Red-haired Shanks who enters the whole body.

His facial expressions changed.

He has an expression of gentleness and determination from everyday life.

Become haughty, arrogant, and defiant of everything.

The red-haired Shanks picked up his knife again.

On Griffin's knife, red and black lightning erupted again.

"Now, I'm going to make you feel hopeless."

Ye Fan's white eyes saw through the body of the red-haired Shanks.

You can see.

After his body was repaired, those tiny nanoworms did not disappear.

Instead, it flowed through the blood throughout his body.

Because the size of these nanoworms is only a tiny 0.1 nanometers.

So even the thinnest capillaries can pass through.

They're smaller than many cells.

They can swim quickly in the body of the red-haired Shanks.

It's not that these nanobugs haven't done anything.

After mending the body of the red-haired Shanks.

They don't stop moving.

Instead, he kept strengthening the body of the red-haired Shanks.

In improving the strength of his muscles.

It's really terrifying technology.

Looking at the red-haired Shanks rushing towards him.

The blue Sun Wheel Knife in Ye Fan's hand also erupted with a terrifying overlord-colored domineering entanglement.

The two sides fought together again.

It's just that the wheel knife is about to collide with Griffin at the moment.

Ye Fan's domineering appearance aroused alarm.

At the same time, the writing wheel eyes on the eyes can be clearly seen.

A sword that was originally prepared to collide.

When he was about to make contact, Griffin in the hand of the red-haired Shanks suddenly had a strange angle.

Bypassing the estimation of his own knife, he slashed towards his lower abdomen.

Although Ye Fan encountered danger, at this moment, the speed of the red-haired Shanks had been increased to the limit.

In other words, although he saw the red-haired Shanks' movements clearly, there was no way to stop it.

"Momo fruit three hundred times faster."

Ye Fan put his feet back and quickly retreated backwards with force.

Dodged this attack that was able to slash him from the waist.

However, the speed of reaction was still a little slower.

The black and red lightning bolts on the tip of Griffin's knife still slashed through Ye Fan's lower abdomen.

A wound appeared in his abdomen.

This wound was not deep, it just cut through the scales, cut through the skin, and did not penetrate deep into the flesh.

This small injury, in Ye Fan's opinion, who had intercolumn cells, was the same as not suffering damage.

It's just a blink of an eye.

Ye Fan's wound recovered.

Ye Fan said: "You actually used divine avoidance, I didn't expect that your domineering appearance would also awaken to such a point. "

God avoidance, One Piece Roger's trick to fame.

Ordinary people are domineering in their sights and hearings, but they only awaken to meet the future.

In fact, seeing and smelling domineering also has three stages of awakening.

The first stage, a short encounter with the future, which many people will, but it is useless to fight against the strong.

For example, Luffy vs. Kaido, who did not change the plot.

He has also achieved foresight for the future.

Kaido's thunderous gossip specifically restrains this domineering, and Luffy can briefly foresee the future.

It's just that Kaido's thunderous gossip is too fast, and he has no way to dodge at all.

The second stage of the domineering awakening is to be able to communicate with animals, such as Momonosuke, who can communicate with the elephant lord.

The third stage of the domineering awakening is to listen to the voice of all things.

Over the course of these decades.

Only One Piece Roger awakened to this point.

So he invented the trick of divine avoidance.

Listen to the enemy's voice and know the enemy's knife trajectory in advance.

And then in the moment of the hand-to-hand.

Use instant bursts of speed to dodge enemy slashes and attack enemy weaknesses.

This is divine avoidance.

It looks the same as many kung fu or martial arts tricks.

Dodge enemy attacks and attack them.

But this essence is different.

This is through the powerful domineering awakening, which has directly cleared all the enemy's attack ideas.

Red-haired Shanks: "Killing you with One Piece's famous move, wouldn't you feel a blessing."

Ye Fan: "If I want to restrain you, it's actually very simple, you just need to be fast enough." "

For a moment.

Ye Fan opened the eighth door of death of the Eight Gates of Dun Jia.

Coupled with the three hundred speeds achieved after the awakening of the Momo Fruit.

Ye Fan's current speed has far surpassed that of the redhead several times.

Ye Fan began to attack.

His speed is at its limit.

It's just that now Ye Fan's attack is no longer an all-out slash.

Because after using full force.

He can't change his movements and is likely to be caught by the red-haired Shanks.

"Ringing bells"

are continuous metal clashing sounds.

The red-haired Shanks easily blocked all of Ye Fan's attacks.

Not only is his domineering here, but also powerful.

After taking those nanoworms that are like liquids.

The speed and strength of the red-haired Shanks also increased.

Although his speed was not as fast as Ye Fan.

But his sight was domineering, and he foresaw Ye Fan's attack.

Let the speed of the red-haired Shanks directly put the knife in his hand on the route of blocking Ye Fan.

And Ye Fan did not dare to use all his strength.

After the increase in strength, Shanks was able to completely block Ye Fan's attack.


Ye Fan was not comfortable.

Because of every collision of swords.

Ye Fan would be attacked by the characteristic domineering attack of the Draco.

Each time would consume Ye Fan's lifespan of several months.

Although for a person with a lifespan of 120,000 years, these seem insignificant.

However, that person is willing to shrink his life span by a few months with each encounter.

He is not Luffy, and he has been burning his life since the second gear.

After reaching the fifth gear, it burned the lives of others for several lifetimes, and it was only nineteen years old.

Ye Fan once again launched a slash at the red-haired Shanks.

This time.

The red-haired Shanks did not resist with Griffin again.

Because this time, Ye Fan's blue sunwheel knife was covered with a large amount of awakened magnetic fruit power.

As soon as Griffin collides with the blue sunwheel knife.

Ye Fan could turn every cell on the red-haired Shanks into a magnetic substance.

At the same time, it also includes the nanoworms in his body.

Ye Fan also cracked it, the trick of the red-haired Shanks.


Or was the red-haired Shanks, using the method of listening to the voice of all things, to dodge his moves.

The two sides opened the distance of the battle.

Ye Fan: "Sure enough, it still can't work, listening to the voice of all things is really a BUG." "

Red-haired Shanks: "The power of the devil fruit is useless, in the eyes of people who have developed the domineering tricolor to the peak, all the fruit abilities are just jokes, not to mention, I also have the unique domineering and divine domineering of the Draco."

Ye Fan: "You Draco people are really arrogant, and you like to call yourself a god every day."

Red-haired Shanks: "Now you are in such a state, the physical exertion is a lot, you can last for an hour, two hours, three hours, you can't last for three days and three nights, you will die today." "

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