Ye Fan: “Do you really think I don’t know anything? I know the truth about the three ancient weapons, otherwise why would you help me solve the crisis of Princess Baixing?”
King Neptune immediately lost all his strength.
In fact, after Roger the One Piece entered the final island, he met King Neptune and told him the truth about the three ancient weapons.
His most beloved daughter, Princess Baixing, is Poseidon, the king of the sea.
King Neptune: “Why is there such a cruel thing? It is a living person, but it is called a weapon, or a weapon named after a god.”
Hai Xia Jinping also reacted to this.
“You mean Princess Baixing is the three ancient weapons, how is this possible, she is just a pure and innocent girl.”
Ye Fan: “But when she awakens, she can control all the giant Neptunes. The unbuilt ship next to her, Noah, will be her future throne.”
“Shirahoshi’s awakening is inevitable, but I can assure you that I will not use her power indiscriminately. I will only use Shirahoshi’s power in a necessary battle.”
King Neptune: “What is the necessary battle, may I know?”
Ye Fan: “You will know in the future, don’t worry, no matter what, I won’t let you Murloc Island suffer great harm.”
Ye Fan made his own promise, so naturally he wouldn’t say it, and in the future, Bai Xing would be needed to help him fight against the Tianlong people.
Such a cowardly King Neptune would definitely reject Ye Fan’s proposal.
In order to ensure the survival of the murlocs and mermaids, their family has lived timidly and cautiously at 10,000 meters under the sea for 800 years.
King Neptune: “If your Beasts Pirates can really do what you say, Murloc Island is willing to submit to the Beasts Pirates.”
Ye Fan: “The deal is concluded. In order to express my sincerity, I will help you solve the new Murloc Pirates now.”
King Neptune: “Mr. Ye Fan, I hope you try not to kill those murlocs, they are also my people.”
Ye Fan said: “Don’t worry, I will only defeat them, and you will deal with the new Murloc Pirates and Hody Jones yourself.”
To deal with a country that advocates peace like Fishman Island, Ye Fan still decided to take gentle measures.
Only in this way will there be a chance for Haixia Jinpei and the future Princess Shirahoshi to work for him.
Open a door of freedom.
Ye Fan said to Jinping: “Follow me Haixia Jinping, let’s solve the crisis of Fishman Island together.”
The two of them walked through the gate of freedom and came directly to the headquarters of the new murloc pirates.
Ye Fan didn’t do anything else.
It’s just the first time, in this sea, he unscrupulously showed his overbearing arrogance.
Countless members of the new Murloc Pirates fainted directly on the ground under Ye Fan’s powerful domineering attack.
What Luffy can do two years later, Ye Fan, who has a more powerful domineering look, will naturally and easily take down the members of the new Murloc Pirates.
The only one who can stand upright is their leader, Hody Jones.
Ye Fan opened the sixth door of the Eight Dunjia, and then opened the Momo fruit at thirty times the speed, knocking Hody Jones out with a single punch.
Said to Haixia Jinbei: “Bring him to your king. After interrogation, you will know that I am not lying.”
Kaixia Jinbe bowed.
“Thank you son-in-law for your help. After the situation in Murloc Island is stabilized, I will go to Ghost Island and serve the Hundred Beasts Pirates wholeheartedly.”
The terrifying and domineering arrogance that Ye Fan showed just now made Jinping extremely shocked.
Such a terrifying kingly aura is not weaker than any of the four emperors.
Being able to submit to the Hundred Beasts Pirates, which has two powerful players, may not be a bad thing for Murloc Island.
Everything can really be as Ye Fan said, maybe Fishman Island can welcome a better future.
Ye Fan planted the flag of the Hundred Beasts Pirates on the pier of Fishman Island.
It also marks that Murloc Island has since become a subsidiary country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates and is under the protection of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
For this reason, the Fishman Island also held a grand party to warmly celebrate their becoming a subsidiary country of the Hundred Beasts Pirates.
In fact, this is also to tell those pirates who went to the new world through Murloc Island.
Now this is the territory of Beast Kaido, don’t make trouble here.
