Two people, in the Holy Land of Mary Joa, are like Ultraman fighting monsters.

Two people fighting each other.

The two sides have not yet inflicted fatal damage on the other.

The Holy Land of Mary Joa is already full of ruins.

A large number of slaves, after seeing the collapsed walls, the streets were tens of thousands of unconscious army and CP0.

One of the slaves took the lead and said, "Look at the guards who fall to the ground on the street."

Another slave: "Let me come, let me see, my eyesight is good." It was indeed a guard, and the guards of the Holy Land Mary Joa were all dead. "

Draco has not been there recently, the vigil is dead, and we are free."

In a word, it caused a stir among the slaves.

Hundreds of thousands of Draco slaves began to run out of the Draco's mansion.

They rushed towards the Holy Land of Mary Joya.

The escape of these slaves.

Whether it was Ye Fan or the five old stars, they would not care.

Not to mention slaves, even the lives of Draco, in this battle.

Neither is the main thing.

As long as Ye Fan can be killed.

End this hidden danger that threatens Draco.

They would then have the opportunity to regain their domination of the sea.

When the time comes.

How much the slave wanted, how much.

Dead Draco, living Draco can give birth to more.

"Whaa Ah~~ It hurts me.

Stavros let out a howl of pain.

On his chest, Susano, who was controlled by Ye Fan, cut out two huge wounds.

A lot of blood flowed.

When he fought with Ye Fan.

The other five old stars naturally will not help.

Only, the attack of several others.

The bombardment on Susanoo was perfectly blocked by Ye Fan's ability.

They for a while.

It was impossible to break through Ye Fan's defenses.

Even if St. Mohanda holds the original Ghost Cher.

Use such a terrifying slash as the Shangba.

It was only on Susanoo that a large number of rippling blue ripples were produced.

There is no way to attack Ye Fan's body in the center of Susano.

St. Mohanda: "Bastard!! What kind of power is this, I simply cannot destroy his shell.

Stavros: "If you don't hurry up and find a way, I'll be killed." "

Now Stavros is the most anxious.

His huge body is more than a thousand meters tall.

Let his power defense reach the strongest state.


He is also the one who is the most easily attacked.

Ye Fan's main target of attack became Stavros.

Morguns: "We can see that even if the five old stars join forces, it does not seem to be the opponent of the dragon god Ye Fan, with the collapse of a large number of buildings, a large number of slaves have begun to flee outward." With

the direction of Morguns' finger.

The camera begins to switch to footage around the holy site of Mary Joa taken by other newspaper birds.

You can see, slaves scattered around, running wildly in the streets.

The dragon on the island in the distance immediately stood up.

Turning to the cadres of the Freedom Alliance, he said, "We immediately set out to free these escaped slaves."

Saab followed and stood up.

They didn't care about the victory or defeat of Ye Fan and the Draco anymore.

Unexpectedly, Ye Fan's sudden attack on the Holy Land Marie Joa produced a miraculous effect.

Because the army and CP0 were stunned by the overlord-colored domineering.

These slaves could easily escape from the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

The purpose of the Freedom Alliance is to free all slaves in this world.


They don't care who wins and who loses.

The most important thing now is to take these slaves safely away.


A red earth continent up to two kilometers high.

Even if they escaped from the Holy Land of Mary Joa, they would not be able to leave the Red Earth Continent.

The Freedom Alliance had apparently done a lot to free the slaves of the Holy Land of Mary Joa.

They immediately divided the manpower into two waves.

A wave gathered the escaped slaves.

Another wave of people is responsible for seizing the elevator on the Red Earth Continent.

There are multiple elevators on the Red Earth Continent.

You can freely reach the four seas, the great sea routes and the new world.

It's just that.

These elevators all cost expensive Bailey to use.

Or a special passage for Draco.

As long as control of these elevators is taken away.

They could successfully free these hundreds of thousands of slaves.

The cadres of the entire Freedom League began to move quickly.

Where they are now.

It is not far from the red earth continent.

The dragon directly uses the power of the wind.

Hold up the cadres of the Freedom Alliance.

Fly directly onto the Red Earth Continent.

Then the troops split into two ways.

The strongest dragon and Saab, the two of them go to pick up the escaped slaves.

Because I was worried that among the Draco, there were still powerful beings to hunt down and kill these slaves.

And guarding the elevator.

Not some strong man, just an ordinary army general.

These people, other Freedom League cadres can easily solve.

The people of the Freedom Alliance are in action.

There are several other forces on the sea that are also in action.

Field, the king of usury, gave orders to his hands.

"From today onwards, the kings of those countries who are in turmoil will refuse to borrow all the money, and will recover the usury that has been given to those countries as soon as possible."

Field can become the king of usury, and his vision is extremely vicious.


It doesn't matter whether Draco's battle is a victory or a defeat.

After escaping hundreds of thousands of slaves, they were victorious.

There is no way to help countries that have turned most of their countries into slaves in order to pay heavenly gold.

Lend your money to kings who are dying.

Not to mention receiving interest, the principal may also be lost.

Field, the king of usury who reacted sensitively, immediately began the method of stop loss.

He originally thought that although Ye Fan was powerful, it would not affect the rule of the Draco.

Now it seems.

The five old stars would soon be defeated in Ye Fan's hands.

And the legend says that Draco's weapon that can destroy the world has not yet appeared at this time.


Whether Ye Fan loses or wins.

The foundation of the Draco ruling the world for eight hundred years will be destroyed.

Field, the king of usury, actually does not like the chaotic sea.

Too much confusion means that your principal may not be recovered.

Maritime King Umidt suddenly received a large order.

The people of the Freedom Alliance need him to provide freighters to the elevators of the Red Earth Continent to pick up hundreds of thousands of people.

If it was before.

He would certainly not dare to undertake such a job.

Because don't think about it, these hundreds of thousands of people are the slaves of the Draco.

But now.

Such money, if you do not earn it, you are a fool.

Especially the people of the Freedom Alliance, after sacking the Golden City.

In their pockets, there is no shortage of Bailey.

This urgent mission, the people of the Freedom Alliance, gave three times the money.

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