Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 63 Remarks on the launch

I can’t remember how many times I’ve written a review for the book’s release, but this time it’s definitely the one with the most mixed feelings.

In fact, when you first open a book, you should write a book review. And I also planned to write it, but after deleting, revising, revising and deleting, in the end I didn’t say anything and just published the book silently.

At that time, I really understood Lao Xin's song "Ugly Slave", which really meant "now that I have experienced all the sorrow, I want to say it but I still want to stop it, I want to say it but I still want to..."

But after all, I still have to tell you why I haven’t opened a book in the past year. Because too many people have asked about it, I owe everyone an explanation.

The past year has been so difficult for me and my family. After a whole year of suffering, finally at the end of the year, I lost my mother.

So in this book, no matter what, I have to let the sixth child have a mother, so that his mother can live a free and easy life.

In fact, I know that the past year has not been easy for everyone, and we all need to be gently comforted.

Fortunately, after opening the book, I was comforted a lot by everyone. After this month, I feel that the haze in my heart has been dispelled a lot, and the sunshine is shining in again.

I also sincerely hope that my words can comfort everyone, even if it is only a little bit, I will be satisfied.

In fact, I originally hoped that I would open the book when everyone was in the most difficult time a year ago. At that time, I would definitely be able to give you some companionship and a little more comfort.

However, things went wrong and I was knocked down first. I'm really sorry to everyone...

I often listen to a piano piece called "Everything Will Be Fine" recently.

Spring is coming soon in the north, and it’s a good time to start again. I hope each of us will get better and better.

I also hope that this book can accompany everyone on a wonderful life journey.



Oh, by the way, there is also the issue of shelf updates that everyone is most concerned about. Now that it's on the shelves, the rules will definitely be updated.

I’ll do the tenth update after midnight. I would like to thank the two Silver League leaders and all the league leaders and friends for their rewards.

By the way, I would like to strongly strive for the first order, this is really important! Nowadays, people often pay 20,000 to 30,000 yuan for an initial order. If we, an old comrade, make an initial order of too little, we will really lose face.

Let's do this. On the basis of two updates every day, I will add one update for every 500 first orders you place.

The monks are all in their forties. Is this acceptable?

So let's start at zero.

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