Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 504: Gongs sound in ten places, but he is there in nine places

Liu Lian also told Zhu Zhen that the leader of Hidden Hidden House was Zheng Yiyi.

The Tianshi Mansion and its affiliated Taoist temples account for more than half of the hidden fields listed in the Account Book, with a total of 200,000 households and 160,000 hectares!

And this is the data from the beginning of the country. In recent years, the whole country has been reclaiming wasteland and restoring production. The actual number of hidden fields must be much greater than what is recorded in the "No Account Book".

It is precisely because Zhang Tianshi and his subordinates, as well as the big households dependent on them, own the most land but do not pay taxes, and control the largest population, but they are not allowed to serve. How could those big households on the household registration board be convinced? There is definitely going to be trouble!

Therefore, Liu Lian believes that the crux of the problem in Jiangxi lies with Zhang Tianshi. As long as the imperial court can make up its mind, based on this "Regardless of Account Book", the population controlled by Zhengyi will be reorganized into households, and the land controlled by Zhengyi will be resettled. , carry out the clearing again, and record it in the yellow book.

Once the largest landowner, Zhengyi Yiyi, is dealt with, Jiangxi's problems can be easily solved.

Liu Lian wrote to Zhu Zhen, hoping that he would submit the "Regardless of the Accounts" and the memorial on his behalf. The reason why he did not go through formal channels was because he was worried that Hu Weiyong would interfere with it.

Because he learned that Hu Weiyong made his fortune in Jiangxi. After he became prime minister, his relationship with Jiangxi has been very close.

Liu Lian asked Zhu Zhen to help him persuade the emperor and the prince, so that he could make up his mind to thoroughly investigate the "No Account Book" case. Only by refreshing the official system and sweeping away those corrupt officials who colluded with Zhengyi and acted as a protective umbrella can it be possible to clean up Zhengyi and succeed in the reform in Jiangxi.

At the end of the letter, Liu Lian mentioned that his current situation was somewhat dangerous. If anything happens, ask him to take care of Liu Li on your behalf...


After reading the letter, Zhu Zhen burst into tears on the spot. He never knew that his senior brother, a weak scholar, could have thunder in his chest, full of sincerity, and the heroic determination of "Even if there are thousands of people, I will go"!

He secretly made up his mind to fulfill his unfinished will for his senior brother, even if he was killed and his blood was shed, and he was infamous for thousands of years!

Zhu Zhen adjusted his mood, exhaled a breath, raised his head and looked at Shen Liben, his eyes so cold that it penetrated people.

"Are you going to say it now, or should we say it after we read the account books together?" His Highness King Chu's voice sounded like it was coming from under the Nine Netherworld, and the surging murderous intent made the room as warm as spring feel a bit colder.

Shen Liben was the first to bear the brunt and was overwhelmed by this powerful pressure. He knew very well that once "Regardless of the Account Book" came out, there would be no chance for him to take any chances - because this account book was created during his tenure!

So even if he resists to the end, he will not escape death. Moreover, everyone has to take the blame, and it will be easy for the nine tribes to fall into the trap. If not, the three Yi tribes will be blamed.

The truth behind this is as simple as one plus one equals two. The hard thing is to face all this...

In the end, Shen Liben's knees weakened, he knelt down and said with tears: "I will say anything, I just hope that no harm will come to my wife and children."

"Then when you were embezzling and accepting bribes, did your wife, children, and children also enjoy the blessings of the people?!" His Royal Highness the King of Chu said coldly: "At this point, you are still negotiating terms with me? You can only confess everything and strive for meritorious service. Road!"

"Yes, the culprit confesses." Seeing that Lao Liu was as difficult to deal with as the legend said, Shen Liben no longer took any chances. He first made clear the most important thing:

"We never planned to take Liu Lian's life from the beginning! He is Liu Bowen's son and His Highness's senior brother. The guilty minister and Hu Xiang are tired of living, so they are not looking for death. It's all Xiong Qitai who is good at making decisions, because he He lost this account book and was frightened. He wanted to take the account book back and kill people to silence him. He was completely crazy..."

