On the big screen behind him, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6, a picture of Ye Fan’s location appeared.
Ye Fan, who is suspended in the air, under his feet is the G2 base, an important base of the navy in the new world.
Seeing this picture, Akainu also understood.
A punch hit the ice in front of him.
“This bastard, his ability is too dangerous.”
For the smooth progress of this top war.
The Warring States period has mobilized almost all the elite navy.
Almost all the lieutenant generals guarding the other naval branches were transferred back to the Marine Headquarters of the Navy.
In other words, all branches of the navy are now extremely empty.
Even in a base like Rogge Town, the still weak natural-type smoke fruit ability user, Smoker and his deputy Dushiqi, who are not very powerful, have all been recalled to the Navy Headquarters.
It is conceivable how empty the combat power of those other branches is now.
Ye Fan’s door fruit ability allows him to directly reach all naval branches.
In other words, Ye Fan can take advantage of the time of the war to destroy all the naval branches.
When Chiquan saw the g2 branch appearing in the screen, he already understood Ye Fan’s thoughts.
The branches starting with g are all branches in the New World, and they are also the most powerful naval branches besides the naval headquarters.
But at this point in time, it is extremely empty, and there is no strong combat power at all.
With Ye Fan’s strength, it is too easy to destroy the current G2 branch of the navy.
That’s why Akainu was angry.
Facing Ye Fan’s unreasonable sneak attack, their navy has no way to deal with it.
It is even possible that after today’s battle, all branches except the Navy Headquarters will fall.
Ye Fan: “Now you can feel the fearful anger you will endure if you don’t give me face, Sakasky Red Dog, do you feel the fear?”
“Now, audiences all over the world, come and appreciate my newly researched big move.”
“The name of the ultimate move is very long, but the effect will definitely satisfy you.”
“Let the whole world feel the pain, carry a bag of rice to several floors.”
Yamato’s face was full of black lines. The previous sentence made the world feel pain. It was reasonable as the beginning of the move. What does it mean to carry a bag of rice to several floors? It is such an easy thing to resist rice, she can directly fight rice to go to the red land continent.
Warring States: “What does this bastard want to do.”
Karp: “If he dares to destroy the G2 base, I will do my best, old man.”
Because Ace is his grandson, Garp has been acting throughout the whole war.
But if Ye Fan really destroyed all the branches of the navy and plunged the sea into turmoil, even Garp would not accept it.
Although the navy is a dragonTools to control the world.
But it is undeniable that because of the existence of the navy, at least the security of joining is protected.
Also let this sea, there are places such as Windmill Village and Rogue Town, where people can live and work in peace.
If Ye Fan destroys all the naval branches, then don’t talk about those big pirates who offer a reward of hundreds of millions of Berries.
Even offering a reward of several million Baileys can pose a fatal threat to those weak alliance countries.
This is something Karp cannot tolerate.
As the hero of the navy, Iron Fist Garp is the one who hates the Celestial Dragons very much.
But he also hopes that his son Long and grandson Luffy can join the navy and become the lackeys of the Tianlong people.
Such a contradictory heart is because there are still righteous navies such as Kap and Zefa in the navy. Their existence has indeed protected more ordinary people.
Although it is impossible to protect everyone on this sea, it is good to do your best. The navy is still the place that can best maintain justice.
If Ye Fan really dared to destroy all the naval branches.
He will definitely hunt down and kill Ye Fan himself like he led the warship alone and chased down Lockes and Roger the Pirate King.
Garp clenched his fists, wanting to see what Ye Fan was going to do.
Ye Fan turned into a dragon form.
This move was changed by Lei Ying in Ai Nilu.
Enel once used Lei Ying to destroy an island.
And before flying to the moon, he even wanted to use Lei Ying to destroy the entire sky island.
In fact, Enelu has developed such a big killer move as the thunder fruit perfectly.
It’s a pity that in a closed place like Sky Island, they don’t even know the existence of armed domineering and domineering domineering.
Lei Ying, who had been transformed by Ye Fan, formed faster and did not give people too much reaction time.
At the same time, it covers the armed domineering color to avoid being easily destroyed by others.
The effect of this move is similar to that of Shenluo Tianzheng, which can directly destroy a large range of islands.
Therefore, Ye Fan, who has a bad taste, called out such a strange name.
