In just ten minutes, they completely emptied the treasure house of the Golden City.
Ye Fan said to Long: “When you are about to attack the Kingdom of the Bridge, just call me directly.”
After speaking, Ye Fan returned to the island of ghosts.
Chapter 57 Increase Strength
Ye Fan did it so immediately because he didn’t want to really start a war with the Tianlong people.
Although Ye Fan defeated the navy’s attack last time.
But the navy is not the whole background of the Tianlong people.
Although the Tianlong people mainly rely on the navy and cp0 to control the entire sea.
Not to mention those generals in the army and air force who did not appear.
Steel Gukong and Wulaoxing alone, the strength of the six of them, can fight against the Four Emperor Pirates.
Not only because the six of them have the same strength as the Four Emperors.
It is also because of the mysterious arrogance mastered by the Tianlong people.
This kind of life-related attack is very terrifying.
Before crossing, Ye Fan saw the latest cartoon of One Piece, in which Luffy used the life-consuming Nika form to make his fist as huge as the island of ghosts.
He punched his cheap father-in-law into the lava deep underground, and his life and death are unknown.
My cheap father-in-law still didn’t survive Children’s Day.
When Luffy used his ability, his strength was exhausted, and he quickly changed from a child to an old man for a short time.
According to Ye Fan’s inference, in the future, Luffy wants to use such abilities freely.
He will enjoy Luo’s fruit ability. After Luo used his own life to perform immortal surgery for Luffy, he was able to defeat Im.
The current Golden City is still an important source of wealth for the Tianlong people.
With Ye Fan’s current strength, he is not yet qualified for a full-scale battle with the Tianlong people.
That’s why he’s come full circle.
The reason is to steal the treasures in the Golden City instead of directly using their own force to snatch them.
It seems that if there is a chance, I still want to cultivate a relationship with that poor guy Luo.
If you can’t find pure gold or the legendary golden apple.
Then the only way to obtain immortality is to awaken the fruit of Luo’s surgery.
But Ye Fan felt that the chance was not great.
The death of Ace and the future Luo are obviously just nourishment for Luffy to become stronger.
Maybe I can gain the power of immortality through the rewarded skills.
But for the brand-new domineering spirit of the Tianlong people, I really need to know what kind of power it is.
Since his father-in-law Kaido said that Garp used that kind of domineering back then, it seems appropriate to find an opportunity to have a serious fight with Garp.
It’s just that his current strength is not enough.
It seems that he must improve his strength as soon as possible.
Just right, the Gravity House has not been used for a long time.
Now Ye Fan can use it to quickly improve his strength.
Ye Fan directly exercised in it for three days.
It is equivalent to three years in the outside world, plus the effect of ten times the gravity.
It can be equivalent to the achievements of ordinary people who have practiced for more than ten years.
Now Ye Fan has finally realized the awakening of domineering and knowledgeable.
He also has the preliminary ability to foresee the future like Ka Er.
Foreseeing the future is not a unique ability of Katakuri, anyone who has awakened domineering and knowledgeable can have it.
The only difference is the foreseeable length of time in the future.
And for real masters, this ability doesn’t have much effect.
For example, his father-in-law Kaido can use the super fast attack speed of thunder and gossip, making it impossible for the enemy to dodge even if he can foresee the future.
Ye Fan received a message from Long today.
They are ready, ready to liberate the Kingdom of the Bridge.
After Ye Fan received the news.
Yamato was found.
Yamato heard that the people of the Bridge Kingdom lived such a miserable life.
Immediately agreed to go to the Kingdom of the Bridge with Ye Fan to rescue the slaves in that country.
As for Runqian, this girl will agree to whatever Ye Fan wants to do.
Although she has no interest in rescuing those weak.
In her mind, the weak should obey the strong.
The only one with some complaints is Peggy Wan.
“My son-in-law, we have just finished fighting the navy, and now we are going to fight the army again. Will this cause the anger of the Tianlong people?”
