Tony walked out of his father's company in a daze.

Professor X, came next.

With the help of the Hulk, he came to the office in a wheelchair, smiling and saying hello: "See you again, Mr. Fellow Countryman."

"I'm glad you came to congratulate and present gifts. I'm not happy that you call me fellow countryman."

A Zu frowned and said seriously: "Call me President Zu at work."

"Okay, President Zu."

Charles was quick to follow the advice and said: "Don't you want to kill me now?"

"Because you are too weak, Charles."

A Zu said with disgust: "I can see the wrinkles on your body, your brain is demented, like disgusting stinky tofu. You don't need me to kill you, you will die by yourself and ruin everything."

Charles' smile disappeared: "..."

A Zu continued Fuck you, C language output: "And for a ghost like you, killing your body is useless, right?"

"Even if you are killed now, you can still possess others. You are such an old immortal and harmful spirit. Why don't you drown yourself in the toilet?"

"If it doesn't work, I'll contact the hospital and lend you an umbilical cord. You can hang yourself - just like you strangled your bald sister with the umbilical cord."

"Placenta war... Is this a fucking experience for a human? Charles, you have been abstracting all your life."

"The funniest thing is, do you know how many brothers and sisters, sons and daughters you have wandering around?"


Charles frowned: "..."

On the one hand, he was a little bit broken again, A Zubao was venomous.

On the other hand, he really didn't know how many relatives he had...

"Admit it, Charles, you are a loser."

Azu leaned forward, "I am different from you, I never make mistakes. I am stronger, smarter, better, I am better! I have my father's teachings!"

"You have been running Xavier's School for Geniuses for a lifetime, but it is just a turtle shell, an ostrich town."

"You have never really touched power, you don't even know about the Sentinel Project."

"And I have everything."

"The greatest power in the United States, the media discourse power that can most reverse right and wrong, is now in my hands."

"If you want to see it, beg me."

The voice fell.

Two seconds later.

"Please, President Zu."

Charles pleaded: "I want to know your power and ability."

This old Biden is really shameless.

And Azu is at the age when he likes to pretend and show off.

"No problem."

Azu clapped his hands, and a bunch of well-trained agents came up and obeyed his orders.

Agents doing the work of office animals are really capable.

And now Hydra is in name only, and its purpose has changed from conquering the world to serving the company.

On the one hand, everyone can get a salary openly, and on the other hand, Azu's oppression on ordinary people is so strong that they can't help but work hard.

Ten minutes later.

"Mr. Zu, all negative news and reports about Hulk on American online media have been removed and limited."


Twenty minutes later.

"Mr. Zu, we have found the families of the victims of the hate incident. By giving compensation, signing contracts, etc., let them speak out on social media, criticize Ross, American, and praise Hulk."


Thirty minutes later.

"Mr. Zu, we have located all the victims and their families who were harmed by the Hulk, and we are always paying attention to them, promising a large sum of money, and remote breeding."


Forty minutes later.

"Boss Zu, Hulk's reputation has improved. Someone has established the 'Hulk Protection Association', and environmental organizations want to use his image as a mascot!"

"There are also gender diversity organizations, pharmaceutical groups...all think Hulk is great!"


White noise bomb is a public relations term.

Like noise, start the media machine and spread only one voice, over and over again, brainwashing.

The result is not that 80% of people on one platform like Hulk and 20% don't.

Instead, on 80% of the platforms, all users can only see good news and information about Hulk, superhero high-burning famous scenes, and passionate moments.

The other 20% of the platforms?

It doesn't matter.

Once the information cocoon is formed, it will naturally spread, turning 20% ​​into 2%, until it is completely wiped out.

Just like three people make a tiger.

Over time, Hulk is a well-known superhero.

Of course it was originally.

But from this moment on, hating Hulk will become incorrect.

"Watch carefully and learn well."


Azu threw the tablet to Charles.

Charles' eyes widened.

All he saw was——

On the American media and video platforms,Hulk has become a victim, a rebellious and tragic hero of revenge.

"I am Dr. Banner, with multiple degrees. I used to be incredibly intelligent, had a decent job, and had a girlfriend... Later, I was schemed by villains, and my body mutated, became ugly, and went crazy."

"In order to capture me and cover up the warlord's scandal, they created another monster, an out-of-control abomination."

"It appears, it kills."

"At the critical moment, I reconciled with the monster in my heart, coughed, Hulk, smash!"

"We are superheroes!"

"This time, we will take back everything that belongs to us!"

The origin and story of Hulk, and the ugliness of General Ross, have become short videos that spread like a virus!

Who wouldn't be confused after watching this?

Charles was controlled for several minutes.

Then I remembered to look at the comments section, as follows -

"Suddenly I understood that Hulk is the most pitiful! Woohoo, mommy hug, you are not allowed to bully Hulk!"

"Netizens, please believe the American warlords, they must be more hateful and evil than in the video!"

"Why are some people in the comment section anxious? Is it Warhawk or Little Pink Blue?"

"Hulk protected New York! Our whole family are fans of Hulk. I won't say who is incompetent and furious. Isn't this all the fault of the American people?" Was it created by a warlord? Is it okay that he is still beautifully invisible now? "

"Who knows, girls? Hulk is so handsome, isn't he?"

"You guys also think he is so handsome!"

"Ahhhhh, so great, protect the best Hulk in the world!"

"Doctor Wise + Rude Savage, 嘤嘤嘤, so good."

"Hulk has tried very hard!"

Charles: "..."

He was amazed. As a mutant, this was a power that he could never touch in his life.

"Ha, hahaha."

Behind Charles, Hulk was also watching. Seeing those fans cheering, he grinned.

Charles: "!"

The old boiled egg looked dazed and shocked.

This was the first time he saw Hulk laugh from the bottom of his heart.

This "monster" has been facing guns, curses, and even Dr. Banner hates it since its birth.

So, in fact, Hulk's violence is justifiable.

It was just imitating the environment, communicating with the barbaric world in a barbaric way, trying to find its own position in it.

But now it is different.

This barbaric world also showed tenderness and kindness to Hulk.

Let it learn to laugh.

This is something that Charles and Xavier School of Geniuses can never give.

He can use his psychic ability to provide lifelong counseling and suppress its violence, but he cannot give Hulk a social position.

Cannot give it a job, many fans, and value.

And Zu did it easily.

At this moment, Charles was deeply shocked, but also somewhat relieved. He couldn't wait to say:

"Mr. Zu, has your company considered campus recruitment?"

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