Filled with violent lightning energy, armed with domineering colors, a huge black ball with a diameter of 500 meters fell from the sky towards the ground.
It wasn’t the speed at which Shenluo Tianzheng and Fujitora Yixiao meteorite went down the road.
Instead, like lightning, it directly bombarded the G2 naval branch below in less than a second.
A black light flashed.
The g2 navy branch disappeared immediately.
Whether it’s a fort or a towering city wall.
Everything in the G2 Navy branch was vaporized by the high-temperature lightning in an instant, as if it had never appeared before.
Garp: “This bastard boy, the old man is really angry.”
Warring States: “This Ye Fan, his threat to the sea is more terrifying than the golden lion and white beard.”
The Golden Lion has also done it before, using dozens of islands to directly hit the naval headquarters.
But although the island’s falling speed is fast, it is far from being able to compare with Ye Fan’s improved Lei Ying.
Warring States immediately placed Ye Fan in the most threatening pirate position.
Doflamingo looked at the scene in front of him.
“Fufufufu, it seems that the navy is in serious trouble. If Ye Fan really destroys all the branches of the navy, my underground trade will not be able to monopolize the world.”
Chapter 70 Who dares not give me face
Empress Boya Hancock covered her heart with her hand, and said excitedly: “Sure enough, he is the man my concubine likes. He is so powerful. Let’s kill all these lackeys of the Tianlong people.”
The current Empress Boya Hancock is actually different from the original plot.
The reason is simple, Ye Fan was the Celestial Dragon who fought in front of Luffy, and there was news that he killed the substitute general and the army general.
Especially Ye Fan killed the wolf, liberated the Kingdom of the Bridge, and became a former slave of the Tianlong people.
Empress Boa Hancock felt the same way.
She even thought about quietly rescuing the slaves of the Bridge Kingdom, but she didn’t have such strength.
After Ye Fan did this, her admiration for Ye Fan far surpassed that of Lu Fei who beat up Tianlongren in normal plots.
The current Empress Boya Hancock looks at the scene on the TV screen, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
The two eyes have become the shape of two hearts, just like Sanji’s expression when he saw a beautiful woman.
Most people would never have thought that the proud empress would make such an expression on a man.
And this man is still married.
Akainu clenched his fists tightly, he had already entered the form of half magma fruit.
Red dog: “This hateful bastard is really the most evil existence in the sea.”
Clown Bucky: “It’s too scary, how can I join such a terrifying battlefield, I have to find a way to escape quickly.”
Ye Fan returned to the battlefield of the top war from the door of freedom.
Just in time to see Bucky the Clown next to the Moby Dick, with his newly acquired prisoner crew.
Ye Fan threw the phone bug in his hand to Bucky the Clown.
Said: “It turned out to be Bucky, the crew member of the Rogue Pirates. I didn’t expect you to come here to save your captain’s son.”
The clown Bucky had black lines all over his head, and thought: I just want to get out of this dangerous place as soon as possible. I don’t know that Ace is Roger’s son, and I don’t want to rescue him. I just want to live.
Just when he was about to deny it, the prisoners and pirates behind him were all excited.
“Our captain is really amazing, even a big man like Ye Fan took the initiative to show his favor to our captain.”
“It turns out that the captain is still a member of Roger’s pirate ship. He has already reached the existence of the final island. The captain is really great.”
“Don’t worry, Captain, we will definitely help you rescue Ace.”
The clown’s heart: paralyzed, didn’t you see that I just wanted to sneak away from the battlefield? You guys hold me so high, how can I sneak out of the warfield.
But in the face of so many subordinates, this B can’t do without pretending, otherwise they will know that I can only brag.
Bucky the Clown: “It’s natural. As the son of a former captain, how could I watch the navy publicly execute Ace. I came to the top of the war this time to rescue Ace.”
Ye Fan didn’t point it out either.
Said: “As a crew member on the ship of One Piece, I believe you have this ability. Put away this video call bug and let the whole world see how our pirates defeated the navy.”
Clown Bucky: I’m just a little guy, why did you put me on the fire? Sengoku and Akainu looked at me and wanted to kill me.
But it should be much safer if it’s just live broadcasting from a distance.
Thinking of this, Bucky the Clown said: “Don’t worry, with Bucky the Clown here, I will definitely show the scene of the pirates defeating the navy perfectly for the whole world to see.”
Ye Fan dodged again and appeared in front of Chiquan.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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