Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 585 Everyone is a genius

At this time, another official found his name from the freshman roster and read loudly: "Hong Qi, Class A of Zhengyi Hall."

A senior student holding a sign with the name ‘正甲’ asked him to stand behind him.

When there were twelve people gathered, he led them in and came to Class A of Zhengyi Hall to worship the doctor and the assistant teacher and offer them a bundle of cultivation.

The bundle is the tuition fee, each student has a piece of silk, a bundle of dried meat, and a jug of wine.

But these are not for the school, but for the respective doctors and teaching assistants. This is a rule that has been preserved in order to comply with ancient etiquette.

In fact, when Guozi students studied at Guozi School, not only did they not have to pay tuition, but all their meals, charcoal fire, clothes, bedding, paper, ink, pens and inkstones were provided by the court.

Moreover, during festivals such as Zhengdan and Lantern Festival, the emperor also rewarded people with money. When students return home to visit relatives, the court also gives them travel expenses.

For married Confucian students, the court even gave them food to support their wives and children. This is also thanks to the grace of Queen Ma.

Once when she accompanied Zhu Yuanzhang to inspect the Guozixue, she saw that many students were already old, so she asked them if they were married. After receiving a positive answer, Queen Ma said:

"The students of the Imperial College have room and board at the Imperial College, but their wives have nothing to rely on. How can we not worry about them all the time?"

From then on, Zhu Yuanzhang gave food to the families of married Confucian students. Empress Ma also personally supervised the construction of a grain house specifically for this purpose, so the grain house was called the 'Red Cang'.

This shows how much Boss Zhu cares about Guozi studies. The generous treatment given to the students is completely unlike his handiwork.

But this just shows how high hopes Zhu Yuanzhang has for Guozixue, hoping that they can grow up, stir up the power of the court, and completely change the dirty atmosphere in officialdom...


After the apprenticeship ceremony, the teaching assistant gave each student a bamboo plaque with their name and class written on the front and their dormitory number on the back.

"Go and put your luggage into the school dormitory. There are senior seniors in the dormitory who serve as your dormitory leaders. You must listen to their teachings and do not violate them." The teaching assistant surnamed Hou said solemnly: "In addition, you are not allowed to change your number privately. You are not allowed to enter the inner courtyard without permission, and you are not allowed to leave the academy without any reason. Do you understand?"

"Yes." All the freshmen hurriedly agreed, and then they followed the seniors and filed out to the backyard.

The backyard is the largest area of ​​​​the entire Guozi School, and it is densely packed with rows of school buildings.

Entering this area, the senior student of Sui Xing Tang, who had always been unsmiling, finally looked like he was smiling:

"In this area, you can still joke. But don't fight, don't form groups, and don't discuss current affairs. Otherwise, you will be sent to the Rope Hall, lie down on the red bench, and have the bamboo stick pulled up your buttocks, and you will be swept away. .”

"Ah, there is also corporal punishment?" someone exclaimed.

"Are you a government student? People don't ask questions like this." The senior smiled and said: "Not only are there whippings in Guozixue, but those who commit serious offenses may even be expelled, sent to the army, pilloryed, or even beheaded..."

"Ah, you will behead?" The student was even more shocked.

"Don't worry, as long as you abide by the school rules and don't commit any crimes, nothing will happen to you." The senior comforted them and sent them to their respective dormitories.

More than 3,000 students live in more than 400 dormitories, so every eight students live in one room.

Lao Liu looked at the back of his number plate and saw an '×' engraved on it. He couldn't help but be startled: "What does the cross mean?"

The senior took it over and looked at it and said, "Oh, it's the Yi-character room. The school buildings are numbered according to the Thousand-Character script. This is the '乂' in 'Jun Yi Mi Wu', not the cross."

"Hahaha." This caused a burst of laughter from all the students. "Cha Zi Fang, brother is really talented."

How can Lao Liu stand this? His face sank, and just when he was about to have an attack, someone scolded him first: "You are laughing at your mother next door."

