This principle is equivalent to an electric pacemaker.
When a large amount of electric energy rushed to his heart, Ye Fan’s body was full of vitality again.
Open your mouth to breathe in the fresh air.
Garp in the cage covered his heart with his hands to stop a large amount of blood from gushing out.
He was mortally wounded.
If it is an ordinary person, it is already dead.
However, in addition to the Navy Sixth Form, the navy also has a special skill, life return.
Consume a lot of life and recover your physical strength and injuries.
The heart was destroyed, and Garp was forced to use the heart back to save his life.
But he has no possibility of fighting again.
Said: “Akainu, the next battle will be left to you.”
Chapter 76
The red dog’s knowledge and domineering, naturally saw that Ye Fan adopted the game of changing lives with Karp at the last moment.
Controlling the Lava Cage moves Garp to Marin Vandor’s headquarters square.
He said to Karp: “Don’t worry, this kid will die today, Karp, you can rest assured.”
On the square, a team of medical soldiers rushed over immediately, carrying a stretcher, and transported Karp to the Navy’s medical room.
As for Ye Fan, it was not so easy.
All over the body, in a short period of time, he was attacked by Akainu thousands of times.
when his heart resumed beating.
Ye Fan knew he didn’t have much time left.
He must launch an effective attack against Akainu.
The phone bug thrown to the ground by the clown Bucky happened to play out Ye Fan’s scene, department/group:9.8/0’2;0″5:8’5,6.
Yamato burst into tears: “No, I have to find a way to save my husband.”
But Ye Fan has already closed the door of freedom, Yamato is in the remote ghost island, and rescue is impossible at all.
She was extremely anxious and there was nothing she could do.
Empress Boya Hancock, with her palms folded, prayed to the gods.
“I am willing to use my twenty years of life in exchange for the safety of Lord Ye Fan.”
Akainu once again used the fists formed by the magma to attack Ye Fan again.
“Let me end your life of sin.”
Seeing thousands of dogs biting, they couldn’t kill Ye Fan.
Akainu decided not to delay any longer.
With his huge fists, Ye Fan was terminated.
At the moment when his fists were about to hit Ye Fan.
Ye Fan activated the teleportation skill of the thunder fruit.
Appeared in the belly of the lava giant.
The location of the red dog is right at the navel of the lava giant.
This time, it was not domineering and knowledgeable that locked on Akainu.
Lava Golems are made of magma.
Akainu is also in an elemental state now.
In the knowledgeable and domineering perception, there is a huge lava, and the real body of Akainu can’t be found at all.
What really works is the perspective function of Baiyan.
I couldn’t find him for the first time, because now the red dog’s body is also dark red, and it is integrated with the lava giant.
Just like on a completely red picture, you want to find a slightly darker red, or there is only one pixel, even if you have white eyes, it is difficult to find the target.
But when the red dog wanted to introduce Ye Fan into his trap.
When deliberately revealing his true body at the heart of the lava giant, Ye Fan had already locked his position with his white eyes.
The giantization of Akainu is far beyond other people.
Others can only hide the body in one part of the giantization.
And he can swap places in any part of the lava giant.
If Ye Fan hadn’t rolled his eyes, even if he could fight back, he would only attack the lava giant’s heart.
His own body has been transferred to the navel.
In fact, Red Dog set Ye Fan’s second trap.
If Ye Fan let go of his hands and feet and attacked the lava giant’s heart with all his strength.
Akainu will not do any defense, but will attack with all its strength.
It’s just that he didn’t think of it.
Ye Fan also has a supercilious skill.
This is very similar to knowledge-colored domineering, both can predict the future for a short period of time, and can detect the enemy’s movements.
But in essence, it is different from knowledge-colored arrogance, which can penetrate the white eyes of objects and lock him.
No matter where the red dog’s body is hiding in the lava giant, it is no longer a secret to Ye Fan.
Ye Fan: “Thunder gossip”
Cooperate with Bamen Dunjia, the power of Momo fruit.
The power of Ye Fan’s thunderous gossip is even stronger than that of Kaido.
A domineering punch covering the domineering look directly pierced the lava giant’s belly button.
Countless lava surrounded Akainu and flew out of the sky.
Of course Ye Fan would not give up such a good opportunity.
Teleport directly in the air, appearing beside Akainu.
After that, there was a stormy attack.
The fist with domineering and domineering entanglement, bombarded Akainu’s body with hundreds of punches in a very short time.
Then throw him into the sea.
He didn’t choose to continue the fight because Ye Fan had already sensed the horror of the red dog.
Akainu transformed into a magma state.
His terrifying awakening ability, even if Ye Fan punched most of the magma in his body away.
He can also instantly turn the surrounding air into magma, and his body returns to its original shape in an instant.
If not at Navy Headquarters.
But on an unknown island.
Maybe it is possible to use a war of attrition to let Ye Fan defeat the red dog.
But now Whitebeard is almost unable to bear it anymore.
If he didn’t get away, Ye Fan really couldn’t get away.
Ye Fan could only give up killing Akainu and directly drive him into the deep sea again.
Before Huang Yuan and others could react.
Ye Fan’s body rose directly and quickly,It has been flying to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters.
Even Huang Yuan couldn’t get there quickly.
“In return, let your Navy Headquarters feel the pain too.”
“A bag of rice carries several floors”
A huge thunderbolt fell from the sky.
“boom boom boom”
A strong attack enveloped the entire naval headquarters base of Marin Vanduo.
A large number of buildings collapsed instantly, and the large Marin Vanduo Square has disappeared.
The naval headquarters was destroyed by Ye Fan.
Seeing the numerous casualties of the navy, Ye Fan finally vented his anger.
Today you actually wanted my life.
I’ve written down this grudge, and I’ll wait until I figure out a way to restrain the arrogance of the Tianlong people.
One day, I will come back with revenge.
On Xiangyun, Ye Fan opened the Zizai Gate, immediately returned to the Ghost Island, and closed the Zizai Gate.
Ye Fan lifted the state of Bamen Dunjia.
There was a strong sense of fatigue all over his body, and Ye Fan instantly fainted on the ground.
A black beard coming from a distance.
Looking at the dying white beard.
Launched his final sneak attack.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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