Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 247 The whole city of Dashuo

In the school grounds of the Qinjun Duwei Mansion, torches illuminated the sky, making it as bright as day.

In addition to the troops forbidden by the Suwei Palace, there were more than 20,000 officers and soldiers from the Five Guards under the jurisdiction of the pro-military Duwei Mansion, all neatly dressed, carrying knives and crossbows, and lined up neatly on the school field.

Compared with a year ago, this emperor's personal guard army has quietly undergone tremendous changes.

The right captain Cao Xiu had already gone to see the imperial mausoleum and was even stripped of his original name.

Three of the five commanders were also replaced. The commander of the avant-garde of the government army changed from Mei Yi to Lan Yu.

The commander of the left guard of the government army was changed from Zhu Xian to Xu Huizu.

The commander of the central defense of the government army was changed from Hu De to Li Jinglong.

Tang Ding, the commander of the Fu army's rear guard, and Deng Zhen, the commander of the Fu army's right guard, are still there, but their positions have been reversed.

The changes among the middle and lower-level officers were even more drastic, with a large number of former disciples being transferred out and replaced by innocent local military families.

In short, after Liu Ying's rectification, which was like scraping the bones and healing the poison, the pro-army captain's mansion had a completely new look, no longer like the wall that leaked air everywhere before.

"I'm hereby enjoining all the local officials from the Qingjun Duwei Mansion to come to Beijing!" Liu Ying said loudly: "We will seize all their luggage and personal belongings, and not a single piece of paper will be left out! Do you understand?! "

"Understood!" the soldiers responded in unison.

Then Liu Ying announced the discipline: "During the search, no one is allowed to hurt anyone at will, harass their family members, hide or damage property, or leak any inside information about the search. Violators will be executed immediately!"


After saying that, he slowly glanced at the soldiers and said sadly: "The house raid last year has become a shame to the pro-military captain's mansion. This time, is it better to avenge the shame or be nailed to the pillar of shame forever?" It’s up to you!”

"Avenge the shame!" the soldiers shouted loudly.

"Let's go." Liu Ying waved his hand, and the army began to line up and leave the school grounds.

Then he called the five commanders in front of him and asked the soldiers to give them a roster each.

"This is the list of officials to be searched this time." Liu Ying said solemnly: "Each of you is responsible for a part. You will arrest people first and then examine them. Search as many as you can."

"Yes." The five commanders responded solemnly. But he was secretly surprised. It seemed that the emperor had already set his sights on those local officials, otherwise he would not have been able to take out their roster in the first place.

"What exactly are you looking for?" Lan Yu finally couldn't help but ask.

"Empty seal." Liu Ying whispered to the five of them: "Whenever you find a blank piece of paper with a seal on it, grab them all! Go ahead..."

"Here." The five commanders now knew what to do.


The right gate of Chang'an slowly opened, and 20,000 guards and troops marched out of the imperial city. Then at the end of West Chang'an Street, they followed their respective commanders and went to various directions in the capital.

Learning from Cao Xiu's lesson, Liu Ying also personally led a group of soldiers and horses to attack the Huitong Pavilion located inside Tongji Gate.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were post stations in all directions from the capital, which were under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of War. They were called "Huitong Pavilion" in Beijing and "Shui Ma Post" outside, and they were delivered to the post office.

Many officials who come to Beijing live here. The conditions are not very good, but it is free.

Moreover, next door to the Huitong Hall was Wuman Post, which received various barbarians and tribute envoys from various countries. Liu Ying could not let them see the joke of the Celestial Empire, so he led the team himself.

The Huitong Pavilion is on the west side of the imperial city and will be there in a blink of an eye.

It was already midnight, the sky was full of cold stars, and the door of the Huitong Hall was closed.

"Open the door, open the door!" Hundreds of households immediately came forward and knocked on the door.

"Your mother, who is calling me in the middle of the night?" A rude roar soon followed. "Do you know where this place is?!"

"The pro-military captain's mansion is on an errand according to the order!" Hundreds of households shouted loudly: "Anyone who dares to stop it will defy the order!"

"Ah, right now..." The arrogance of the waiter inside immediately disappeared, and he quickly lowered the door bar.

As soon as the door bars were lowered, a large group of soldiers and horses broke in and immediately split up. Some people guarded all the entrances and exits, and some began to smash the doors from room to room to let everyone inside out.

"According to the order, everyone must gather in the courtyard and no movement is allowed. Anyone who violates the order will be considered as disobeying the order!"

It was like a ladle of cold water poured into boiling oil, and the quiet hall suddenly exploded.

The people who lived there were all officials from the imperial court. They were all arrogant and wanted their superiors to see them.

"I saw them when I went out!" But the people in the shed didn't care about them and dragged them into the yard like little chickens.

"How dare you, I haven't put on my pants yet..." the officials cursed fiercely.

Their senior followers and bodyguards wanted to show their loyalty and protect their master, but they were knocked to the ground directly by large iron sticks with swords attached to them...

After a cup of tea, more than 400 disheveled officials in the huge hall were gathered in the front yard.

And there were many more disheveled women.

Under the fierce gaze of the men with swords, everyone remained silent. If Lao Liu saw this scene, he would definitely think that he would return to the anti-pornography scene...

Don't think blindly, he just saw it while passing by and is not a target of the dictatorship.


Liu Ying read out the edict to all the officials, then cupped his fists and said:

"You all have also heard the imperial edict. The emperor wants to search all officials entering the capital, so I'm sorry, please don't move. When my men have finished searching, I will naturally let you go back."

After speaking, he nodded towards Lan Yu. The latter then took people and began to search carefully from room to room.

"General, you have to tell us what you want to search for, right?" an official asked bravely.

"That's right." Someone immediately agreed, but the subtle thing is that no one announced their family status and used their official positions to oppress others as usual.

"We'll find out later. If we can't find anything better, I'll apologize to you." Liu Ying said calmly.

"At least, let us put on some clothes?" an old man in his fifties said tremblingly.

"Yeah, we're freezing to death..." The echo was louder this time.

In Nanjing during the first month of the year, although the water would not freeze into ice, it was still bone-chillingly cold. These officials and women were all taken out of their beds. They were all dressed simply and were already freezing.

"Let them get some clothes." The ambassador also begged: "It's hard for the general to explain that someone died in the cold."

"Go and get the quilt for them." Liu Ying ordered in a deep voice. How could he give these officials the opportunity to touch their belongings again?


The same scene was played out in various guild halls, brothels, and inns in Nanjing. Although the scale is not as large as that of Huitong Pavilion, it is enough to alarm the entire city of Nanjing.

Hudou Lane.

Hu Weiyong heard the commotion outside and quickly put on his clothes to check.

At this time, his nephew Hood also ran out of breath to report the news.

"Uncle, uncle, something big happened!"

ps. Post it first, then revise it, and then write a chapter. See you tomorrow morning.

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