Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 382 Fighting tiger brothers

In order to avoid the embarrassment of eunuchs visiting brothels, Eunuch Wu ordered the carriage to drive slowly. Finally, when he was approaching Quzhong, he saw His Highness the King of Jin.

Under the warm spring sun, I saw the handsome and handsome Prince Jin wearing a golden crown, wearing a well-tailored white robe with dragon patterns, riding a divine white horse with no stray hairs, a ponytail tied with green silk, and a golden horse head. Ju, holding a folding fan, swaggering through the market.

When the east wind blows, the music is filled with colorful fallen stars. Under the shroud of fallen flowers, the King of Jin appears even more elegant and suave, like an immortal. This attracted the female historians in the brothels along the street to lean on the windows and look out, casting their flirtatious glances.

"Third Master, come and play..."

"If you have something to do, let's wait for another day." King Jin shook his head with a smile and rode away without taking away a single peach blossom.


"Your Highness, please forgive me for talking too much. Being so ostentatious can easily cause disputes." Eunuch Wu grew up watching the third child grow up, and their relationship with him is similar to that between Wang Ma and the sixth child. So I couldn't help nagging him a few words on the way back to the palace.

"It's just nonsense, it's just a fleeting thing." King Jin gently shook his folding fan and said indifferently: "Being handsome is a matter of a lifetime."

Especially when he thought that the fourth child would never be able to recreate such a scene, he felt even more energetic.

"Alas..." Eunuch Wu sighed. Just as he was about to persuade His Highness again, he saw something even more outrageous coming from the south...

His Royal Highness the King of Chu, who looks happy, is riding a panda, swaying and swaggering through the city.

"..." Eunuch Wu suddenly felt that His Highness here was quite normal.

"Hey, third brother. You look so handsome today."

"Hi, Sixth Brother. You are also very energetic..." The two brothers were very excited to see each other. They greeted each other in their own way as if no one else was watching.

The eunuchs and guards on the side were picking their feet in embarrassment, but the two brothers were not embarrassed at all.

"Why did you finish school early?" After saying hello, the third brother asked with a smile: "I have time to go shopping with my little niece. Why are you going back to the palace so early?"

"Big brother asked me to go back." Lao Liu said: "Besides, shopping every day is so tiring."

"Haha, I think you are tired of it, right?" The third brother said with a smile: "How about the third brother introduce you to another one - your fourth brother's sister-in-law? From the perspective of the third brother who has seen countless people, she is definitely The beautiful embryo that will captivate the whole country!"

He swallowed as he spoke. "pity……"

"Third brother, if these words reach the ears of fourth brother, you will be beaten again." Lao Liu rolled his eyes. Fourth brother is a fierce protector of his wife.

"Let's wait until he can go out." The third child laughed happily.


Although the two brothers were summoned by the emperor and invited by the prince, their destinations were both Wuying Palace.

After entering the hall and kowtow, Zhu Yuanzhang got straight to the point:

"Liu Ying went to Suzhou to investigate Lu Zhonghe's suicide case, which triggered a civil uprising in Suzhou."

"Ah?" Lao Liu was really surprised. I didn’t expect that the Laba Banquet last year would continue, get more and more intense, and cause such a big fuss.

"Boy, you know that things in this world are not as simple as you think, right?" Zhu Yuanzhang seemed happy to have the opportunity to teach him a lesson. Then he said to King Jin:

"I'll leave it to you to clear up the mess. Go out and clean up, and then set off quickly."

"Yes, Father." King Jin responded happily.

"How many prefects have there been in Suzhou? They have never been able to live in peace." Zhu Yuanzhang warned again: "When you go back, you must kill their majesty so that they will not dare to blow up again for at least ten years!"

"Father, don't worry." King Jin said with a cold look, "I guarantee that my name will stop children from crying at night in the land of Wu."

The prince looked at him and said nothing.

