Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 60 Father’s love is like a soldering iron.

In the Wenhua Hall, there was a constant sound of snapping, which was Boss Zhu waving thorn sticks to teach his son.

Although the thorn stick hurts but does not hurt, and there are only twenty whips, Zhu Yuanzhang cherished the beating very much. Make sure that through every whip, your son can feel his strong fatherly love.

The first one to be whipped was the second child. King Qin was thick-skinned and had slightly more experience in being beaten than King Yan. How could twenty whips be enough? Just grit your teeth and get over it.

The second one is the third child. Although King Jin is not tender-skinned, he is actually quite afraid of pain. But he is stronger by nature, how can he be compared with the second child?

What's more, the next King Yan who was beaten would definitely remain silent. If he cried out in pain, he would have to laugh at him for three months.

So he not only gritted his teeth, but also opened his mouth and stared in pain, his face twisted, and he managed to hold back from shouting...

When the third child was finished, he gasped and turned to look at the fourth child, giving him a provocative look.

The fourth child had a look of disdain on his face and endured twenty strong fatherly loves without any movement, and even yawned. As a result, the father was displeased and gave him ten more fatherly loves...

It was much more normal when it was Lao Wu's turn. After eating the last few bites, he finally couldn't help but start moaning in pain.

Although the wattle stick doesn't hurt anyone, it hurts!

Then comes the last one.

Zhu Yuanzhang wiped his sweat, moved his arms, picked up a new thorn stick, and rounded it...

Amid the roar of the wind, His Royal Highness the King of Chu's heart-rending screams could be heard.

"Nangqiu, you haven't been beaten yet! Why are you howling like a wolf? You scared me!" Zhu Yuanzhang was so angry that he whipped the King of Chu hard on his large buttocks.

‘Ouch~~’ A louder scream...

Zhu Zhen wasn't pretending, it really hurt! Every blow of father's love is like a soldering iron falling on the buttocks. After a few blows, it feels like the buttocks are mushy!

He had been beaten twice before by his father, once with the soles of his shoes and once with a feather duster. Compared with this time, the pain level is like Feng Ge and Caihua comparing sales - the difference is huge!

The screams were so loud that Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't remember how many whips he had been given, so he had no choice but to follow the principle of preferring more to less and give him a few more!

"Hit me more, beat me too much..." Zhu Zhen said with tears streaming down his face, "I keep counting."

"It's just a good thing you did. What happened if you did it a few more times?" Zhu Yuanzhang's fatherly love couldn't stop.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore..." Zhu Zhen cried loudly.

"Looking like a loser," Zhu Yuanzhang wished he could do it again, but the prince held him tightly.

"Okay dad, the sixth child is still a child, what if he gets beaten up?" Zhu Biao persuaded, "Just save your energy and hit me."

"You are indispensable. When you are done here, come back to Qianqing Palace with us. I will punish you alone!" Zhu Yuanzhang glared at him and then threw away the thorn.

"From tomorrow on, we will go to school every day. There will be no holidays during the first lunar month, rain or shine, and homework will be doubled. Did you hear that?!" The loving father announced additional punishments.

"Ah..." The second and fourth children finally screamed.

"What a fart, it's not over yet!" Although Zhu Yuanzhang had agreed with Queen Ma, he still felt that this was too light. Then he sneered and said: "Let's think about it again and see how we can teach you a lesson. We'll talk about it later when we think of it!"

He can always regret it.


The closed door of the palace finally opened, and Zhu Yuanzhang walked out of the hall feeling comfortable.

Concubine Hu Chong also rushed in crying to check on her son. Just now, her son cried so hard that her heart was broken.

When the two passed by each other, their shoulders bumped into each other, and Zhu Yuanzhang was knocked back by Concubine Hu Chong.

Fortunately, his lower body was stable, and he immediately stabilized his figure, covering his shoulder that was hit, and turned around and said angrily: "She did it on purpose, she must have done it on purpose..."