"Didn't you make that account book too?!" King Chu asked in a deep voice.

"This account book was created when I was a criminal official, but I was just following orders and had to do it." Shen Liben tried to shirk responsibility.

"Whose order?!" Zhu Zhen asked.

"Yes, it's Prime Minister Hu." Shen Liben swallowed his saliva and said, "Oh no, it's that thief Hu Weiyong."

"Isn't that right?" Zhu Zhen touched his round cheeks and muttered: "At that time, Hu Weiyong was no longer in Jiangxi, right?"

"Yes." Shen Liben nodded and said: "In the first month of the third year of Hongwu, Hu Weiyong became the political advisor of Zhongshu Province. After defeating Yang Xian, he took charge of the fabrication of household registration records across the country. At the end of that year, the guilty minister came to Beijing to report on his duties. He instructed the guilty ministers to take care of the upright ones. He said that Jiangxi is a small and densely populated area, and there is an underreporting of 180,000 households, so no one can notice..."

"Why is he related to Zhengyi?" Zhu Zhen was really convinced. This Hu Xiang was the gong in ten places, and he was in nine. Let's not say it's bad, but this ubiquitous energy alone makes him no longer a mortal.

"It is impossible for even the lower officials to know the reason. It is said that Hu Xiang's fortune is related to Zhengyiyi." Shen Liben lowered his voice involuntarily and said: "It was when Huxiang was an official in Jiangxi that he got involved with Zhengyiyi. And then through the process of success."

"..." Zhu Zhenxin said, didn't he get into power by bribing Li Shanchang? However, there are already different opinions on this sudden rise to fame, and it is normal to have various versions of it. He then said: "Tell me more about this paragraph."

"At that time, Prime Minister Hu was transferred from the county magistrate of Ningguo, Zhejiang, to the magistrate of Ji'an Prefecture, Jiangxi. Although his official rank was promoted, his official career was definitely not smooth." Shen Liben said mysteriously: "But Hu Weiyong is very ambitious, so naturally he will not He is willing to be a subordinate, and he is always looking for opportunities to rise to the top."

"I asked you to elaborate, not to tell stories." Zhu Zhen glared depressedly: "Just talk about things, don't mix narratives and arguments!"

"Yes." Shen Liben said honestly: "Not long after he arrived in Jiangxi, he discovered that the Inspector Li Yinbing was sparing no effort to attack the Governor Zhu Wenzheng. At that time, everyone thought Li Yinbing was crazy. How could it be possible? Zhu Wenzheng’s opponent? Hu Weiyong, however, sized up the situation and secretly sought refuge with Li Yinbing, helping him collect evidence against the governor."

"..." Zhu Zhen felt very complicated when Shen Liben mentioned his cousin's name.

Cousin Zhu Wenzheng is the son of his uncle Zhu Xinglong, King of Nanchang. Of course, this King of Nanchang was also posthumously granted the title after the founding of the People's Republic of China. When the old bandit raised an army, his uncle had already passed away. When his widow Wang heard that her brother-in-law was separatist, she took him to join the old bandit.

The eldest brother was not yet born at that time. When the old thief saw the only descendant of the old Zhu family, he was naturally ecstatic and raised Zhu Wenzheng as his own son. Let people like Xu Da and Li Shanchang be his masters and train him according to the standards of successors.

The cousin himself is also very ambitious. He is brave, good at fighting and resourceful, and is deeply supported by the soldiers. In the journey of starting a business, the old thief has repeatedly made extraordinary achievements. And he also behaved very well. Once Zhu Yuanzhang asked him: "What kind of official do you want to be?" ’

He replied angrily: "My uncle has achieved great success, so why worry about not being rich? Why should we convince the public by giving officials and rewards to our relatives first?"

Zhu Yuanzhang was very happy to hear this and loved his nephew even more. Later, the Privy Council was changed to the Governor's Office, and he was appointed as the Governor to control the Chinese and foreign military affairs.

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