"Father...Father, I'm going too." After Boss Zhu finished instructing the third brother, the sixth brother said in a dull voice: "The trouble I caused cannot be just for the third brother to wipe his ass."

"You're welcome. It's only natural for an elder brother to wipe his younger brother's butt." The third child said with a smile.

"You can go too." Zhu Yuanzhang said solemnly: "What the boss means is that the third child is responsible for quelling the chaos, and the sixth child is responsible for dealing with the aftermath."

As he said this, his expression darkened and he said coldly: "Get the matter done quickly and don't let it continue unfinished!"

"Yes, Father!" The third child hurriedly responded loudly. He knew that the old thief was talking to him.


Zhu Zhuzhen resigned, and just as he was about to leave, he heard the prince's voice behind him:


"Brother." The two of them quickly turned around and saluted, and saw the prince following them.

Zhu Biao straightened Zhu Zhen's collar, pointed to the front and said, "Let's talk as we walk."

The two brothers followed the eldest brother to the left and right, heading towards the Wenhua Hall.

"On this trip, don't kill innocent people indiscriminately." The prince pondered for a moment, looked at the third child and said: "The place in Suzhou, how should I say, is not in harmony with my father. It first became Zhang Shicheng's lair, and after the founding of the country, it was repaired by his father. several times……"

After a pause, Zhu Biao lowered his voice and said, "And that's where the world's cultural context lies. Do you understand what I mean?"

"The literary world is booming and celebrities are emerging in large numbers?" Lao San asked tentatively.

"Lao Liu, tell me." The prince asked Zhu Zhen again. Moreover, the third child noticed that the eldest brother used a commanding tone, not an exam tone.

"Have the right to speak." Sure enough, Lao Liu wrote lightly.

"Yes, although the rules are set by the imperial court, the opinions of the people in the world are heavily influenced by them." The prince said softly:

"Why did my father kill Gao Qi and his gang? It was because no matter what policies the imperial court formulated, they were ridiculed by them, making everyone in the world think that this and that would not work in the Ming Dynasty. If the people were not convinced, they would not implement anything. No. So my father had murderous intentions.

The prince sighed softly and said: "But if Gao Qi, Liu Qi, and Sun Qi are killed, as long as Suzhou remains the richest place in the world and a place of cultural and educational excellence, the people of the world will still look up to them."

"Yeah." Lao Liu nodded and said, "This is the mentality of Muqiang. You are strong and you are justified, and your farts are louder than others."

"Can you change the metaphor?" The prince hit him on the head, and then said: "So you have to stand firm, otherwise it will be difficult to truly resolve this matter."

"I understand, brother." The third child nodded heavily.

"Furthermore," the prince said to Lao Liu again: "The day before yesterday, Prime Minister Hu complained to me that the Shibo Department had caused the people to lose their livelihood."

"How do you say this?" Only then did Lao Liu know why the elder brother wanted to go himself.

"He said that because 80% of the silk and cotton in Jiangnan are actually woven for export. You banned civilian ships from going to sea for trade, so the big families in Jiangnan have reduced production, and those people who are engaged in textile industry can no longer afford to eat." The prince patted Lao Liu. The shoulder said:

"Go and see if this is the case. If so, I estimate that the commotion this time is probably related to the unemployment of weavers." The prince said seriously:

"Then you see how to solve it, just do it as cheaply as possible. Don't worry, Brother Jingli will help you take care of it. But as I have told you repeatedly, no matter what you do, you must not harm the people."

"Brother, don't worry. If I reopen the shipping company, the people will also benefit." Lao Liu said with high spirits: "If I can't solve the problem of people's livelihood, I am willing not to wade in this muddy water again!"

"Brother, it's not that I won't let you run the shipping company." The prince was afraid that he would get into trouble, so he explained in a warm voice: "I want you to use your smart mind to properly solve the livelihood of the people. Won't those big households have no ground to incite riots?"

"Understood." Lao Liu smiled and nodded. In future generations, the eldest brother would be a political commissar.

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