Half a month later, the Western Expedition army turned back 600 miles.

They searched all suspicious areas along the river, but still found no trace of the Tibetans.

Almost all the livestock have been killed, and the military rations are almost running out.

What's worse is that, after being in the harsh environment of Kunlun Mountain for such a long time, more and more officers and soldiers have suffered from unknown diseases, including heart palpitations and shortness of breath, numbness of hands and feet, and facial swelling.

A tall soldier staggered forward, holding on to the barrel of his gun, and fell to the ground as he walked. The comrades around him hurriedly gathered around, helped him up, gave him water and called him, but he no longer responded...

"This is the fourth one today..." Mu Ying said to Deng Yu solemnly.

"Alas..." Deng Yu nodded. He himself was deteriorating. His once straight waist was now stooped, his cheeks were sunken, and the joints all over his body seemed to be rusty, making it difficult to move. Only the lungs are whirring and blowing the bellows all the time.

Everyone is reaching their limit.

After a long silence, Deng Yu whispered to Mu Ying: "Three days, and I won't look for you in another three days."

"Then our previous...wasn't it all in vain?" Mu Ying hissed: "If we mention it in the future, it will become a joke."

"That's not possible. Let all the brothers stay here." Deng Yu said this sentence in two parts. "I will bear all the responsibilities. No one will laugh at you."

"Well, if you don't experience it yourself, you don't know how difficult it is for us." Mu Ying sighed, looking at the vast mountains in the distance, hoping for a miracle.


Zhu Ping led several scouts and struggled to climb up the steep mountain wall.

Although the second child also started to become weak, his body was much stronger than the others after all. So when a large number of scouts were exhausted, Duke Wei finally agreed to let him join the investigation team.

This was the second mountain they climbed today. After climbing up, they could overlook several valleys. It's just that there is no easy mountain to climb in the Kunlun Mountains. Almost every peak worth climbing is so steep that there is no way to walk up it.

They could only use the cracks and concavities in the rocks to move upward little by little using their hands and feet.

A scout saw a protrusion on the mountain wall that could be used for footing, so he leaned forward and carefully placed his right foot. After giving it a try, it felt like there was no problem, so I shifted my weight and raised my left foot to prepare to climb up.

Unexpectedly, the protruding stone actually moved, and he staggered and was about to fall down the mountain.

At the critical moment, a strong hand grabbed his collar, and His Highness King Qin reached out to save him.

After lifting the frightened scout to a safe place, the second child let go of his hand and whispered: "Little one, be careful."

"Thank you, Qianhu." The scout also stuttered in fright.

"You're welcome," Zhu Xi said and continued to climb up using his hands and feet.

The scout quickly followed.

After a long meal, several people finally succeeded in climbing to the top, and they were all so exhausted that they were out of breath. After taking a while to catch their breath, several people took out their binoculars from their backpacks and began to conduct reconnaissance while eating the snow on the top of the mountain.

Zhu Ping had no hope at all. He took a casual look and put down the telescope. I searched around the top of the mountain for the legendary Tianshan Snow Lotus so that I could pick it up and see if it could cure my father-in-law's illness.

After searching around without looking, the scout on the side smiled and said: "Qianhu, this is Kunlun Mountain, not Tianshan Mountain. How can there be Tianshan Snow Lotus?"

"Yes, yes, why didn't you tell me earlier?" Zhu Ping was discouraged and was about to call a few people down the mountain when he suddenly heard the scout he had rescued say excitedly: "Qianhu, come and see, there is someone!"

The excited voice and trembling hands immediately attracted everyone.

"Where is it?" Zhu Xi also leaned over and raised the telescope, but he couldn't find the target.

"A little further to the left, there's a guy crawling out of that mountain col just now." The scout corrected the direction for him.

Others also looked, but saw nothing. "Aren't you blinded?"

"Do you think the blue sheep are humans?"

"No, it's definitely a human being, and he's carrying a tall bundle of grass on his back!" The scout blushed.

Before he finished speaking, another scout shouted: "I saw it, it's really a human being!"

Now even His Highness the King of Qin saw it clearly. He saw a Tibetan man carrying a straw bundle and climbing out of the mountain with difficulty. After a while, another one crawled out...

Looking at the Tibetans grazing one after another, the second child's blood boiled with excitement. Even with his intelligence, he knew what this meant!

"You stay here, keep an eye on them, and see which direction they go." He immediately gave the order: "The rest of the people come down the mountain with me quickly, don't let them escape!"

"Yes!" The scouts all became energetic and resurrected one by one with full health. They followed Hong Qianhu and rushed down the mountain, heading towards the col where the Tibetans were gathering grazing land.

However, Wangshan ran to death. Zhu Xi and several scouts ran to death before they arrived at the mountain col. Fortunately, many Tibetans came to hunt for pasture, and a small number of them still stayed.

A few people followed them from a distance, walked through the mountains for an hour, and finally discovered the extremely hidden mountain basin!


At night, the scouts returned one after another. Mu Ying counted the number of people and found that His Highness King Qin had not returned all the way.

After waiting for another hour, all the other scouts came back, but King Qin still didn't return.

Mu Ying realized that something must have happened and quickly reported it to Duke Wei.

Deng Yu was very anxious when he heard this, but he couldn't send people to look for him rashly because he was acting blindly. The two of them could only wait anxiously for dawn, preparing to lead people to search separately as soon as they could see the road clearly.

However, before dawn, the scouts from King Qin's route came back.

The soldiers immediately took him to see Deng Yu. When Deng Yu saw that King Qin was still missing, he asked sternly: "Where are you Qianhu? Why didn't you come back together?"

"Commander, we have discovered the Tibetan camp!" The scout reported excitedly: "Hong Qianhu brought a brother to monitor there and asked us to come back and report!"

"What?!" Before Deng Yu could say anything, Mu Ying Lanyu and other generals immediately went crazy. "Have you really found the enemy?!"

"It's true!" the scout shouted: "We have seen their camp with our own eyes, there are at least 50,000 or 60,000 people!"

"Good guys, we finally found them!" The generals were as excited as if they had been given blood.

"Where is it? Mark it." Deng Yu, however, remained calm and ordered people to light torches and unfold the map.

"Right here!" The scout hurried forward and drew a circle on the map without hesitation. "There is a big mountain col here, and there is a lake in the middle. The water from the lake does not flow out."

"Hiss..." Deng Yu crossed his arms and stared at the circle and the red crosses on the side. The most recent investigation was less than two miles away! What bad luck!

However, it’s great to find it in the end!

"Commander, give the order!" The generals couldn't hold back and urged.

"Make food at five o'clock, break camp at dawn, and attack with the whole army!" Deng Yu punched the map and gave the order to attack!

ps. No more tonight.

But tomorrow morning there is...

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