Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 153 Breaking in (please vote)

Li You's father's name is Li Cunyi, and he is Li Shanchang's only second remaining brother. Although Li Shanchang did not treat the common people as human beings, he treated the people around him very well, not to mention Li Cunyi and his son.

His father and son lived next door to the Duke's Mansion. Although the appearance was not as grand as the Duke's Mansion, the inside was even better.

Especially the back house, which is really full of pavilions, pavilions, ponds, pavilions and waterside pavilions, all of which are wonderfully crafted. There are also rockeries, strange rocks, flower beds, bonsais, vines and green bamboos dotted among them, which are extremely beautiful.

However, it didn't cost him and his son much money to build this house, because everything from materials to craftsmen was paid for by the cost and labor of building the palace.

It is true that the Korean father did not make any money from the Zhongdu Project, but his brother’s family really made a lot of money...

At this time, in the West Garden where Li You lived, there was a scene that was very disturbing.

A woman was gagged with a rag and hung upside down on a high swing next to the lotus pond.

All the female relatives in the house recognized that the woman who was hung upside down was Shen Liu Niang who escaped more than half a year ago.

She was sent to the mansion yesterday afternoon. But because Li Shanchang wanted Li You to show his face in front of the emperor and arranged for him to be a deacon for ancestor worship, he had been busy working in the imperial mausoleum and had no time to deal with this bitch who had eaten the guts of a dog.

At this moment, he finally fell empty. As soon as he returned home, he had Shen Liu Niang hung upside down. He was going to make a good show of this bitch to vent his hatred!

With a 'pop' sound, Li You whipped her hard and cursed fiercely: "How dare you run away, you bitch!"

‘Pa’, another whip, and Li You cursed even more ferociously: “Run away, just run away, don’t you dare come back to complain!”

‘Pa’, the third whip. "Everyone in the world has a share in our Li family, and you still want to sue? Go ahead and dream!"

After a burst of whipping, Li You, who had long been exhausted by the wine and sex, was panting from exhaustion, but saw Shen Liu Niang not complaining about pain, but just looking at him with a sneer on her face.

"You don't have to laugh too early. This is just a warm-up. The good show is yet to come." Li You dropped the whip, sat back on the Taishi chair and said, "Today we are going to slowly cook you up, so that you will be more uncomfortable alive than dead." ! Finally, I will cut you into a stick and throw you into the toilet!"

The maid standing by the side shivered when she heard this.

Shen Liu Niang didn't care, she had long regarded herself as a dead person. The dead are not afraid of pain, let alone being insulted.

This reaction made Li You extremely unhappy. Just as he was about to give her a few more whips, the servant reported: "Commander Ding is here."

"Why is he here?" The dissatisfaction is mutual. Ding Bin is dissatisfied with Li You, and Li You will not be dissatisfied with him.

However, Li You also knew the importance and knew that the other party must have something important to do when he came to the door.

He threw away the whip and turned around to meet the guests in the flower hall.


Before Ding Bin had time to change his clothes, he walked to the door wearing a military uniform.

"Here we come." Li You greeted coldly.

Ding Bin also nodded indifferently, and both parties made no secret of their disgust for each other.

"Let me ask, has that woman been dealt with?"

"Are you in charge?"

"Uncle asked me to ask." Ding Bin said with a dark face.

"Not yet." Li You had no choice but to answer honestly: "Didn't you just enter the house? What's wrong?"

"Dispose of it quickly and burn it to ashes." Ding Bin said in a deep voice: "We didn't notice the Mingjiao plot to flood the emperor's mausoleum last night. The emperor must be dissatisfied. My uncle feels very bad. Don't cause trouble for him. .”

"Oh." Li You nodded in agreement.

"As soon as possible, don't delay!" Ding Bin said and got up and left.

"Then I won't give it away." Li You looked at his leaving figure and spat: "He is an outsider, sitting here all day pretending to be a big-tailed wolf!"

"Master, what should we do?" The servant asked for instructions: "Are those tricks still there?"

"Forget it, consider her lucky. Get it off, chop off the limbs and then the head, and then send them to be burned." Li You waved his hands in depression, and suddenly his eyes lit up as he spoke:

"Hey, why don't I take off my pants and fart? Isn't this unnecessary? Don't chop it, it would be easier to burn it directly." He said with a grin and said: "We have roasted cows and sheep, but we have never roasted people!"


In fact, it is inaccurate to say that the vanguard of the government army is the prince's own army. To be precise, the guards in the imperial army are the emperor's personal soldiers, responsible for protecting the emperor and the prince.

However, because Zhu Yuanzhang had no defense against the prince, the father and son shared a civil and military team, and the bodyguards and troops also had a dual leadership system, so the prince could mobilize all the troops.

However, Zhu Biao was very measured and always only used the avant-garde of the imperial army who were on duty in the East Palace, and never interfered with the rest of the guards.

The man who leads the vanguard of the government army is Lan Yu, a rising star in the Ming Dynasty army, who is said to be second only to Li Jinglong.

Although Lan Yu is not very old, she is the brother-in-law of the Crown Princess and the brother-in-law of Chang Yuchun, King of Kaiping. Naturally, she is not afraid of anything. She led five hundred people with swords and swords to protect the five highnesses, and came to meet the Korean princess. In front of Mr. Li Er's house, which is separated by a wall.

A saber-wielding guard is a sword-wielding bodyguard from other dynasties...

Seeing so many imperial guards coming to the door, even the bold family members of the Li family were so frightened that they quickly wanted to close the door.

Lan Yu stepped forward, drew a knife and cut off the hand on the door, and said coldly: "Who dares to close the door after seeing His Highness!"

"My hands, my hands, hands..." The family member folded their arms and screamed.

The rest of the servants did not dare to move, they were frightened by this ferocious young general.

"According to the prince's order, we came to rescue people!" Zhu Yiyi frowned. Isn't this blue jade too bright? However, since she is the prince's uncle-in-law, it is not convenient for him to say more. Then he showed the prince's sword and quickly said, "Whoever dares to stop him will be shot to death!"

After saying that, he waved his hand, and Lan Yu rushed in with five hundred guards.

As soon as I entered, I realized how big it was...

If no one is carrying this, he will get lost. You can't find the road, why are you looking for someone?

But this did not faze Lan Yu. He grabbed a servant, put a bloody lancet against the man's neck, and forced him to ask:

"Tell me, where is the woman who was brought back yesterday?!"

Facing this ferocious man who slashed people without blinking an eye, the servant was so frightened that he pointed to the garden to the east and said: "Over there, the place where the smoke is coming is..."

"No, go quickly!" The brothers who were following behind originally planned to maintain their kingly style and just watch the vicious dog show. But when I saw the thick smoke rising, I immediately felt bad.

Now they didn't care about putting on airs and ran towards Dongyuan.

As a result, His Highness King Qin took the lead and rushed to the gate of the East Garden first.

Seeing that the garden gate was closed, he lowered his shoulders and threw himself out like a cannonball.

There was just a bang, and the two thick wooden doors were knocked away. His Highness King Qin couldn't hold back, and rushed forward for more than ten steps, and then he was slapped to the ground with a bang...

Next to the swing, Li You, who was grilling chicken wings, was dumbfounded, and the concubines who had gathered to watch the execution were also dumbfounded.

Even Shen Liu Niang, who was being roasted on the fire, was stunned.

ps. Fifth update, today’s update ends here, it’s the end of the month, please give me a monthly pass, please subscribe!

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