"What a hearty live broadcast!"

After waiting for a long time, I saw Doctor Doom appear, the foot-sucking boy was KOed, and Loki's famous scene, which was still so funny, and it was even more hilarious when paired with the barrage.

Guan Fuyun was satisfied.

With these fun things, Marvel is still livable.


He tilted his head and fell asleep directly on Wanda's legs.


Wanda was happy and gently covered Guan Fuyun's belly with a small blanket.

"Dad too."

A Zu got up and muttered softly: "A man who is usually so handsome and so mature can't control his work and rest and watch movies all night."

"This is very bad for your health!"

"Wanda, take good care of Dad and don't let him catch a cold."


He hung the time gem necklace around his neck, wore black-framed glasses, put on a suit jacket, and dressed himself like an office worker.

"Azu, are you going out?" Wanda was curious.

"Go get the Mind Gem back." Azu smiled and said, "Although the Reality Gem is most compatible with Chaos Magic."

"But if you want to [create], you can't do without the mind."

Wanda looked at Guan Fuyun and said absentmindedly, "There's no rush."

"Of course not."

Azu nodded and said honestly, "Getting the gem for you is just a side job."

"I mainly want to pretend to be cool, be a good person, and cut off some weeds that Dad hates, so that this world will be more to Dad's liking."


Wanda thought about it, Guan Fuyun seemed to only show disgust and disgust towards the Fantastic Four, and he almost vomited while eating snacks.

She was puzzled: "But Godfather, you didn't tell us to kill them, did you?"

"I'm Daddy's son, Wanda."

Azu shook his head, "When Daddy is in pain, I'm not happy. I feel angry when I think that the guy who made Daddy lose his appetite is still breathing the air."

"Have you ever seen an adult get angry with a child?"

"Dad is the backbone and soul of the family. He is so omniscient and omnipotent that he certainly doesn't bother to look at the Fantastic Four."

"But I'm a child, I'm only 8 years old, the age when I like to kill people. If I want to kill them, I'll kill them! I want to kill people and destroy their hearts!"

Just because Guan Fuyun feels uncomfortable, he has to kill people.

Azu is still so willful.

But the difference is that he really knows how to behave now.

If it's a fellow villager who takes action, there is no time for development, and there is no round-based system of back and forth. By the time the world finds out, the Fantastic Four and those related to them will already be corpses.

Even the corpses won't be left.

Wanda understands and is assured of Zu's ability as a person.

"Don't worry."

"There is no need to use the vests of fellow villagers. I can still beat them to death without leaving any hidden dangers or problems."

But Zu's requirements for himself are obviously higher, and he also wants to improve.

After he finished speaking, he went out with Mini Godzilla in his arms.


In New York City, the battle has never stopped.

But the victory of mankind is already determined.

The problem now is how to maximize the fruits of victory. Everyone is crazy for profit.

For example, Daddy Company.

There was a blaze of gunfire outside, and the impediment was in a hurry, and he took a team of photographers to meet up with the Hulk.

"Hello, friends in front of the screen!"

"This is the live broadcast room of Daddy Company!"

"Eliminate the alien tyranny! New York belongs to us, and we are taking action to save this city!"

"The company's super popular hero, Hulk!"

"We have defeated the thief leader Loki and seized important mysterious props... Let's interview Hulk."

The wind was howling and the smoke was filled with gunpowder.

Aishili stood in front of the camera, with battle makeup on her face, holding a microphone, and shouted: "Hulk, how do you feel?"

"Hulk, smash! Hulk, protect! Hulk, cool! Fans, up!"

The Hulk roared in response.

"Well said! Very good! Hulk used simple language to express his strength, fearlessness, bravery, dedication, and good wishes to fans! Everyone pay attention to each other and live to 90 years old in New York!"

Aishili's eyes were filled with tears, and she said: "This is the hero of the company! This is the popular king, Hulk!"

As she spoke, Aishili's tone changed again, saying: "... someone come and beat Loki up, his face is swollen. Forget it, put a sack on his head, his appearance is too eye-catching! This part will be cut out in the later stage."

In the company, the Hulk is the most obedient and the most popular.

But people who are green are prone to gossip.

Some people will attack Hulk's appearance, so Aishili will consider it more.

Although it is a live broadcast, there is a delay measure.

There is enough time to operate later....

Loki, who was beaten up for no reason and had a sack over his head, said: "?"

What should I ask?


"Next, let's interview Spider-Man!"

Hard Pear: "Some people say that Mr. Spider-Man's performance in this battle was not very impressive. What do you think?"

"I want to throw some dust in their eyes."

Spider-Man danced.

Hard Pear: "Cut this part and replace it with a high-energy clip of Spider-Man."


"These two must be the long-renowned Professor X and Magneto."

Hard Pear appeared again.

Professor X said amiably: "Hello, everyone."

"Who understands, family members?" Magneto was also in the limelight again. He took off on Wolverine and killed a large number of Chitauri in front of the camera in the live broadcast room.

Then he said proudly: "Logan is a man who I can take and put down."

Wolverine almost bit him.

But for the show effect and publicity of mutants, he endured it.

Aishili's eyes lit up: "Okay, this superpower saves special effects. The contract team will contact Eric and give him a green channel."



At this time, Thor, the god of thunder, hammered down with sparks and lightning.

He went to see the baby girl at home as soon as possible.

The result was of course safe.

After all, Hydra is the most dangerous type on Blue Star, and it is safe to have them as babysitters.

Aishili came forward to interview: "Mr. Thor, you have the strongest output in this battle! The most highlights, do you have anything to say?"

Thor held the baby girl and said seriously: "I have a lot to say, such as can you Blue Star people be a little more feudal?"

"Don't come up with so many genders, I'm really scared, it's too abstract."

Aishili: "..."

She thought about it and let it be broadcast like this.

At this time, the crowd suddenly made a commotion, and the superheroes looked up.

When the pear turned around, he saw that Azu had come without knowing when, with a sunny smile on his face, and said triumphantly: "And everyone, my friends, you are the real heroes!"

Instantly, there was thunderous applause.

"Boss Zu!"

"Brother Zu!"

"You are worth a fortune, why did you come to this dangerous place?"

The superheroes came forward to ask about their well-being.

After all, it was Azu who usually gave them huge sums of money.

"Hi, hi, hi."

Surrounded by the crowd, Azu smiled brightly, like a sun.


At this time, the noise and fighting in the Bucks Building were very harsh.

"What's going on?"

Azu frowned and asked, then went straight to work, called up the satellite video to watch, and did some tricks.

The screen first showed Dr. Doom appearing and fighting with aliens.

Seeing this, the heroes exclaimed and applauded.

Then suddenly it became four against one of the Fantastic Four, beating up Dr. Doom together.

Everyone: “?”

Everyone: “!”

They were a little angry.

Please urge for more updates QAQ

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