
After repeated expansions, Wanda's room and Godzilla's room were added, and Azu's room also became more solid.

Guan Fuyun's kitchen was naturally unwilling to lag behind.

The kitchen was also expanded, adding a shelf for figurines (trophies), a large round table, and a large screen.


Guan Fuyun likes to eat directly in the kitchen.

By the way, other hobbies are also integrated into it.

For example, at this moment.

While watching the live broadcast of the capture of Hulk.

Guan Fuyun, Azu, Wanda, and Godzilla sat in their respective seats, with a steaming hot pot of sour bamboo shoots and beef in the middle.

The sour bamboo shoots were smooth and white like a girl's thighs, and the beef was cut into large pieces, thicker than thin and thinner than thick.

After boiling and scalding in hot oil, it was picked out and coated with dipping water, and then eaten with a few mint leaves.

The taste was extremely refreshing.

It was so good that A-Zu took a photo, captioned "Dad made delicious food", and then posted it on TikTok.

Wanda did the same.

Otherwise, how can we say that product is culture?

Now half of Americans are using TikTok. Guan Fuyun even thinks that he should just compete on TikTok when running for president.

Anyway, it's just a choice between two big fools promoted by capital.

The show should be quite effective.

He cheered up the whole Rockets.

[Ding! ]

[Godzilla, number three, gratitude increased! ]


Uh, I almost forgot about you.

Guan Fuyun turned his head and saw Godzilla sniffing the beef on his plate like a puppy.

It hesitantly approached, looked back and forth, and picked at it.

It was thinking.

What is this? Can it be eaten?

Finally, it gave up thinking, bit down, and chewed it in its mouth.

My eyes lit up at that time, Wow Wow Wow it's so delicious!

I'm just showing off!

Little Godzilla rubbed against A-Zu intimately, and asked for food when he was hungry. A-Zu was so happy to see this and quickly picked up food for him.

By the way, I took a look at the live broadcast.


In the picture.

The Hulk stood in the center of an unknown city, knocking his nipples madly. He stepped on a deformed car with one foot, roared to the sky, and roared to the clouds.

It was like a beast, announcing that it was the king of the steel jungle!

But the next moment.


The strong light suddenly lit up, condensed into a beam that penetrated the sky and hit like a battering ram.

The fierce energy impact made Hulk stagger.

He turned his head.

I saw a red and gold iron shell falling from the sky, and the flames of the jet burned up the smoke and dust.


Iron Man landed on the ground in a standard "superhero landing", raised his head and locked onto the Hulk, and more armor flew behind him, assembling into a huge mechanical anti-Hulk armor.

"Found you, Dr. Banner."

Inside the iron shell, Tony Shit said playfully.


"Are his knees inlaid with iron?"

A Zu was asking.


"Then doesn't it hurt when he lands like this?"

"It won't hurt if he succeeds in pretending."

"Superheroes are really perverted."

"That's right."

A Zu asked again: "Then if I hit his iron shell, or shake it madly, will the brain of the person inside be shaken evenly?"

"Yes." Guan Fuyun replied, "Don't say such outrageous things when eating."

It's different from Marvel, where popularity determines everything and Steve is 50-50 against Thanos.

The people in the black robe still talk about physics.

It's just that the expressiveness is a little worse.

So the black robe is not suitable for eating.


A-Zu shrank his head.

Everyone continued to watch the live broadcast.


"Hulk, smash it!"

Just pretending to be cool, he was suddenly hit by Iron Man, which robbed him of his coolness.

Hulk said he couldn't stand it. Who is not a popular character?

It roared, and the sound of footsteps was like an elephant beating a drum. The amazing momentum was like it could pounce and tear Iron Man's hand apart.

In fact, it was true.

When Iron Man normally wears Mark series armor, his coolness is stable and he pretends to be cool.

Whenever he wears anti-XX armor, he will be torn apart by XX immediately.

Just like now.

Iron Man's hand cannon is not worth mentioning in front of Hulk's physique, and it only has some effect when he sneaks up.

Then it becomes photon rejuvenation.

Hulk roared and approached, smashing cars and buildings, like an innate civil engineering body, raising rubble and dust all over the sky.

Its green fist, bigger than a sandbag, punched through the air, and the white fist wind evolved into a vortex, causing all the rubble and gravel to whistle over, and then shattered into smoke and haze.


The reactor was pushed, the flames erupted, and the anti-Hulk armor also moved forwardFist.


The two fists hit each other, like the earth beating drums and the sky roaring, the air waves swung out in circles, and the dust particles flying all over the street were blown away in an instant.

Hulk maintained a forward-leaning punching posture, and the anti-Hulk armor did the same.

Both sides seemed to be frozen in tacit understanding.


Tony was delighted, his research was indeed fruitful.

Then he saw Hulk hit the second arm and the second punch.


The steel joints of the anti-Hulk armor were directly shattered, and the iron pieces flew off, randomly piercing through several passers-by.

Sizzle...current overflow, mechanical failure, Jarvis red temperature alarm.


Tony was also knocked out and disintegrated with the anti-Hulk armor. He dragged the broken iron shell and half-knelt on the ground in a battle-damaged and handsome posture.

His mind was full of thoughts like "How did Guan Fuyun stop this monster?" and "The Invincible Hulk!"

"It doesn't matter, I'll do it!"

When people were panicking, the American appeared wearing the Stars and Stripes and holding a shield.

People began to cheer.

Then Hulk scratched his head, stretched out his hand and grabbed the shield, and threw it again. The shield was like a dart, directly splitting a group of people up and down.

Steve was stunned: "..."

Not buddy, it turns out that there is a trick to grab the shield?

He was dumbfounded.


"Has he always been so confident?"

Azu lived in Bengbu, and Steve was just a soldier in his eyes.

If this kind of person was in Vought Company, even on the set of a movie, he might die suddenly.

Why can he show up and pretend?

"No way, who makes him the leader of the War Eagle?"

Guan Fuyun was speechless.

Think about it from another perspective. If there is a person wearing the flag of the University of Tokyo, who is only several times stronger than an ordinary person, but because of the correct buff, he can show off wherever he goes, fight with anyone, and all kinds of gods and demons have to listen to his command. When he is done, he can let the 1,500-year-old Thor pour wine for him...

Wouldn't he be scolded to death?


Maybe the buff worked.

It seemed that Hulk was about to punch Steve and make him mentally retarded.

Storm and Cyclops came late and fought back the Hulk.

"Relax, kid."

"You are not bad by nature, but the whole world has been violent to you since you were born."

"The world kisses you with pain, and you should repay it with songs."

Professor X was in the ICU, but his mental power was cast over and he kept comforting him.

At the same time.

Black Widow, who was originally playing soy sauce on the side, also stepped forward to hold hands and comfort him with words.

Under the dual attack of body + mind

Hulk gradually calmed down.

Lu Dan: "Fuck!"

In the end, Black Widow is more useful? !

This abstract operation made him look so embarrassed.


Guan Fuyun watched with great interest.

To be honest, because the actor who played the Hulk had publicly expressed his support for the Israeli-Palestinian ceasefire before he crossed over.

Guan Fuyun's favorability towards Hulk/Banner also increased a lot. If it wasn't unsuitable, he would have raised one.

A similar situation is the goddess of death Hela.

She can lift and crush Thor's hammer, Guan Fuyun agrees, she is good as a god king.

"Too delicious!"

On the side, A Zu said that he was full, his toes were flying inwards, and he wanted to go out for some exercise.

Kill an American warlord for fun.

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