Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 273 A country full of lies

The sea breeze blew gently, and the third child swayed slowly on the mast, still talking calmly:

"In any case, Tamna Island is the undisputed territory of the Yuan Dynasty. After the Yuan Dynasty, this dynasty naturally inherited the sovereignty here. This is something that the King of Goryeo also recognized to this dynasty."

"Oh, the King of Korea also admitted it to me?" Lao Si's eyes lit up.

"That's right, although they have been trying to take Tamluo back while we are not paying attention. But they also know very well that this must be approved by this court. In the fifth year of Hongwu, Goryeo submitted the "Tamluo Plan Report" to the emperor, to the effect He requested that Tamluo be handed over to Goryeo for custody, so that the survivors of the Yuan Dynasty on the island would belong to Goryeo, and he promised to continue to pay tribute to this dynasty in accordance with the management model of horse herding in the Yuan Dynasty." Zhu Chensheng said:

"So, Tamluo belongs to our Ming Dynasty, there is no doubt about it."

"Then the emperor agreed?" Lao Si asked.

"The emperor neither agreed to hand it over to Korea, nor did he agree to them sending troops. He only asked them to order Muhu on the island to offer horses." The third son said solemnly: "The Koreans are very dishonest, so they used the excuse that Muhu refused to go to the island. The Ming Dynasty sacrificed horses and mobilized all the troops to capture Tamna. This happened in the winter of the year before last."

"So, they are attacking my Ming Dynasty's territory without consent?" Lao Si and others were shocked.

"Logically, that's it! Do you understand now? It's them who should be guilty!" The third child shook his head and said with a smile:

"The court of this country is full of lies and is good at deception. For example, they said in the "Tamna Plan", 'The island of Tamna is the people of Goryeo. Since the founding of the country, they have established the state as a herdsman.' This is a big lie.

"Not to mention the distance, let's just say that Tamluo Island has been under the direct jurisdiction of the Yuan Dynasty since the Yuan Dynasty. The emperor of the Yuan Dynasty established the Tamluo Military and Civilian General Administration Office, Horse Ranch, Taipu Temple, Xuanhuiyuan, Zhongzhengyuan, and Zizheng on the island. Are these yamen in the hospital all fake? But they only talk about the beginning, not the end. This is taken out of context!"

"In addition to raising horses, Tamluo Island was also a place where criminals were exiled in the Yuan Dynasty. Emperor Yuan Shun was exiled here before he came to the throne. Later, when the country was about to be destroyed, he also ordered people to build a palace on the island in preparation for his escape. Tamluo, however, failed to make the trip because it was defeated too quickly. Therefore, there are not many Koreans on the island, and most of them are Mongolians, Semu and Han people from the Yuan Dynasty. And where is the island of Tamluo, that is? Are you from Korea?'"

"They also said, 'Although the island is small,' when I looked at it today, not only was it not small, it was actually huge! Isn't this just bullying us because none of us have been here before, and we want to get away with it?!"

"That's right." The fourth child nodded and said with a sullen face: "If the emperor didn't know what was going on and thought this was just a small island with a big nose, he really gave Tamluo Island to them. I'm afraid the damn Koreans wouldn't do it either. Instead of being grateful, we will only feel complacent and think we are so stupid and easy to deceive.”

"The information provided by Director Hong is very important." Cai Bin and Lin Mi finally couldn't help but show their heads on the deck. The latter said: "It seems that our attitude towards them has to change."

"That's right..." The former also nodded, and then pretended to have just seen the third child, pretending to be surprised: "Who hung Master Hong up? What a nonsense! Put him down quickly!"

"Calm down Cai Qianhu, I want to go up there myself." Lao San was still there, unable to stand up, and said, "This way you won't get seasick, and you can see far."

"Oh, that's it. Why don't you continue?" Cai Qianhu asked tentatively.

"Put me down quickly!" The third child suddenly became anxious. "I need to pee urgently!"


Anyone who has read the previous book knows that Tamluo is actually an important beacon on the way to transport grain by sea. When grain ships heading north saw it, they knew it was time to turn.

Therefore, the fleet parted ways at this time, with the grain transport team turning northwest and sailing to the Shandong Peninsula; the two sealing ships sailed to Tamna Port north of Tamna Island.

Although Tamna Island is quite big, there are only a few that can be used as ports. Tamna Port is the one with the best conditions, and because it is close to the mainland of Goryeo, it is convenient to obtain supplies. Therefore, the military and civilian general office of the Yuan Dynasty was located here. at.

Half a day later, Tamna Port arrived.

The sudden appearance of two giant ships quickly caused a commotion inside and outside the port.

On the fishing boat, the fishermen who were casting their nets for fishing saw the sudden appearance of the huge ship that covered the sky. They were so frightened that they even dropped their nets and rowed back to escape.

Chaos soon broke out in the port. Officers drove the short Korean soldiers, half of them fortified themselves on the shore, and the other half got on the ship and went out to sea to meet the enemy.

Goryeo's warships did not use sails, but relied on oars as power. The two ends were high and the middle deck was low, like a crescent moon. It looks very frustrating, but the rowing speed is really not slow.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen crescent boats came forward.

When we got closer, the gap between the hulls of the two sides was clearly reflected. Although they are both called boats, the two boats are like elephants breaking into a herd of sheep. They are so different in size.

On the boat, the fourth child asked in confusion: "We are flying the dragon flag, can't they understand?"

"I'm just pretending not to understand." Lao Liu sneered: "Xiao Xiba is always like this. He comes up to make you suffer a loss, and then pretends to flood the Dragon King Temple to make you angry. If you get angry, they will still Say you have no national character."

"That's easy, let's strike first to gain the upper hand." The fourth child laughed ferociously and glanced at the tool man Cai Qianhu.

"Fire!" Cai Qianhu immediately ordered unceremoniously, and the four cast-iron cannons installed on the bows of the two boats roared and fired four stone bullets!

Even though he didn't hit a single shot, it still caused a high splash of water, which looked amazing.

Moreover, the cannon had an excellent deterrent effect, so the Goryeo warships no longer dared to approach, and watched helplessly as the two sealing ships sailed into Tamna Port.


Because they did not know the hydrological conditions in the harbor, the two boats did not dare to dock rashly, so they anchored in the center of the harbor.

More than a dozen Goryeo warships stood guard at a distance. After more than half an hour, a small boat sailed over with a white flag.

The Korean officers on the ship waved the white flag desperately and shouted "Abba, Abba".

"He said that he came to negotiate in the name of Pu Wanhu." Lin Mi understood the Korean language and acted as the interpreter himself.

"Let him come up." Cai Bin nodded.

After the boat got close, Feng Zhou lowered a long net. The Korean officer on the boat grabbed the rope of the net and climbed up with difficulty.

"Are they Koreans? Why are they dressed like the Mongolian army?" After the Korean officer came up, the Yulin soldiers looked at him and frowned. "Why do you look so much like a Tatar?"

"Let's do it." Lin Mi said calmly: "Korea was originally a province of the Yuan Dynasty, so the military uniforms were naturally made in the Yuan Dynasty."

After saying that, he started talking to the Goryeo officer Assi Assi. As they were talking, Lin Mi suddenly changed his color. Although everyone could not understand, they knew that he must be scolding his mother.

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