Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 455 The fallen star

In any case, the first prisoner presentation ceremony was concluded successfully. The people in Nanjing were eagerly awaiting the triumphant return of the other westward expeditionary force and holding another grand prisoner presentation ceremony for them.

In fact, in August, the Western Expedition Army had already escorted the captured people and livestock out of the Kunlun Mountains and returned to Hezhou.

After resting in place for a month, Deng Yu followed Zhu Yuanzhang's order and ordered Shaanxi to guard Song Sheng. He organized all the Tubo tribes into households and dispersed them, and he led the army back to the court.

At this time, Duke Wei and the Western Expeditionary Army went deep into Kunlun and pursued and annihilated Tubo for thousands of miles. The report had been reported by the imperial court and spread all over the country.

The Ming Dynasty expelled the Tartars, restored China, and allowed the Han people to stand up again. This was the era when national sentiment was at its highest.

In this era of "it is better to be a centurion than a scholar", from the official to the common people, heroes who went to the fortress and opened up new territories are highly respected. In particular, the Western Expeditionary Army's feats beyond ordinary people's imagination have made them crazy sought after.

Wei Guogong also became one of the Ming Dynasty's two jade stones that was as famous as Wei Guogong!

In the prefectures and counties they passed through on the way back to the army, the people all prepared pots of rice and baskets of food to welcome the king's troops. Local officials also did their best to entertain the triumphant heroes. But what made them slightly disappointed was that the person who came to socialize with them was Deputy General Mu Ying.

It's not that Mu Ying, the adopted son of the emperor, is not high enough, but it's always a pity that he can't get a glimpse of General Zhengxi.

When officials expressed this regret, Mu Ying always declined on the grounds that the general was ill and it was inconvenient to see guests.

At first, everyone thought this was an excuse for Duke Wei to be too conceited and unwilling to socialize with minor characters like them. Later, they found out that he was really sick...

In fact, Deng Yu fell ill when he was in Kunlun Mountain. However, in order not to shake his military morale, he refused to allow military doctors to diagnose and treat him. It was not until he returned to Hezhou that he suddenly fell ill.

The King of Qin and the generals tried their best to get him medical advice, and even asked the emperor to send an imperial doctor over 800 miles away to see the coach.

However, after many doctors were changed and countless medicines were taken, Wei Guogong's illness just did not improve, and instead his body became weaker day by day. Before the army left Hezhou, he was completely bedridden.

Mu Ying and others had originally discussed leaving someone to accompany the coach to recuperate in Hezhou, or sending him to Xi'an to recuperate.

However, Deng Yu's own family knew about his family affairs and insisted on returning to Beijing with the army.

The soldiers understood that the coach had known his fate for a short time and hoped to return to his roots.

But the trip to the capital was three thousand miles away, and Deng Yu's condition could hardly withstand the bumpy ride along the way.

So the soldiers made a large sedan chair carried by sixteen people, and took turns carrying their commander on the road.

In order to realize the coach's wish, they traveled all day long and stayed overnight. Finally, one month later, they crossed the Huaihe River, entered Fengyang Prefecture, and returned to Deng Yu's hometown...

Deng Yu finally reached his deathbed.


That night, when the army stopped in Shouchun County, he was ordered to come to take care of his sons and give him a good scrub.

A majestic duke, he had countless servants, but Deng Yu didn't want outsiders to see how weak he was at this time.

The sons knew that their father had returned to his former glory, so they quickly endured their grief and ordered someone to bring hot water. He then heated up the room and began to wipe Deng Yu's body.

When they took off the thick cotton clothes and the midfielder underneath for their father, they were shocked by Deng Yu's skinny appearance.

In my memory, my father, who was tall and majestic and could run a horse on his shoulders, was now so thin that there was only a handful of bones left, his skin was pale and inelastic, and the muscles between the bones and the skin seemed to have disappeared.

The brothers burst into tears of sadness, and Deng Duo even couldn't help crying.