"Okay, you're as knowledgeable as a girl." Empress Ma rolled her eyes at him and said, "How many more times did you hit Lao Liu?"

"Hey, we're not angry either. In fact, we just like her taste, it's spicy enough." Zhu Yuanzhang laughed and hurried away with the prince.

"Virtue." Empress Ma spat and went into the palace to examine her son's anus one by one.

Of course, the second and fourth children didn’t even look at it, they just lifted their pants.

The third and fifth children are not a big problem, the skin is not broken, and the swelling will be reduced.

In fact, the same goes for Lao Liu, except that his skin is a little tender, and the bloody marks are quite scary. It only lasts for three or two days.

This was all within Queen Ma's expectation. There is no better wife than a wife who knows her husband. She knew better than to watch Zhu Yuanzhang shouting and killing his son all day long, but he only talked about it and always raised his hands high and put them down gently.

Of course, the premise is not to make him mad. That dog's temper, once it got the better of him, could kill the prince as an enemy... let alone his other sons.

So she had to come before Zhu Yuanzhang took action, just to bring down the fire on him to prevent him from being impulsive.


Empress Ma first comforted Concubine Hu Chong, who was holding her son in tears, and then touched Lao Liu's head: "Zhen'er, your father taught you a lesson, do you know you were wrong?"

"I know, Queen Mother." Zhu Zhen sobbed while blowing snot bubbles from his nose. In fact, he had stopped crying, but as soon as he entered his mother's arms, he felt so aggrieved that he couldn't help but cry...

Wow, this king is so wronged. I'm obviously trying very hard to be a good person, but why do I always get beaten? Wow wow wow...

"Let Wang Defa carry him on your sedan chair. Get some medicine as soon as you get back. You know these things better than me." Empress Ma said to Concubine Hu Chong. She originally had something to ask Lao Liu, but when she saw him crying like this, she couldn't bear to ask.

"Yes." Concubine Hu Chong thanked the queen for her kindness, otherwise Zhu Zhen would not be able to ride in the sedan chair. At best, she would find a door panel to carry him back. How shameless that is...


Zhu Zhen was carried out of Wenhua Gate by Wang Defa. He suddenly stopped crying and asked Wang Ma to stop.

Then he clasped his fists at the four brothers who limped out and said with great gratitude:

"Thank you all brothers for sharing your time. If you have difficulties in the future, I will also lend a helping hand!"

He is telling the truth. This time without his brothers to share the firepower, he would have to skin him even if he didn't die today.

Moreover, his father's perception of him will be much worse. Well, it’s probably not much better now…

"Okay, it's easy to say. We share the blessings and share the hardships." The second brother said with a smile.

"That good brother's butt will have no time to spare from now on." The fourth brother also cupped his fists in return. "The green mountains will not change and the green water will always flow. My brother will just say goodbye!"

"Humph, you should thank me in other ways!" The third brother said proudly: "I am a wise king! So I don't think going to school every day and doing double homework is a punishment. Studying makes me happy! Just keep studying. Always makes me happy!”

"I told you to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf again!" Zhu Di slapped the King Xian on the buttocks.

‘Ouch, ouch…’ The third brother screamed immediately.

Concubine Da Ding watched her brothers joking and playing around from a distance, and suddenly she felt unhappy. She scolded Lao Qi in a low voice, "Why don't you get beaten?"

"Ah? It's nothing to do with me?" Lao Qi was shocked. Is it a crime if he doesn't get beaten?

"Idiot! You will be isolated this way! Remember, you have to be gregarious?!" Concubine Da Ding poked.

"Oh oh oh..." Lao Qi was poked so hard that his head shook, but it wasn't over yet.

"In order to teach you a lesson, my mother will give you those twenty whips when I get back..." Concubine Da Ding said quietly.

‘Just take the opportunity to vent your anger! ’ Lao Qi was about to cry without tears, and roared silently and angrily.

‘Am I your biological child? ’

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