his waist. "Even if Liao Yongzhong is illiterate, won't he find someone to read to him?"

"Of course Marquis Deqing knows why, but he refuses to accept it." Hu Weiyong finally used his trump card and said: "We heard that he talked nonsense after drinking more than once, saying that the superior had hinted him to attack Xiao Ming Wang, but he turned against him when he came back. Admit it and let him take the blame..."

"Fuck that bitch!" Boss Zhu, who had always been unpredictable in mood and anger, finally kicked Yu An over.

The Four Treasures of the Study and the memorial title book on the table fell to the floor with a clatter.

Hu Weiyong quickly buried his head deeply, but a smile flashed at the corner of his mouth.

He knew that Liao Yongzhong was dead.

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