Father can be an enemy to the country

Chapter 81 Son inherits father’s legacy

After sighing with emotion, Zhu asked Tang Jia Zhang again, how should this land be planted?

The brothers were all on edge, this was their main task for this experience. But he has never farmed before?

"I see that you have allocated fifteen acres of paddy fields and two acres of vegetable fields. As for the vegetable fields, you can plant them now. The old man still has some vegetable seeds. I will help you sprinkle them later." Tang Jia said: "Then it is fertilizing and watering. It’s no trouble to get water or catch insects, just learn how the old man does it.”

"Thank you so much, father-in-law." The cruel reality soon taught their highnesses what politeness meant.

"Go, I will carry water for you later." King Qin patted his chest. He never hesitated when it came to putting in effort.

"Okay, okay. What worries me most about this old man is carrying water." Tang Jiazhang smiled happily. It seems that these gangsters are not hopeless.

"What about the work in the paddy field?" Lao Si asked again.

"It's a lot more troublesome to serve the crops. You have to study hard and work hard in order to have a good harvest." Tang Jia said: "If you want to grow fields, just clearing wasteland and raising fields will be enough for you to work for two years."

"Fortunately, the land allocated to you is mature land, which saves a lot of trouble. You can plant it this year. But you have to plow it three times before planting it. Oh, by the way, you haven't raised seedlings yet. You have to hurry up. I'll see you tomorrow I’ll help you grow the seedlings first, otherwise the transplanting will be delayed.”

The brothers were very moved when they heard this. This Tang Jia Chang is simply a beacon guiding the way in the dark night, and the Guanyin who gives birth to children for infertile people.

Although he was moved, he was also a little surprised. Why did his attitude change so much in such a short time?

Their highnesses asked as they thought of it. Old Man Tang stroked his beard and said what he had thought of for a long time. "Haha, old man, I think you brothers are not bad people. It's just that you have been young masters for a long time and are not used to our rural life."

"Besides, there was something wrong with us earlier. As the saying goes, distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, and it is better to dissolve enemies than to make enemies. Wouldn't this old man come to your door and make peace with you?"

"Yeah." The brothers were greatly moved and immediately declared that they were good people and would not bully the villagers in the future.

"Yeah, I won't do anything sneaky." King Qin said very matter-of-factly.

The third and fourth elders felt depressed for a while. The former felt that the second brother's statement was too cheap, but the latter felt that the second brother had blocked the road. If you want to improve things from now on, you have to go to other villages.

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good!" Old Man Tang not only completed the task, but also got rid of his heart disease. He stood up and said with a smile:

"You can use the firewood piled outside as you like. When you go up the mountain to the forest, you can just pick up some firewood and add it. As for raising seedlings, preparing the land, transplanting rice seedlings and watering them, just follow me and learn. Although as the old saying goes, 'farm work' , There is no need to learn, we can do what others do, but we still have to learn in order to serve the crops well."

"Okay, thank you very much, father-in-law. We will thank you deeply!" The brothers were grateful, and King Qin and King Jin made a promise on the spot.

The King of Qin said that he would give him ten cows in the future, and the King of Jin said that he would give him a hundred sheep. The prince who is already married and has a mansion is so arrogant.

As for the few unmarried young men of King Yan who are still living in the palace, they can only listen with envy...

Old Man Tang, who still didn't know that he had won a large sum of stock options, didn't take these young men's words to heart and went home laughing.


As soon as Tang Jiazhang left, the brothers hurriedly started eating.

As soon as the third child opened the lid of the pot, the brothers sniffed together. They had never felt that rice was so fragrant.

At this time, I realized that there were no bowls, chopsticks or anything else to eat with, but this did not stop the hungry young people who were bent on eating.

His Royal Highness King Yan, who was skilled in craftsmanship, immediately used a hatchet to cut a few wooden spoons out. The brothers took the spoons, gathered around the pot, and began to eat the rice.

The hungry highnesses didn't mind the rough texture of the brown rice. With the soybean paste brought by Tang Jiazhang, you and I finished a large pot of rice.


"Comfortable..." The five brothers, who had finally had a full meal in the past few days since leaving Beijing, continued to line up in a row under the wall to bask in the sun.

"Fifth brother, I heard that eating brown rice will cause constipation." Lao Liu was a little worried.

"It doesn't matter." Lao Wu said confidently: "I am now an expert in laxatives. I will go back to the mountain to collect some medicine and keep your medicine wherever you go."

"Fifth brother, you were born too early." Lao Liu said sincerely: "If you were born a few hundred years later, at least you would be a weight loss expert."

"Okay, stop talking nonsense." The third child, who had filled his stomach, stood up energetically and faced the four brothers and said:

"After this meal, our life in our hometown has officially begun. Everything needs to be regulated. Let's have a meeting first to divide the work."

"Okay, okay." The second child naturally agreed.

"Tch..." Although Zhu Di was dissatisfied with the way his third brother was doing his job, who should let him be his elder brother?

As for Lao Wu Lao Liu, they only listened.

"Let's start with the little one first." Zhu looked at Zhu Zhen and said, "Lao Liu, the most precious cow in our family will be your responsibility from now on."

"Oh." Zhu Zhenxin said that I have inherited my father's legacy.

Of course he knew that the third brother was taking care of himself, and herding cattle was much easier than working in the fields.

"Not only do you herd the cow, you also have to cut its grass, feed it with water, clean its pen, and brush its fur." ​​Fourth brother reminded Lao Liu.

"Fourth brother knows so much?" Zhu Zhen looked at Zhu Di in surprise.

"There are livestock in the military camp, and your fourth brother especially likes to raise horses." Zhu Hiang said sarcastically: "He is much better at these things than studying."

"I like to raise war horses, which is better than someone who likes to raise thin horses!" Zhu Di immediately retorted.

"How did you know?"

"Hehe, I just know it!"

"Did Li Jinglong tell you?"

"I won't tell you, just guess..."

"It must be him!"

The two people, who had been quiet for a day, started arguing again without warning. Therefore, this person should not eat too much.

"Okay, okay, let's talk about the next one." Even the second brother couldn't listen.

"Hmph." The third brother snorted, and then said to King Wu: "Lao Wu, you can cut raw medicine, decoct medicine, and can make a fire with a knife. I will leave the cooking and cleaning of our house to you."

"Okay. But I haven't cooked anything before. Don't blame me if it doesn't taste good." Zhu Ru nodded and said weakly.

"It's good if it's raw or mature." Zhu Di immediately encouraged him: "Show off your enthusiasm for studying prescriptions, and I'm sure you can become a great chef!"

"Hey." Zhu Ru nodded. With the encouragement from his fourth brother, he felt much more at ease.

Zhu Zhen was a little worried. He had high hopes for Fifth Brother and wanted to train him to become the King of Medicine. Don't let this distract you from your interests and become a chef king.

"As for the work in the fields, I leave it to the second brother and the fourth brother." The third brother continued the division of labor: "Look at your physique and appearance, it would be a pity not to work in the fields."

"What, what is this?" The second brother said unhappily: "I, I am the general prime minister."

"What about you? What are you doing?" The fourth brother only focused on the key points.

"Of course I have more important things to do." The third brother said in a serious tone: "Have you forgotten your father's mission?"

ps. Chapter 8, additional updates after 3,000 orders.

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