Ye Fan’s knowledgeable and domineering, detected the ship clearly.
This is the air force controlled by the Draconians.
The Air Force is the most mysterious military.
Only in Ye Fan’s changed top battle, several air forces appeared.
The rest of the Air Force has never appeared in this world.
Even the vast majority of people don’t even know that the Tianlong people have an air force.
Even Ye Fan, who has read more than 900 episodes of comics, has never seen the air force of the Tianlong people.
There is only one screen.
When the Warring States Period was still a general, his boss, Admiral Steel Gu Kong, was promoted to the General Marshal of Land, Sea and Air Force by Wu Laoxing when he resigned as Admiral of the Navy.
There are more than 900 episodes of comics, only this illustration can indirectly prove that the Tianlong people have an air force.
Otherwise, why would there be such a position as the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of the sea, land and air forces.
The terrifying fruit of the steel bone, if he hadn’t been aging due to his ninety-year-old age, he might even be a more terrifying enemy than Garp.
Ye Fan is already one of the few people in this sea who knows the ability of steel bone empty fruit.
After all, he was the admiral of the navy more than thirty years ago.
The old pirates who are still alive, those who have not entered the city of advancement, and those who can still touch the steel bone, are the Hades Rayleigh, Charlotte Lingling and his cheap father-in-law Kaido.
Ye Fan is also one of the few pirates who know the strength of steel bones.
Ye Fan didn’t get close to the air force’s ship.
Because their warships are obviously more advanced than those of the navy.
There are all kinds of phone bugs on it, seeing every direction.
Through the heart network ability.
Ye Fan could know everything that happened on the boat.
The air force is the same as it appeared in the war on the top.
They are all reformers.
And their technology is different from that of the pacifists.
It’s not Vegapunk technology.
Their technique is more like Franky’s body modification.
Franky is totally called a reformer.
It was after being shot by a bear that he arrived at a laboratory where the future technology kingdom hadn’t been completely destroyed.
There, he learned many technologies of the future technology kingdom.
This country has disappeared for at least eight hundred years.
Their technology is far ahead of Pirate World.
I also don’t know the incomparably powerful technological country back then.
If it was on Blue Star, it would be easy to rule the entire world.
There is no need for devil fruits, only through the transformation of human technology, you can mass-produce masters with the strength of lieutenant generals.
In this way, the strength of the lieutenant general looks inconspicuous.
But the navy and the pirates basically don’t exceed five hundred people.
It has the combat power to wipe out middle-level countries without masters.
How such a powerful future technological kingdom was defeated and completely disappeared from this world is also a mystery.
And Tianlongren, as the controller of Pirate World.
And it is a master who has been in control for eight hundred years.
They undoubtedly have the most wealth left by the future technology kingdom.
Vegapunk is known as a scientist who is five hundred years ahead of the world’s technology.
He is the number one talent in the world right now.
But Vegapunk is not the only scientist working for the Celestial Dragons.
Maybe Im had obtained the technology of the future science and technology kingdom eight hundred years ago, and based on this, he used the technology of the future science and technology kingdom to establish an air force.
These flying ships and reinvented people are the most mysterious air force of the Tianlong people.
The conversation between the two people on board caught Ye Fan’s attention.
“It was a waste of time this time, and I didn’t find those mice from the Freedom Alliance.”
“It’s not very normal. It’s so easy to catch them. Why use our air force? This is also a good thing. If there is no mission, how can we go to Happy Street controlled by Stucey?”
“Yes, this time I return to the Valley of the Gods, I don’t know how long it will take to go outside.”
The five words “Return to the Valley of the Gods” immediately caught Ye Fan’s attention.
He followed even slower, tens of kilometers away from them, just enough to lock their distance in Xinwang, Yaoyao followed them forward.
Valley of the GodsIt turned out to be in the territory of the Air Force.
In other words, Im moved the Valley of Gods to the sky.
This is something Ye Fan never thought of.
I didn’t expect Im to be so generous.
No wonder I couldn’t find it.
I didn’t expect the power of the Tianlongren to be hidden so deeply.
If it weren’t for his strong knowledge and arrogance.
I noticed this air force warship at an altitude of 100,000.
It is simply impossible to find the Valley of the Gods.
My luck is really good.
Ye Fan followed the air force warship all the way.
After more than ten hours, it was almost dark.
The warship no longer flew parallel, but flew straight into space.
Ye Fan looked up.
Above his head is the legendary Valley of the Gods, which is actually at an altitude of one million meters.
It has been transformed into a space fortress.
Chapter 116 Battlestar
There is nothing wrong with this space fortress, the shape is the island drawn by Kaido.
But now it has been completely changed into a brand new look.
This is a space fortress.
It operates in a low-Earth orbit 100 kilometers above the ground.
It is already the flight altitude of the near-earth satellite of the Blue Star Civilization.
No wonder Ye Fan didn’t find this island.
The reason is also very simple. Ye Fan’s heart network cannot find this island in space with a straight-line distance of more than 100 kilometers.
If it wasn’t for a lucky encounter with this warship flying in the sky.
With Ye Fan’s current knowledge and domineering aura, he has no way of knowing the existence of this island.
No wonder after that battle forty years ago.
No pirate has ever seen the Valley of the Gods.
It turned out that the entire island was sent into outer space.
And using the technology of the future science and technology kingdom, this valley of the gods has been completely transformed into a technological artifact.
It seems that there is a good chance to find the last piece of historical text on this deeply hidden island.
In the original work, there are only two possible places where the red history text can appear.
One is to execute Im’s order to erase Princess Vivi during the World Conference.
I don’t know why, Blackbeard, Luffy and Princess Baixing are obviously much stronger than Princess Vivi, but Im finally chose to turn off Princess Vivi’s light.
In addition, in order to rescue the bear, Sabo was defeated by the green bull and Fujitora in the holy land Mariejoa.
Although it was written in the newspaper that it was killed, it was obviously impossible.
It is very likely that Luffy will get the last piece of historical text when he went to the Holy Land Mary Jo to rescue Princess Vivi and Sabo.
Another place may be Elbaf.
This legendary giant kingdom has been foreshadowed for a long time.
For example, when Luffy was fighting Mingo.
Among the five affiliated pirate groups under him, the New Giant Soldier Pirates are giants. After the chapter on Cake Island, it is also mentioned that the aunt Charlotte Lingling grew up in Elbaf.
At the same time, the Celestial Dragons colluded with the nuns and allowed him to gain the favor of the Elbaf giants. With the help of the false Virgin and the real devil, the nuns brought many soldiers of the giants to the navy.
More than 400 levels have been paved, and Luffy is likely to go to Elbaf at the request of Helding, the captain of the new Giant Soldier Pirates, and finally defeat Blackbeard and get the last piece of red history text.
This is where Ye Fan thought of the two places where the last piece of red history text is most likely to appear.
Looking at the Valley of Gods suspended in space in front of him.
Ye Fan had a feeling that he came to the right place.
Even if there is no mithril and red historical text here, there must be a huge secret of the Tianlong people.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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