Ye Fan: “Didn’t I say that? We only need to hold off the two army generals. The ones who are really fighting are their alliances. We only need to hold on. There is no need to fight to the death.”
Peggy Wan: “Why should we help the Liberty League? It’s not doing us the slightest good.”
Ye Fan: “Our Beasts Pirates are about to produce Pluto. If that legendary ancient weapon doesn’t cause any trouble for the Celestial Dragons, our Beasts Pirates will become the target of the Celestial Dragons.” .”
“But if the people of the Freedom Alliance grow stronger, they will be forced to concentrate their efforts and find ways to eliminate the increasingly powerful Freedom Alliance.”
Peggy Wan said: “It’s a good idea for the son-in-law, let them consume each other, so we can also see what the Tianlong people’s hole cards are.”
Ye Fan: “After all, they are the people who have ruled the sea for 800 years. It is not easy to defeat them. Remember today’s goal!Mark, we just need to hold back the two army generals, don’t kill them. ”
Make your plans today.
Ye Fan opened the door of freedom and appeared in a corner of the Kingdom of Bridges.
There are already all the cadres of the Freedom Alliance in it.
This time is the first all-out war between the Liberty League and the Army.
So they did their best this time.
Monkey D. Long, General Staff Sabo, Belo Betty, Ashil, Lindbergh, Morrie, Crow, and Kerla are all present.
Plus thousands of elite fighters.
Obviously they have been preparing for a long time to liberate the bridge kingdom.
Everyone in the Liberty League knew the battle plan.
Sabo said to the map: “Mr. Ye Fan, first of all, I need you to open ten free doors so that people from the Kingdom of the Bridge can escape to the ten islands under our control. There are too many of them, and there is no place for them to settle in one place.” Many people.”
Ye Fan: “No problem, this is a very easy thing.”
Sabo: “According to what was said before, our Liberty Alliance will be responsible for the ordinary army. The only difficulty is the three generals of the army.”
“The three generals of the army are Canglang, Civet Cat and White Deer.”
“They rarely take shots. Even we don’t know their fruit ability. We only know their combat power, which is no weaker than the three generals of the navy.”
Ye Fan said: “Don’t worry, we can still do it if we just hold them back, but I can only promise to hold them for an hour. After this time, we will retreat. The combat power on our side is not that of two generals.” opponent.”
Szabo: “One hour is not enough. Tens of millions of people cannot be evacuated in such a short period of time.”
Ye Fan: “I can barely fight a general for a day and a night, but my wife Yamato can last for an hour at most, so I believe that Long can definitely defeat a general within an hour, and I can stay for another five hours. But my wife Yamato, as well as Junqian and Peggy Wan, they have to retreat for an hour.”
Chapter 58 The Battle of the Kingdom of the Bridge
Sabo wanted to say something else.
This is not the same as the conditions he had thought in advance.
He thought Ye Fan would fight until the end of the war.
An hour is really too short.
It is normal for a strong man of this level to fight all day and all night.
The dragon spoke at this time.
“One hour is enough, I believe I can defeat at least one general.”
Sabo said worriedly: “But you have to have two generals in a row.”
Long: “If you want to realize your ideal, you don’t need to work hard.”
Ye Fan did this on purpose.
Ye Fan has always had a suspicion in his heart that Garp’s wife and Long’s wife are both Tianlong people.
They can all use the life-span-consuming arrogance of the Celestial Dragons.
This forces the dragon to defeat or kill a general within an hour.
Just to see the real strength of the dragon, and whether the dragon will use the kind of domineering that consumes life.
Otherwise, Ye Fan could still hold them back for a few hours just by relying on his direct defense.
Although it is still an ally with the Freedom Alliance.
In case that day, I and Luffy compete for the position of One Piece.
I’m afraid he and the dragon and the Garp family will become sworn enemies.
The members of their D family, like the legendary Im, are the most mysterious existences in this sea.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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