Guest House, in the front hall.

After hearing the words of His Highness King Chu, the three Koreans had different moods.

Jin Tao is naturally excited. His destiny has been bound to the mission. If the mission survives, he will live; if the mission dies, he will die.

He wished that the mission would be as big as possible, so big that no one would dare to touch it, so big that most people would protect them, wouldn't he be safe?

Zheng Mengzhou was nervous. The so-called pro-Ming faction was originally just a political idea, a political slogan to gather factions. Everyone is arguing over whether they are close relatives or close relatives. At most, they will be dismissed from office, and at worst, they will go back to their hometown to bully men and dominate women to enjoy their happiness.

But after learning that there were five His Royal Highnesses in the mission, everything changed. Now it's not about whether to kiss or not, but whether to kiss or not.

If he had not risked his life to save the five His Highnesses, the Emperor would have experienced five times the pain of losing a son. The Hongwu Emperor, who was so powerful in the world, would definitely leave the Lao Shizi Mongols aside and lead the entire army to conquer them himself.

Goryeo was originally a poor and weak country. In the past few decades, it had suffered repeated wars and was extremely exhausted. Even the capital, Kyoto, is so desolate, and the poverty of the entire Goryeo can be imagined. How can it resist the millions of heavenly soldiers who are raging and angry at the height of the sun? !

Zheng Meng was sweating on Monday when he thought about the terrible consequences of the death of five princes in Goryeo. He realized that he had to risk his life to protect these five fatal treasures.

As for Li Chenggui's thoughts, they are much more complicated.

This famous general of Goryeo, second only to Cui Ying, is in his early forties, the best age for men. He has high cheekbones, an eagle-like gaze, curly beard, and a rough appearance, but his mind is so thoughtful...

He had gotten rid of the confusion when he first arrived and began to calmly think about his situation.

In Goryeo's political spectrum, Li Chenggui is generally counted among the pro-Yuan faction.

Because his great-great-grandfather Li Anshe had been an official in the Yuan Dynasty. Their family has been intermarried with the Yuan Dynasty for generations. His father's name is "Wulu Sibuhua" and he is already a Mongolian Korean.

During the revolution between the Yuan and Ming Dynasties, his father felt that the Mongols would be finished sooner or later, so he became an internal agent of Goryeo and assisted the Goryeo army to capture the Yuan Dynasty's twin cities.

After surrendering to Goryeo, the two men restored their name of Goryeo. Then, using the Shuangcheng Governor's Palace as their home base, they began to fight in Goryeo's south and north to earn political capital.

Therefore, Li Chenggui is essentially different from Li Renren and Cui Ying, the military ministers of the capital. He will not be as loyal and patriotic as Cui Ying, nor will he think like Li Renren that if he controls the capital, he will control everything.

To put it bluntly, he has a warlord mentality - as long as he has an army and a territory, he has everything. Therefore, the army and territory are what he values ​​most. All loyalty, filial piety and justice are bullshit. The power of the imperial court is not as real as the army and territory...

Of course, without the power of the court, the army and territory may be taken away. Therefore, in order to protect his army and territory, he has always regarded himself as a pro-Yuan faction. In addition, because he was really good at fighting, the military officials in the capital city accepted him as an outsider and allowed him to take the ninth place.

Although the ranking is a bit low, it is enough to protect his army and territory.

And after living in Goryeo for so long, he also knows how xenophobic these landowners are. If there are no big changes, it will be good if you can keep your position, and don't expect to make any further progress.

But now, huge variables have appeared...


The reason why Li Chenggui considered changing camps was not only the temptation of the prospect, but also the pressure of reality.

His territory is located in the northern border of Goryeo. If the Ming army wanted to invade, his Shuangcheng General Manager's Mansion would be the first to bear the brunt of the attack.

Even if Goryeo is lucky enough not to be destroyed in the end, his territory will be smashed to pieces. All people died, the land was desolate, and the foundation of one's life was completely lost. Are you going to have fun in the future?

Those military ministers who have been in the capital for generations will definitely kick him away, an outsider with no foundation.

But if he was really asked to confront the Dukes of the capital, he didn't have the guts.

He was afraid that Li Renren, that skillful and ruthless politician, would not be able to play with him.

He is secondly afraid of Cui Ying. Li Chenggui has been serving as the deputy of this famous general who has been victorious in every battle and never suffered a defeat. He knows that in a real fight, he is no match for him.

And I heard that Cui Ying has left the city to mobilize his direct army Baishou Army. And Li Chenggui's direct troops are still far away in Shuangcheng.

These two people have formed an alliance. How can Li Chenggui dare to act rashly with his thin arms and legs?


In the front hall, the guests and hosts had their own agendas and were chatting about one thing or another.

In the backyard, it was a different scene.

Torches illuminate the sky.

The five hundred Yulin Guards who had been recuperating all day were gathered together by Cai Qianhu and announced to them the true identities of the three His Highnesses!

The Yulin Guard officers were not blind. They had seen the two deputy envoys Zheng earlier. They were respectful to these brothers and obeyed their advice. If I had known, their true identities would definitely be extraordinary.

I just never expected that it would be so unusual...

After they met with their three highnesses in shock, Zhu briefly introduced the current situation to them.

Hearing that the Koreans had mobilized troops to kill them and then surrender to the Yuan Dynasty, there was a buzz in the courtyard, and the soldiers couldn't hold it back and began to whisper.

There is anger, worry, fear, or a combination of all of them. In short, everyone realized that they were now in a desperate situation.

"Everyone, please listen to me." But the Yan King Zhu Di said proudly: "For this purpose, the more we worry about our own life and death, the more likely we are to encounter unexpected events! On the contrary, the more we ignore life and death, the more likely we will be. It’s possible to be safe and sound!”

"How do you say this?" the soldiers asked in confusion.

"Because the only thing that can save us now is our identity!" Zhu Di answered first and then asked:

"What are we?"

"We are the Ming Dynasty's envoys," the soldiers said.

"What does the mission represent?" Zhu Di asked again.

"It represents the Ming Dynasty." everyone replied.

"So what should we consider most?!" Zhu Di asked in a persuasive way.

"Fulfill our mission and safeguard the national dignity of the Ming Dynasty!" the soldiers responded loudly, their voices amplified, obviously being awakened by the fourth child.

"That's right!" At this time, Zhu no longer disagreed with Lao Si, and followed his wishes and said sonorously:

"What would happen if in the Han Dynasty, a Han envoy was killed by a small country? The "Book of Han" says it clearly - South Vietnam killed the Han envoy and slaughtered it as nine counties. King Wan killed the Han envoy, and the first county was Beique. North Korea killed the Han The envoy shall be killed immediately!”

The third child waved his fist and said: "Not to mention the Tang Dynasty that destroyed countless countries! If Eunuch Huang was the envoy of the Han and Tang Dynasties, would the Koreans dare to touch a hair on his head?!

"Why did Goryeo dare to kill Eunuch Huang? Why did it dare to repeat it? Isn't it because we Han people have been sinking for too long and have forgotten the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties in China? We are only afraid of the barbarians who are like wolves and tigers?!"

"We, the Han people, have been in ruins for hundreds of years, and now we can drive out the Tartars and restore China's prosperity!" Zhu Di took over and said in a voice like the roar of a tiger:

"How can we be greedy for life and afraid of death, and let me, the son of the Han family, be humiliated again?!"

"No! No!" Everyone's blood was racing, and they all raised their arms and shouted.

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