Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 700 Verification of identity

Union Medical College.

Gao Fucheng and his men waited anxiously outside the clinic all night as if they were waiting for their daughter-in-law to give birth to a baby.

During this period, his subordinates became impatient several times and wanted to rush in to see what was going on, but they were all stopped by Gao Fucheng on the grounds that they could not interfere with the treatment.

At dawn, with a creak, the door of the consulting room, which had been closed all night, finally opened.

The staggering, half-asleep officers rushed out of the waiting room to check on the situation.

Gao Fucheng wiped the saliva marks from the corner of his mouth and asked the shopkeeper, "How did it go?"

"It was very successful." The shopkeeper smiled evilly at him, and Nunu said at the corner of his mouth: "Sir, please go in and take a look."

Gao Fu Cheng opened the curtain and saw Mr. Hu lying on the hospital bed with a peaceful face, his breathing was steady, and he slept like a baby.

"The person is fine. He will wake up when the anesthetic wears off." The shop owner said softly.

"Amazing." Gaofucheng looked at the face that was exactly the same as Mr. Hu's, and couldn't help but admire him again and again. Big shots are just for fun. These little characters can't even imagine it.


Gao Fucheng took the replaced 'Mr. Hu' back to handle the business, so there was no need to mention it again.

Speaking of Mr. Hu who was sent back to prison, today is the big day for him to hit the road.

Some people asked why it was such a coincidence. In fact, it was not a coincidence at all. Everything was arranged.

Because Boss Zhu has always been very efficient in doing things, this year's autumn finals list was completed early in the morning.

However, the number of executioners is limited, and executions can only be carried out at three quarters of noon every day, and it must be sunny. If it is windy, rainy, or cloudy, the execution cannot be performed.

It is said that this is because the yang energy in heaven and earth is the strongest when killing people, so that the resentful souls of the executed prisoners will dissipate immediately like boiling soup and throwing snow.

If you can't even become a ghost, then naturally you can't "I won't let you go even if you become a ghost"...

But in this case, the execution needs to be scheduled. Therefore, the emperor only decided to execute him after autumn, but the specific time of execution was still decided by the Ministry of Punishment. As long as the beheading is completed before the beginning of winter, it will be fine.

Zhao Butang has been delaying Hu Tianci's execution schedule, waiting for Hu Xiang to rescue him.

As soon as Mr. Hu was replaced, he immediately arranged the execution and quickly killed the white duck to avoid a long night and many dreams.

So Hu Tianci left the prison, and Zhao Butang set his sentence for tomorrow.

But who would have thought that Hu Hansan would be back again...

Because the night fragrance was poured during the fourth watch, Mr. Hu did not delay his journey, but he did not eat his own meal, which made him very regretful.

Fortunately, it didn't take long before officials from the Ministry of Punishment, surrounded by officials and officials, came to the prison to look for him.

Although the execution was at 3:00 noon, Boss Zhu's officials were very dedicated and would come before five o'clock to verify his identity, so as not to delay going to court.

Since the person who was going to the execution ground today was the prime minister's son, the emperor personally ordered the execution of the imperial prisoner. To show his solemnity, Zhao Zhu, the Minister of Punishment, personally came to verify his identity. The Metropolitan Procuratorate also sent a censor to supervise on site.

Compared with the last time he met Hu Weiyong, the Minister of Punishment looked extremely poor. Not only did he have dark circles under his eyes, but his eyes were also bloodshot.

This venerable appearance surprised Kaiji, the minister who accompanied him.

"Have you not slept all night long?"

"Yes, I was busy until midnight. Thinking of having to go to jail again at the fourth watch, I simply didn't sleep." Zhao Zhu yawned. Of course he would not say that it was because of too much psychological pressure that he would feel bad every time he closed his eyes. A very bad nightmare.

Fortunately, as soon as he entered the prison, Zhao Budang felt no longer sleepy due to the smell inside.

"Bu Tang, please come this way." Laozi guided Zhao Budang and his party deep into the prison.

"Hey, where's the cell leader Feng?" Zhao Zhu saw that the prison man was different, not the one he had gone to plot with a few days ago.

