New York, Manhattan, Hell's Kitchen.

Notoriously chaotic.

In broad daylight, you can see needles, bloodstains, and bullet shells all over the ground, and the street lamps are full of bullet holes.

In the corner, a few gangsters will jump out at any time.

Even some heroes and criminals in strange costumes.

Ordinary people living here, not to mention the dire situation, at least they will be torn into pieces.

But it's different for the troublesome pear.

She came here as if she had returned to the novice village.

Although she is not the boss.

But she has always served the boss. Compared with the invulnerable, steel body, moody, zero-frame shooting at any time, happy Superman, and the motherland with twin peaks in front of him.

The criminals here are particularly anthropomorphic.

Even those super criminals, such as the purple man, obviously have extraordinary abilities to hypnotize and control others.

But he only uses this ability to tease Jessica.

Pear passed by their secret room once. When faced with the threat of "I'll kill you if you call the police", she smiled crookedly.

Then she put on the Ace Adoration suit, went out in person, and performed a major performance.

The purple man was in awe, and he called him "good at playing" and "you are this".

Other small roles in gangs.

Pear was even more comfortable with it, and was doing well.


She would miss the locomotive that took her away, and wondered what Bro was doing now.

He wouldn't be caught by the Water Company and be ventriloquist in the deep sea, right?

Pear thought evilly, and the corners of her mouth curled up wildly.

"The days without Water are good days!"

She said happily.

After speaking, she turned around and saw A-Zu.

Although he was not wearing the American flag suit of the motherland, although he was still wearing glasses, and although he had a strange pet on his head.

But that kind of temperament cannot be changed.


The legs of the pear were weak, her mind went blank, and her heart almost stopped beating.

"Zu, Zu, Zu..."

She was incoherent, retreating madly, and her pants were pissing.

"Calm down, pear. I'm not from my country, but from my hometown. My name is Zu, not John."

Zu said.

He was particularly concerned about this.

Pear: "Huh! Don't come over here!"

She was almost scared crazy.

Zu: "..."

Zu frowned and emphasized: "Look at me, pear. Look! Me! Shut up!"

Pear: "..."

Although she was panicked and terrified, as soon as she saw the light in Zu's eyes, Pear calmed down and said nothing.


At this time, the time gem shone.

Zu flipped through Pear's "life script" and found that it was because he often mocked himself in another world.

Because the giant baby breastfeeding under the American flag can also see A-Zu's current happy life and perfect daddy.

He is madly jealous, crazy, abstract, and his behavior is getting more and more violent.

So much so that when the locomotive becomes a rebel, the troublesome Li also follows Jun without hesitation.

But for some reason, she appeared in this world.

Are the two planets merging?

If so, it will be a "big event" in the father's mouth, and his past experience in the laboratory, the pathetic and ridiculous other self...

May also be made public.

It will be very embarrassing.

If you don't want to be embarrassed, you have to kill them all.

In A-Zu's eyes, the red light of the hot vision is looming.

But it disappeared in the end.

Because it doesn't matter.

It's embarrassing, it's not the real him.

Whether it's the company, the face, or even the whole human race, A-Zu doesn't care.

He just wants his father's company and those warm daily lives.

Instead of going through the trouble of cleaning and killing, and worrying about his father being taken away.

It is better to go home and confess to his father.

He only needs to explain the situation and make it clear that "Dad, the other me is not me" and "Don't be fooled".

He only needs to listen to his father.

Even if a killing is really needed, the whole farm family will go together and clean the planet directly. Isn't it more thorough?

He wants his father, family love, and the warmth of not hiding secrets from each other.

Then he should not deceive his family either.

As for the troublesome pear?

She can work by the side of another self for so long, and her ability can be said to be outstanding.

She is like the hair in the critical moment, the thinnest hair can never be broken.

This is good.

"The troublesome pear, sit down and talk."

From ferocious to calm, from fierce to polite.

A Zu's expression changed several times in one second, and finally smiled and said: "Have you heard of parallel worlds?"

...Explained the situation.

A-Zu asked: "Do you believe me now, Aishili?"

"I believe! I always believe!" Aishili shook her head.

A-Zu: "..."

A-Zu laughed, and said like a naughty child, "Has your brain been shabifa? This is not a rhetorical question, answer me, Aishili."

"No, Mr. A-Zu. My brain has not been shabifa." Aishili said with certainty.

"Then go back to the position of CEO, watch carefully, and learn well."

A-Zu said: "Remember, this is not a movie or entertainment company, it is a fun place for me to make my father happy."

"You just need to make the company look well organized."


"If you find any acquaintances of yours from that world, such as the locomotive, remember to tell me. Do you understand?"

Aishili finally nodded and confirmed: "I understand!"

But although she nodded, she still did not shake out the locomotive, which was very forbearing.

A-Zu smiled and didn't care.

Because she was just a mortal, her weight in the timeline was negligible, and she could not be hidden from the gem.

He saw the locomotive directly in time.

He saw the place where he and the troublesome pear parted.

Following this place and this time point, the power of the gem continued to spread, and Azu quickly locked the target.


He flew at a low altitude, disappeared and reappeared, holding the locomotive of Wang Defa, who looked terrified.


He threw the locomotive on the ground.

Azu thought about it and took the two of them to the farm directly.


At this time, the sun was high in the sky.

In the farm, Guan Fuyun had already gotten up and sent the magical girl Wanda to school.

He was kissed by Wanda when he was picked up.

At this moment, he was repairing the kitchen and land damaged by Godzilla, leisurely and busy with some chores.

Suddenly, Azu appeared, holding a locomotive and a troublesome pear in each hand.

Guan Fuyun: "?"

What's the point of this? Is this still the Marvel world?

"Dad, you may not believe it, the two worlds are merging."

A Zu said seriously, "There will be another me who wants to come and be a son."

Guan Fuyun: "...I believe it."

Guan Fuyun said again: "It doesn't matter, even if there are countless parallel universes and countless you, I will only have one good big son."

"You are different from any John, A Zu."

After saying this, A Zu smiled foolishly, and was happy for a long time before frowning and saying: "But Dad, in those parallel timelines, I saw the foot-sucking boy, he is my biological father..."

A Zu told the story of the foot-sucking boy and his long-standing worries in a trembling, nervous, and low voice.

"If you give birth to a child but don't raise him, you are not worthy of being a father."

"What's more, he didn't even know that he gave birth to you?"

Guan Fuyun smiled, patted Azu's shoulder, and said firmly: "Don't worry about these, Azu."

"If the foot-sucking boy knows what's going on, or doesn't know anything at all, you can just leave it alone."

"Just treat him as a passerby."

"If he tries to take you away from me, I will make him disappear instead of hating you, don't worry."

The words fell.

The big stone in Azu's heart also fell.

[Ding! ]

[Azu, the number one kid, gratitude level increased! ]


[Hidden reward, regional entry: a world of its own! ]

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