"Don't cry. Compared with those soldiers who have no bones left, I am already very happy that my father can die in his hometown." Deng Yu said slowly: "Move quickly, I don't have much time."

The brothers quickly wiped away their tears, wiped their father clean together, trimmed his nails, combed his hair meticulously, and then put on the red python warm robe newly gifted by the emperor, and wrapped it with the also newly gifted jade belt.

Deng Yu, who was neatly dressed, sat on the imperial chair and ordered several major generals to be summoned.

Before anyone arrived, he asked his sons to come in one by one and explain to them individually.

"Our family comes from a humble background. Fortunately, my father met the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and he unexpectedly attained such a high position during the turbulent times. And thanks to the emperor's kindness, he allowed the title to be hereditary. A small peasant family has suddenly transformed into a family with bells and dishes. It's really Unbelievable." Deng Yu first briefly summarized the past, and then said to his eldest son Deng Zhen:

"After I die, the emperor will let you ascend the throne. As a duke in his early twenties, it is impossible for you not to be disloyal. But if you have the slightest thought for the Deng family and your father's name after his death, just remember , don't get involved in any fight.

"If they want to fight, let them fight for it? You are already a Duke, what else can you fight for? Being a mediocre Duke and passing on the title safely is your greatest achievement."

"Dad, I remember." Deng Zhen nodded with red eyes.

Then Deng Yu asked Deng Zhen to go out, called his second son Deng Ming in, and slowly said to him:

"You must be unbalanced in your heart, but it is the imperial court that decides who the title will be passed on to. Moreover, before you have even accomplished your merits, the emperor appointed you as a commanding officer, which is much more than ordinary people. Don't be jealous of your elder brother in the future. Holding him in his arms will only do you good, no harm."

"Yes, father." Deng Ming choked and nodded.

When it was Deng Duo's turn, Deng Yu's expression became much more relaxed: "You are the one I am least worried about. Follow the King of Chu and do well. Although he has a bad temper, he also values ​​love and justice, and is as wise as a fool. And the most important thing is that he You are still young and standing for three dynasties is not a problem. If you hold on tightly to this thigh, you may be able to save the lives of our Deng family in the future."

"I remember, dad." Deng Duo's eyes were swollen like bells, and his voice was hoarse from crying.


After explaining to his son, King Qin walked in and said goodbye to his father-in-law.

"Your Highness is a prince. Normally, I shouldn't worry about this, but since you call me father-in-law, I'll just say some things." Deng Yu said slowly:

"You are not a bad character, but you have a treacherous temperament and a simple mind. It is easy to listen to and believe in biased beliefs. The saying that people who are close to red are red, and those who are close to ink are black, are talking about people like you. There are emperors and princes in the capital to take care of everything. , I will conquer Xi'an next year, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, I am afraid I will cause trouble."

"Then, what should I do?" King Qin looked nervous. This old man was the male elder he respected most besides his father.

"If the family has a good wife, the husband will not suffer any disaster." Deng Yu said: "Although Minmin is not a Han, she is well-educated and sensible, and understands justice. After you become a vassal, you should listen to her more about the affairs of the palace, and everything will be fine. "

"I, I remember." King Qin nodded heavily.


Then came Mu Ying. Deng Yu smiled at him and said, "You and I have nothing to worry about. Your achievements in the future will definitely be higher than mine."

When Lan Yu came in last, Deng Yu said worriedly: "You are a born famous general, and only Mu Ying can rival you in the future. But you are impatient and arrogant, which is nothing to an ordinary general. But as the commander-in-chief of the three armies, This kind of character will not only kill you, but also implicate your subordinates."

The corner of Lan Yu's mouth twitched and she said in a low voice: "General, I will pay attention to it in the future."

"Oh, I'm too talkative. I can't even control my own family's future affairs, so how can I control others?" Deng Yu sighed and closed his eyes.

That night, the stars fell.

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