At the same time, a grand banquet was held in the palace.
Ye Fan was very satisfied with this banquet.
There are not only the unique delicacies of Fishman Island, but also these deep-sea specialties that cannot be eaten in other places.
There is also a beautiful woman like Princess Baixing to accompany her.
Regardless of the fact that Princess Baixing is more than eight meters tall,Taller than Kaido.
But she is a timid little girl.
Ye Fan’s body, which is already very strong among human beings, is not even as big as Princess Baixing’s pair of big bears.
It’s just that Princess Shirahoshi is really too shy now.
Don’t talk about telling her some jokes that adjust the atmosphere and bring some color.
Even if Ye Fan accidentally touched the fork next to the ground while eating, the little girl who was more than eight meters tall could be scared and ran behind the pillar to hide.
Although Princess Baixing is very beautiful, Ye Fan still can’t bear to do anything to such a young girl who hasn’t grown up.
What’s more, even if you do it, the size is not suitable, and it is not in the form of Nika, so you can freely control your height.
Ye Fan is either an ordinary human with a height of two meters, or a giant dragon with a body length of several thousand meters.
One is too small and one is too big.
{Note: After taking the Zilong form, Ye Fan’s height has grown by more than ten centimeters in the past two months, which matches Yamato’s height a bit. }
Even if he wanted to use it, Ye Fan was ready to go to the next destination after finishing the work on the Fishman Island.
In the Amazon Lily Kingdom, where is there a woman whose height exactly matches her, waiting for her.
Chapter 80 Daughter’s Island
Come to the Amazon Lily Kingdom.
When Ye Fan walked out of the room.
His place is on the bustling street.
Immediately greeted the eyes of dozens of women.
When they saw Ye Fan’s appearance, they were all stunned, and the whole street seemed to be still.
“Is this the man?”
“It seems to be a man.”
“Let’s catch him quickly.”
Most of the people in the Amazon Lily Kingdom have never seen a man.
Except for a few people who went to rob with the empress, other residents are not eligible to leave the island.
Daughter Island, where the Amazon Lily Kingdom is located, has a very special location.
In a rare windless zone.
Because there is no wind, it is difficult for ordinary pirate ships to move here.
And there are a lot of giant sea kings in the sea.
Formed a natural barrier of Daughter Island.
Except for a small number of naval warships, almost no other ships will enter Daughter Island.
Although it is extremely safe, the products of Daughter Island cannot support so many people.
Therefore, the empress Boya Hancock must often go to sea to plunder.
Only by robbing the wealth of other countries can the survival of the Amazon Lily Kingdom be guaranteed.
The women in the Lily Kingdom of Amazon are not weak women like other islands.
They are inherently domineering, and each of them is no weaker than a pirate who offers a reward of hundreds of thousands.
Dozens of women, they immediately took out their weapons.
Excitedly rushed towards Ye Fan.
This looks like a group of female hooligans trying to swallow Ye Fan, the little white rabbit.
Ye Fan will not be chased by them all over the street like Lu Fei.
Even being locked in a cage by them to appreciate.
Ye Fan does not have these special hobbies.
Glancing at the palace on the cliff, Ye Fan activated the ability of the thunder fruit.
Appeared in the palace of Empress Boya Hancock in an instant.
To Ye Fan’s surprise, there was no one in the entire palace.
Ye Fan immediately released a large amount of electric ions into the air.
Guard 1: “I heard that another man invaded our island today.”
Guard 2: “His luck is really bad, Her Lady Queen will be returning from hunting soon.”
It turns out that the empress Boya Hancock went to sea to rob.
No wonder there is no one in her palace.
In order to be able to keep her secret, Empress Boya Hancock does not allow other people to appear in her palace.
It was because she was afraid that others would discover the brand behind her.
The hoof of the Celestial Dragon, this imprint that can never be erased.
Having nothing to do, Ye Fan suddenly discovered that there was an extra plot point in his system.
Ye Fan immediately clicked the lucky draw wheel.
Sign in to Yihua Palace at the beginning of the game, blending black and white Xuanjian
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