Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 340: The brave one wins when we meet on a narrow road

The Yulin Guards cavalry are extremely elite and fully armored. When they charge with all their strength, they are like tigers entering a flock of sheep. The Mingjiao cavalry are no match at all.

But soon the cavalry of the White Lotus Sect poured out from the mountain ridge where they were ambushed. Not only were they numerous, but they were also mixed with a large number of Mongolians and Semu people.

This is unthinkable in the south, but in the north, which has been ruled by foreigners for more than two hundred years, it is completely normal... After the founding of this dynasty, a large number of barbarians in the north who were unwilling to submit became the fresh blood of several major rebel families.

In fact, the main reason is that Boss Zhu's rule that "Hu people cannot intermarry" is too strong. There are a large number of old bachelors from Hu people who cannot marry wives. They are all jealous and have thick necks, and they hate Zhu Yuanzhang until their teeth itch. So once the White Lotus Sect and Maitreya Sect were incited, villages and towns followed.

As the Hu cavalry continued to feel that Cai Qianhu's more than one hundred cavalry were gradually trapped in a tight siege, they did not panic. They only formed formations skillfully to protect themselves, but did not rush to break out of the encirclement.

Because they have rich battlefield experience, they know that in this case, a breakout can easily turn into a rout. At that time, one's own combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced, and no matter how good the armor is, it will be difficult to avoid a large number of casualties.

The best choice at this time is to wait for help and trust your colleagues!


Soon, His Highness King Qin led a hundred cavalry and launched a charge.

The second son led the most powerful soldiers, riding the strongest horses and holding all maces in their hands. Because the weapons were too heavy and were usually transported on horse-drawn carriages, the charge was launched a little late.

But its power is unparalleled! As more than a hundred maces were being swung, the barbarian cavalry screamed, blood and flesh splattered, and they all fell off their horses like dumplings. A big hole was cut out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye.

His Highness the King of Jin and His Highness the King of Yan, who were all dressed up again, also led a hundred cavalry each. They took advantage of the situation and stayed close to the two men. The cooks rushed in like cattle, severely expanding the results of the battle!

The third child is cunning and cunning, and he always picks up weak persimmons. The fourth man with thick eyebrows and big eyes looks like a straight-faced leader, but he is also very cunning in fighting. He specializes in attacking weak points and joints and is never willing to go head-on.

But the fourth child is different from the third child. The third child shouted "Brothers, come on" during the battle. It is said that he is a prince, so there is nothing wrong with it.

But the fourth child is also a prince, but he always shouts "Brothers, follow me"...

This time was no exception. Zhu Di calmly observed the breach, then waved the Daguan sword and took the lead in charging. When the officers and soldiers saw His Royal Highness King Yan rushing forward, they didn't dare to hesitate for a moment. They also screamed and rushed into the enemy's formation like crazy. Along with the fourth child, he slashed wildly at the opening made by the second child, and actually penetrated the enemy's formation directly!

Then King Yan led the crowd to turn their horses and fight back again, going back and forth and smashing the enemy's formation to pieces.

The members of the Ming Cult and the White Lotus Cult, as well as the barbarian cavalry, came with the mentality of laying an ambush and bullying the minority. But he never expected that this mere four to five hundred cavalry officers and soldiers would be so brave. They were completely unprepared and all of a sudden they retreated.

Lao San saw the opportunity and immediately ordered his subordinates to intervene and join Cai Qianhu's troops who had formed a formation to defend.

With the help of His Royal Highness the King of Jin, the pressure on Cai Bin's troops was reduced. Both sides worked together to fight back and completely smashed the encirclement...


Under the leadership of the three Highnesses and Cai Bin, the soldiers of the Yulin Army worked together and fought selflessly, finally repelling an enemy force several times their own.

The soldiers were covered in blood and in shock, they all dismounted from their horses to rest. The heavy breaths of the men and horses condensed into white frost in the blink of an eye. The encounter just now was too sudden, and it was very draining on both mental and physical strength.

At this time, His Highness King Wu quickly led several medical soldiers up to bandage and treat the injured soldiers.

"He, what the hell, where did this traitor come from?" King Qin bit into the stone-hard beef jerky and said angrily: "Why, why didn't the scout notice it?"

"This northwest wind is blowing snow foam." Cai Bin also hurriedly ate something to replenish his strength and said: "The obstruction of vision is too serious. Of course, the scouts were careless. No one would have thought that there would be someone ambushing in this kind of horrible weather. we."

"Let's not talk about this for now." Zhu said with a gloomy face: "They were just repelled, and it is very likely that they will come back. What should we do now? Retreat or continue to advance?"

"Where are we?" Zhu Di asked in a deep voice.

Cai Bin quickly took out the map and pointed it out to Zhu Di: "Ten miles ahead is Qishui, and twenty miles beyond Qishui is the county seat of Qi County, Weihui Prefecture. If you go back forty miles, you will reach Tangyin County."

"Immediately send someone to Tangyin County to warn them and ask them to close the city gate quickly." Zhu Di said with a serious expression: "We have no way out."

"That's right." The third child stopped playing devil's advocate and looked ahead with a telescope: "The enemy has regrouped. If we retreat at this time, we will only increase others' ambition and destroy our own prestige."

"Having said that," Cai Bin said worriedly: "But no one knows whether all the enemy soldiers we just repelled. What if the rat pulls the bellows and the big head is behind, and if we act recklessly, won't we get killed?"

"I have a way." His Highness King Jin said with a sly smile.


A few miles away, the retreating armies of the three religions had regrouped.

Cai Bin's guess was correct. The fifteen or six hundred enemy troops just now were just the cavalry troops of the three religions alliance. Behind them, there were eight or nine thousand horseless infantrymen who had not yet entered the battle.

According to the original plan of the Three Religions, the Ming Army was sent over and infantry was used to block the attack. After repelling them, the cavalry came out to chase them north.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that there would be an eternal spectacle like a race between two His Royal Highnesses? As a result, in desperation, the coalition cavalry launched the attack first. Not only did they not get any benefits, they also lost two to three hundred soldiers and horses in vain...

"It's all your fault, you kid is so impatient!" Leader Bailian cursed Shi Chenglu, leader of Ming Cult. "Okay now, all plans are messed up."

"The two princes did not ride horses or lead troops. They did not even carry weapons. They ran up to us almost naked. How could I bear it?" Shi Chenglu said plausibly: "And they were the first to discover us. At that time There’s no point in hiding anymore, do you understand?!”

"I have no idea!"

"Okay, okay." Leader Maitreya began to persuade: "This time the three religions join forces to assassinate the king. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. You two, please don't fight among yourself. We'd better quickly regroup and fight them again!"

The two of them stopped arguing and gathered their men, rested, and prepared to attack again.

Half an hour later, there was still no movement from the Ming army. The three decided not to wait any longer and immediately led their troops to counterattack.

At this time, the spies came to report and found that the Ming army had gone eastward!

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