After half a year, he faced Ye Fan again.

Although the last time the two fought each other, it was difficult for each other to break through each other's defenses.

But now it's different.

In the past six months, Ye Fan's strength has progressed at a great speed.

And the steel bone void has not made any progress at all.

Even, with age.

His strength has regressed slightly.


At the beginning, the steel bone void has already used the strongest force.

Directly turned into a ten-meter-tall King Kong orangutan.

Then, the body is covered with iron, and then covered with armed color domineering.

Only then did he rush towards Ye Fan.

The other five old stars were so ferocious when they saw Ye Fan's attack.

also chose to strike at the same time.

A large amount of mercury flowed out of St. Nicholas's arm, and on the ground, like a small snake, hidden in the shadow of the steel bone, crawled towards Ye Fan.

Stavros opened his huge mouth, and the dragon spat out a large amount of corrosive liquid from its mouth and launched an attack towards Ye Fan.

Face the attack of three people.

Ye Fan's tiptoe stepped lightly, and he had already burst out at a super high speed.

Dodged Stavros' venom spray attack.

Then, he dodged the double fists of the steel bone void again.

Dozens of small mercury snakes hiding in the shadows of the steel bone.

Suddenly, from a flowing liquid, it became a smooth, sharp and sharp dark vessel.

Shot towards Ye Fan.

Ye Fan was not in a hurry.

In mid-air, he took out the blue sunwheel knife in his hand.

"Ring the bell."

A series of metal clashing sounds.

These little mercury snakes are cut off by cut, and the flying ones are knocked off.


In mid-air, they suddenly turned into the shape of a liquid.

It turned into hundreds of daggers again, shooting towards Ye Fan from all directions, almost without any dead ends.

In the eyes of others, there may no longer be an angle to dodge.

But in Ye Fan's eyes, it was full of loopholes.

The direct distance and speed of these weapons are still many gaps that can be pursued.

Ye Fan directly used the ability of the Thunder Fruit to teleport out of the encirclement.

Ring bell~~!

These mercury darkeners collide together.

Ye Fan also didn't want to be harassed by these dark weapons all the time.

Directly open your left hand.

Hold firmly.

A huge magnetic force compressed all this mercury into a ball.


Golden Fruit's ability to activate.

Turn this mercury into gold.

Then he threw it towards St. Nicholas.

He said, "Give you back your mercury." "

This cloud of gold began to deform in the air.

Transforms into dozens of golden snakes.

Gold is originally a very soft metal, although not as soft as liquid mercury, but it is one of the softer solid metals.

Ye Fan used St. Nicholas' move and returned it to St. Nicholas.

The meaning is simple.

I cracked your move, and the same move is returned to you.

Can you crack it?

At this point, Ye Fan still had the temper of this young man.

But for St. Nicholas, nothing worked.

They have ruled this sea for many years.

At every meeting, there are countless intrigues.

Even a few words can already decide the life and death of a country.

For example, the demon slaughter order against O'Hara.

It directly destroyed a country full of scholars.

How could St. Nicholas be like a young man.

Use the ability of Fruit Awakening to assimilate enemy attacks.

This is difficult and dangerous to operate.

St. Nicholas just divided the large amount of mercury again.

Shoot at the golden dark weapon in the air.

After the power of the two fruits is offset.

All turned into scrap iron.

The five old stars did not accept the recruitment, but used this simple method.

Such a reaction surprised Ye Fan.

Didn't think of it.

The five old stars didn't even talk about their face at all.

All use the simplest and most effective way to solve the battle in front of you.

But if you think about it, you can understand.

The five old stars are considered to be politicians sitting in the highest position.

And Ye Fan used the pirate's thinking to calculate them, they didn't eat this set at all.

What bullies the less, what holds the strong and eliminates the weak, and uses elephants to crush ants.

In their eyes, the process is not important, the result is important.

This made Ye Fan also put away his contempt.

These five old guys are not simple.

After all, it is the person who has ruled this sea for nearly a hundred years.

This time.

A pair of huge fists smashed towards him again.

It is the steel bone that turned around.

And there was a roaring roar in his mouth.

"Ye Fan, don't you even have the courage to fist me now?"

Ye Fan ignored Steel Bone's roar.

This guy has thick skin.

But the steel bone is moving very slowly.

Ye Fan easily dodged the attack of the steel bone void again.

Directly aimed at St. Ferdinand in the distance.

This is the only person among the five old stars who has not shown his ability.

Ye Fan felt that he had to find out Bai, his means of attack.

Prevent this guy from sneaking up.

Other people's abilities, as well as means of attack.

After a short exchange, Ye Fan had some understanding.

But this St. Ferdinand is too mysterious.

He is not a fruit ability, nor is he a domineering powerhouse of the three-color.

An ordinary old man, even if he sits in the position of the five old stars, he does not dare to face himself today.

However, St. Ferdinand gave Ye Fan the feeling that he would neither be domineering nor fruitful.

This feeling made Ye Fan feel very conflicted and awkward.

So he decided to test St. Ferdinand's abilities first.

In front of the TV.

Came the excited narrator voice of Morguns.

"We can see that the mercury fruit ability is very terrifying, even if it is cut off, it can be turned into a new dark weapon to continue to attack, if it is an ordinary strong person, in the face of such an attack, there is no solution."

"But in front of a strong person like Dragon Emperor Ye Fan, these varied fruit abilities have no effect, Ye Fan directly used his own fruit ability to turn mercury into gold, only when the devil fruit awakens to a very high degree, can the enemy's fruit ability become his own fruit ability."

The training ended today on purpose.

Hades Renly took Luffy, who was during his two-year practice, and also surrounded the TV to watch the battle in front of him.

Luffy didn't understand swordsmanship very well, so he was far less sensitive to the top swordsmanship in front of him than Sauron.

But when faced with the use of the Devil Fruit ability, it is completely different.

Luffy at this stage has already felt that the development of the three-block fruit cannot meet the needs of the battle.

He is now thinking about the possibility of using a more powerful fourth gear in the future.

Just saw Ye Fan's battle using the Golden Fruit and the Mercury Fruit.

He was surprised.

How is it possible to turn the other party's fruit ability into your own fruit ability.

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