With the end of the Wulaoxing emergency meeting discussion.
Things are still developing in the direction Ye Fan likes to see the most.
Wu Laoxing did not start to put the main force on the Beast Pirates because of this, but increased its strength to deal with the Freedom Alliance.
For them, as long as they are not pirates who directly declare war on the Tianlong people like Lockes, they are considered real enemies.
The Liberty Alliance has always been the force that the Five Old Stars are most eager to eliminate.
A few days later, Ye Fan took Yamato to the Chambord Islands, an island very close to the Navy Headquarters.
It’s just that the current Chambord Islands are far less prosperous than they were last time.
Because a big battle just happened here.
A group of supernovas who just arrived here, after Luffy violently beat Tianlong people.
The general Huang Yuan was recruited.
Although Ye Fan beat the Tianlongren in that plot violently.
But the gear of fate has not completely changed, and the other two Draconian father and daughter still want to buy the murloc.
The results are also obvious.
Huang Yuan said it was terrible, but he kicked a supernova.
Defeat all these people easily.
This is the luck of Destiny’s Child, when everyone in Luffy’s Straw Hat Pirates was about to be killed.
The bear appeared and shot all these people away.
Luffy even fell directly into Empress Boa Hancock’s bathroom.
Because of this battle.
The Chambords Islands were devastated on a large scale.
Now is the moment of disaster reconstruction.
So it wasn’t as prosperous as Ye Fan’s first visit.
There is still one day left before the war on the top.
Ye Fan naturally brought Yamato to Island No. 1 in Chambord.
Prepare to enjoy the best service.
At this time, in front of Ye Fan, a man wearing a top hat and carrying a huge long sword behind his back appeared.
The world’s number one swordsman, currently the strongest Shichibukai Hawkeye Mihawk.
Although the current Blackbeard Tichi has become Shichibukai, he has not obtained the double fruit ability. With his current strength, he may not be the opponent of the veteran Shichibukai Hawkeye Mihawk.
Being blocked by the man in front of him, Yamato was very unhappy.
“Although I am a very kind person, I will be angry if you deliberately block the way.”
Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes were not on Ye Fan and Yamato, but on Ye Fan’s waist knife, the blue sun wheel knife.
“I heard that Mr. Ye Fan has a famous sword and is a powerful swordsman. Hawkeye Mihawk challenges you.”
Chapter 63 Hawkeye Mihawk
Ye Fan rubbed his forehead.
Only then did he remember that it was very common for Qiwuhai to go to jail rather than declare war with the Whitebeard Pirates.
The other Qibuhai will join the war on the top.
Although Qiwuhai is a legal pirate recognized by the navy, they are still pirates, not the navy.
Naturally, he will not stay at the Navy Headquarters until the war on the top begins.
Then the islands that Qiwuhai can declare war on are naturally only the Chambord Islands.
The current Qiwuhai is actually in two places.
Empress Boa Hancock took Luffy and sneaked into the city of advancement.
The former Qiwu Haisha crocodile and Haixia Jinping were imprisoned in the city.
Then there was Blackbeard Tiki who sneaked in behind.
Another group of people.
Hawkeye Mihawk, Moonlight Moria, and Amayasha Doflamingo are all in Chambord Islands now.
Hawkeye Mihawk has always been pursuing the strongest swordsmanship, and even launched a duel with the four emperors red hair in order to become stronger.
It’s just that the process of that battle was briefly mentioned.
I didn’t expect to meet this guy in Chambord Islands.
His first thought was to challenge himself to a duel.
What an interesting guy.
Ye Fan said: “In front of so many people, if you lose, you will lose the title of the world’s number one swordsman. Have you really thought about it? The world’s number one swordsman Hawkeye Mihawk .”
Hawkeye Mihawk: “I only pursue the most powerful swordsmanship, and I never cared about the reputation of being the world’s number one swordsman.”
Ye Fan: “People who are obsessed with swordsmanship are really a bunch of lunatics. Since you like failure so much, I will grant your request.”
After speaking, Ye Fan pulled out his blue sun wheel knife.
Hawkeye Mihawk also drew the long sword Black Sword Yoro from his back.
Yamato stepped aside and waved his fist at Ye Fan.
“Husband, beat him quickly, I hate this arrogant guy.”
Yamato hated Hawkeye very much.
The day of Ace’s public execution is coming soon.
She is very nervous now, Yamato is very uneasy about such a big battle.
Faced with such a situation, the only thing that Yamato resembles his father Kaido is that he drinks when he is indecisive.
The best wine on the Chambord Islands is naturally on the No. 1 island, the territory of the Don Quixote family.
For this guy who suddenly came up to provoke trouble, it would be hell if Yamato had a good impression.
I just want my husband to beat him quickly so that I can drink some wine earlier,Take some stress out of yourself.
Ye Fan stared into Hawkeye Mihawk’s eyes.
Coincidentally, I happen to have a pair of eyes now.
Roll eyes.
In the Naruto world, the unique eyes of the Hyuga clan.
Can see through things within a few kilometers around, and even have a certain ability to predict the future.
This is the new ability Ye Fan obtained after changing the bridge kingdom.
The two sides soon entered into a confrontation.
To Yamato’s surprise, Ye Fan was completely suppressed.
This was the first time Yamato saw Ye Fan being pressed and beaten all the way.
This is actually not surprising, it has only been about two months since Ye Fan became stronger.
He has been studying the fruit’s ability, as well as the three-color domineering.
Ye Fan’s fruit ability is completely different from that of ordinary people.
Ordinary people only need to develop one fruit ability.
But Ye Fan has three fruit abilities.
Animals, phantom beasts, fish fruit, purple dragon form.
Superman Momo Fruit.
Nature Department · Thunder Fruit.
The fruit abilities of the three lines are all available, and they are all very powerful fruit abilities.
Coupled with the practice of three-color domineering, even if there is such a thing as time gravity room.
In such a short period of time, Ye Fan’s own ability could not achieve the awakening of fruit ability.
Not to mention practicing swordsmanship.
As for Hawkeye Mihawk, the deepest impression on people is that his flat a is the opponent’s ultimate move.
It was just an understatement of slashing.
It will emit a terrifying sword aura that is tens of meters high and has an attack range of more than several kilometers.
When he first appeared on the stage, he just looked at a pirate group that was not pleasing to the eye.
It took fifty flat-a sword qi to wipe out a large pirate group of thousands of people.
But now, the confrontation between the two has no sword energy at all.
The two real masters of swordsmanship did not have these fancy methods in their confrontation.
Hawkeye Mihawk swung hundreds of swords in one second.
Every sword is aimed at Ye Fan’s defensive loopholes.
As a man who grew up on Krajgana Island.
On that island, even the weakest Feibo still has the strength of a swordsman.
This is an island where people and animals can play with swords.
Hawkeye Mihawk has practiced kendo hard for decades.
In just a moment, he could see every weakness in Ye Fan’s body, and he would swing his sword to attack these weaknesses.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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