Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 228 We call this a decisive blow

The two sides, with a total of ten thousand troops, started fighting in the school grounds within a two-mile radius with loud shouts.

Although they are not deadly weapons in their hands, those swords and guns made of hard jujube wood can still cause enough damage if they are rounded and hit on a person. Therefore, no one dared to be careless. They all regarded it as a battle of life and death and used their special skills to fight. The battle was very fierce.

On the general stage, Zhu Zhen enjoyed watching it, but he couldn't find the second or fourth son.

There is no way, the dust is flying on the campus, tens of thousands of soldiers are fighting together, how can you identify who is who?

The third child was also watching very attentively, but what he saw was the formation and deployment of troops by the coaches of both sides. He only felt that the troops were coming and going, and the level was very high. I won't be like Lao Liu, who just watches the excitement.

"Tiande, who do you think will win?" Zhu Yuanzhang asked Xu Dadao, who was sitting aside.

"The attacking side." Xu Da smiled and replied:

"Deng Zhen is still a little naive. Xie Yan didn't fall for the flaw he deliberately leaked. On the contrary, after his own troops were mobilized several times, the right wing was obviously much weaker. Xie Yan should have almost decided the victory in one fell swoop."

After a pause, he cautiously added:

"However, the central guard of the Fu Army has the responsibility of protecting the enemy. What he is best at is outnumbering the enemy. The defensive resilience is second to none in the entire army. Therefore, even if the Habayashi Guard's tactics are correct, it is still a question whether they can break through their defense within the specified time. .”

"Well, we see the same thing." Zhu Yuanzhang took a look at only one-third of the incense sticks left and said with a smile: "We also feel that if there is no time limit, the central defender of the government army will definitely lose. But within the rules If so, the outcome is unpredictable.”


On the school field, after the mid-game battle, the situation suddenly became clear!

Sure enough, as the two men judged, Xie Yan opened a gap on the right side of the defenders through repeated maneuvers.

His two Qianhu men had already received the order. Upon seeing this, they immediately led their respective troops and blocked the defenders who came for reinforcements.

Giving the 1,000 troops who serve as commandos created an opportunity to defeat the few with more and achieve a breakthrough in one fell swoop!

Seeing the Yulin Guards, who were several times their size, rushing over, the central guards of the Fu army remained calm in the face of danger. The soldiers in the front row took over the large shields handed to them one after another.

"Zhongwei of the government army!" Deng Zhen drew out his wooden sword.

"Hold tight!" The soldiers roared in unison, and at the same time they smashed their big shields on the ground.

Spearmen arrayed behind the shield!

In the blink of an eye, the Yulin Guards rushed up like an overwhelming force, but the shield formation of the central guards of the Fu Army remained as motionless as a rock in the tide.

The spearmen in the back row kept thrusting out their spears, causing the attacking soldiers to get shot and withdraw from the battle...

Seeing that his side was several times larger than the enemy but unable to advance even an inch, and instead suffered heavy losses, a look of worry finally appeared on Xie Yan's face.

If it were on a real battlefield, you could divide the opponent into pieces, concentrate your superior forces, and eat them slowly.

But this is a martial arts performance with a time limit. Once the time limit is reached and you are unable to capture the flag successfully, you will be judged to have lost.

Therefore, there was no time for him to cook and untie the cow, so he could only end the battle as soon as possible at all costs. But the other party is a tough nut to crack down easily...

When he was at a loss what to do, he suddenly saw a giant man under his command, carrying a huge shield, rushing towards the enemy's turtle shell with thunderous momentum!

"Get out of the way!" The giant man was naturally His Highness the King of Qin, whose pseudonym was Hong Hao. His soldiers shouted in unison, telling his comrades in front to stay out of the way.

The soldiers of the Yulin Guards all moved aside, only to see a black shadow whizzing past in front of their eyes!

The defenders on the opposite side felt tremendous pressure, just like the charging heavy cavalry.

"The central defender of the government army!" Deng Zhen shouted in encouragement again.

"Don't retreat!" The soldiers shouted in unison, two of them held up a shield, and the spearmen behind them also thrust out several spears at the same time!

With a bang, King Qin's shield collided with the spear first.

In the sound of "click" and "click", the four spears were broken at the same time.

However, King Qin's force remained unabated, and he hit the defender's shield formation hard again.

There was another loud bang, and a gap was created in the defender's shield array. King Qin knocked the two shields and four shield bearers to the ground.

He himself couldn't hold back his momentum and fell on the four of them.

According to the rules, if his body has not touched the ground, he can still get up again.

But the defender soldiers who fell to the ground hugged his hands and feet tightly, making it impossible for him to get up.

This is actually a bit shameless, but in such a mess, it is impossible to stop the martial arts performance, he said. We can only continue first.

Fortunately, the brothers under King Qin caught up in time and used their shields to block the gap created by the second son, creating an opportunity for the comrades behind him to rush to the flag.

Lao Si took his soldiers and inserted them in!

His Royal Highness, King Yan, took the lead. He wielded the two swords in his hands with unparalleled bravery and defeated countless defenders.

Just as he was about to reach the flagpole, Deng Zhen personally blocked the way of the fourth child.

As a commander, Deng Zhen can wear armor. He had an advantage in fighting against 'ordinary soldiers' like Lao Si. The wooden knife in Laosi's hand came at him, but Deng Zhen could directly block it with his arms.

A wooden sword cannot break the armor's defense at all...

Instead, Lao Si was stabbed in the chest by Deng Zhen.

Fortunately, King Yan used two swords and was very skilled in martial arts, so he could barely block it with his left-hand sword.

However, Deng Zhen unexpectedly kicked him in the abdomen, sending him flying back ten steps.

"Brother Ji." His brothers quickly helped the fourth child up.

"Dang Dang..." At this time, the countdown gong sounded in the martial arts hall, which meant that the time was coming soon.

"Come on!" Zhu Di wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his backhand and rushed forward again regardless of the pain.

"Fourth brother, come on!" At this time, a loud shout sounded from the ground, but it was the second brother who had subdued several strong men below him.

Zhu Di saw his second brother raising his shield with both hands.

The tacit understanding between brothers immediately let him know what his second brother meant.

Without thinking, he sprinted two steps at full speed, then jumped up and stepped towards his second brother with one leg.

The moment the fourth child fell, the second child suddenly raised his shield and threw him high!

Following this force, Laosi raised his body again in mid-air, like a roc spreading its wings. Leap over Deng Town's head.

Deng Zhen's soldiers raised their swords to chop them down, but Lao Si all dodged them.

When he was about to land, Zhu Di grabbed the flagpole with both hands, and then spun around the flagpole in mid-air.

The first is to relieve his strength, and the second is to kick away all the central guards of the government army guarding the flagpole.

When he landed, the area around the flagpole was knocked over by him.

Then King Yan quickly pulled up the military flag with both hands before the defenders behind him rushed forward!

Too late to say, but soon, the final gong sounded.


Deng Zhen shook his head and sighed, and ordered his men to throw away their weapons and admit defeat.

The officers and soldiers of the central guard of the government sat on the ground in frustration. In fact, they were exhausted a long time ago. Such a fierce martial arts performance was no less intense than a real battle.

However, the soldiers of the Yulin Guards cheered forgetfully. They swarmed towards Lao Si, who was holding the military flag high, and threw him into the air...

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