"Oh, our prison boss is gone. He went back to the countryside to attend funerals." The prison boy said hurriedly and humbly.

"What a coincidence..." Zhao Zhu couldn't help but frown.

"That's right, such an important imperial prisoner is detained here, and he dares to ask for leave. I think he doesn't want to do it anymore!" All the officials agreed.

Only Laozi understood what Zhao Budang meant, but he could only pretend not to understand and lowered his head even lower.


The group of people arrived outside the single room where Mr. Hu was detained.

"Is it so smelly?" All the officials covered their noses one after another. They originally thought that the cell was smelly enough, but they didn't expect that there was a stink within the stink... It was like a cesspool.

"You guys should be a little more particular." Kai Shilang said unhappily.

"This man's brain is broken." The prisoner said helplessly: "I had to crawl into the excrement bucket last night, and I couldn't even pull him back..."

"That's it..." All the officials sighed secretly, thinking that it was normal for a noble prime minister to be reduced to such a situation and not be able to bear the stimulation.

Zhao Butang felt even more at ease, it was just stupid.

The prisoner opened the cell door, and several officials went in. They saw Mr. Hu sleeping on the straw, with dog urine in his mouth, talking vaguely in his sleep: "That's mine, give me a meal without my head..." "

‘Good guy, have you really become a fool? ’ everyone said.

"Get up, get up." The officer endured his nausea and kicked him up with his toes.

Hu Tianci had not slept well to begin with. When he opened his eyes, he saw people standing inside and outside the cell.

When he knew it was time to go on the road, he was so frightened that he shrank into a corner of the cell and trembled: "Don't come over here. Do you know who I am?"

"Tell me, who are you?" The clerk responsible for verifying his identity licked the tip of his pen and prepared to fill in the paperwork.

"My name is Hu Tianci, and my father is Hu Weiyong."

"Okay, my surname is Hu, my name is Tianci, and my father is Hu Weiyong." The clerk asked while writing: "What's your mother's... surname?"

"Ms. Li...what are you asking my mother for?" Hu Tianci was confused.

"To verify your identity, you need to fill in the names of yourself, parents, grandparents, and three generations." The clerk said, "We are very strict."

"No, I'm not asking you to fill out a form, I'm telling you - I am the real Hu Tianci, and my father is really Hu Weiyong!" Hu Tianci said hurriedly.

"Here we go again..." The prisoner muttered in a low voice, "I won't say anything else."

"Yes, you are the real Hu Tianci. If you are fake, it will be troublesome." The clerk said, and the four officials endured the stench and stepped forward to take off his smelly clothes. All clean.

Then he pressed Mr. Hu, who was as bare as a pig, on the ground in the shape of a 'tai'.

This is not to humiliate him, but an important step to verify his identity. The purpose is to prevent the false from being fake.

Because after being arrested, most of the prisoners on death row were tortured until they were reduced to human form, and the cells were filthy. By the time the criminal was executed, he was already disheveled and unrecognizable. It is difficult to identify them by their faces alone.

Therefore, it is necessary to compare the physical characteristics to verify the identity.

After all, slaughtering white ducks has a long history, and it is impossible for the court not to carry out targeted prevention. It’s just that no matter how strict the regulations are, they must ultimately be implemented by people.

And people can let go.

For example, the clerk responsible for the physical examination was called by the department the day before yesterday and told to turn a blind eye and not to take it too seriously. The result of extraneous matters will be self-destruction...

The clerk looked at Mr. Hu's physical features and compared them with the notes he took when he came in. He planned to be vague.

Who would have thought that after a comparison, they can actually match...

"There is a birthmark about three inches below the left armpit, the size of a copper coin. They match."

"One of the right eggs is missing, so it matches."

"On the front and bottom of the left ear, there is a big hairy black mole on a soybean, which matches." The clerk sang while comparing, and was secretly shocked for a hundred years.

This Hu Xiang is so rigorous, and the white ducks he gets are so perfect. All the physical signs are faked to perfection, they are exactly the same!

If the department hadn't said hello in advance, I, a veteran of twenty years, would have been unable to tell the truth from the lies.

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