It was Deng Duo who followed him silently from the moment he entered the gate of Guozixue.

"..." All the students were stunned. I don't know whether it was because the literati were not good at quarreling, or because they were suppressed by the man's gangsterism, but no one dared to talk back.

"You," the senior probably had never seen anyone like this. He thought about "you" for a while, then remembered his dignity as a senior, and said with a straight face, "What are you doing?"

"What?" Deng Duo was stunned.

"Just doing your shit?" Lao Liu couldn't help laughing.

"I'm also from Cha Zi Fang, what do you want me to do?" Deng Duo glared.

"Okay..." Seeing that he was about to roll up his sleeves and beat someone up, the senior immediately gave up. He pointed to a dormitory next to him and said, "You two will live here."

"Yes." Lao Liu nodded, carrying his luggage and dragging Deng Duo, who still refused to give up, into the 'Y' store.

Since you are here to experience being a student, you should act like a student. As soon as you get up, you can go to the house and uncover the tiles. What else can you see?


The word ‘乂’ is in the middle.

Five people had already arrived, packing their things and chatting.

Suddenly the light at the door dimmed. Everyone looked over and saw two burly men appearing at the door. Blocked all the light...

The sound in the school building suddenly disappeared.

Lao Liu glanced around and saw that Hu Xian had arrived and was leaning on the bed, chatting animatedly with a dark-faced scholar next to him.

When Hu Xian saw Lao Liu, he subconsciously wanted to stand up and salute, but he quickly held back and pretended not to recognize him and said politely: "This brother is so majestic. He must be from the north at first glance."

"What the hell are you doing?" Lao Liu rolled his eyes. Don't you know that your hometown is neither south nor north?

"Hehe. It seems that something bad has happened." Hu Xian smiled quickly and said: "Nowadays, my family is well-known in the capital. Who can make my brother unhappy? Tell me and I will help you get revenge."

"Fuck..." Lao Liu rolled his eyes again. The Hu family, one of the few in the capital, still had such a small reputation.

"Brother Gu, stop joking." The black-faced scholar hurriedly came out to smooth things over, and said to Lao Liu: "Brother, don't blame me, Brother Gu is a very good person."

As he spoke, he cupped his hands and introduced himself: "I'm Tie Xuan, a native of Dengzhou, Henan. Do you know your two brothers' surnames?"

"Tie Xuan..." Lao Liu looked him up and down, making the dark-faced scholar's hair stand on end. He then put down his luggage and said with a smile: "My... name is Hong Qi, from Nanchang, Jiangxi."

"Oh? Are you from Nanchang too?" Another scholar with a fair face and short stature said in surprise: "Hu Yan, I am from Nanchang County. Which county is Brother Hong from?"

"We live in Nanchang," Lao Liu coughed and said, "We are originally from Huaibei."

"It's normal. My native place is not Nanchang. I'm from Xingan County, Linjiang Prefecture." The little scholar is older and very smart. He only talks about fellow villagers and won't ask questions like, "Why have I never been here before?" "I've seen Xiongtai from the government," something like that.

He enthusiastically introduced two other people to Lao Liu, one of whom was also from Jiangxi and came from Taihe County, Ji'an Prefecture. His name was Yang Yu and his courtesy name was Shiqi.

Yang Yu and Yang Shiqi were tall and thin, with a slight stoop and a big head, like a bean sprout. But his eyes are very smart, and he looks like a very smart bean sprout.

He was also very good at making trouble, and he became brothers with Lao Liu in just a few words. He flattered me one after another, and asked him not to beat me if I didn't ask for anything else.

The other one is from Fujian and his name is Huang Guan. He is a quiet little man. He has packed his luggage and has been reading a book. After saying hello to Lao Liu, he lowered his head and continued reading his book. Maybe he didn't even see what Lao Liu looked like...

ps. As I said before, in order to make the story exciting, the appearance time of some people may be adjusted, such as the roommates of Lao Liu, and the next Master Jijiu. So don’t stick to the exact time. The story has unfolded for so many years, and it is normal for the timeline to change.

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