The White House.

"Sit down, just like you're at home, don't be shy."

Ebony Maw said to the president.

It raised its finger, its movements were graceful and gentle, and the fingertips were lingering with red fluorescence.

That was the Reality Gem.

It can make the fake become real, turn all illusions into reality, and modify all scientific codes and natural laws.

It is indeed more suitable for mages and telekinetic characters.

As for the others?

Official Fuyun is here.

If nothing else, Thanos can't get the Space Gem alone.

The reason why the Infinity Gauntlet is so powerful is because it constitutes the cosmic cycle of the six gems.

Each gem has a linkage effect with the gem in its corresponding position, and the Power Gem is the total energy source of the Infinity Gauntlet.


The placement of the Infinity Gems must strictly follow the established order, just like Thanos did in the movie.

Power, space, reality, soul, time, mind, all must be in their respective positions.

One mistake or one less will not work.

But now Guan Fuyun has occupied the Space Stone, the old man is using the Time Stone, and Wanda has embedded the Mind Stone into the Eye of Agamotto.

It's all messed up.

Even if Thanos can collect the Power Stone, Reality Stone, and Soul Stone.

He can't activate the Infinity Gauntlet.

Its family planning office plan was aborted.

So the Reality Stone and the Power Stone were given to subordinates as props.

At this moment.

With the actions of Ebony Maw, the environment in the White House changed dramatically.

Layers of metal and walls suddenly appeared, reinforcing and sealing the conference room, mysterious and powerful.

"Do you really have a way to deal with the old man and that man?"

The president spoke.

He lowered his voice.

As we all know, the American presidential dog can be a contract worker, and it is another matter whether he can continue to work after the term is over.

But money must be made.

This little New York, with the Hulk, the Abomination, the villagers, the mutants, and the Chitauri Army, has been fighting one after another, and the central avenue has been wiped out.

That's great.

How many excuses can be made for this? How much money can be made!

No matter what, just get the money first, brag about the project, and then leave the mess to the next person.

- But the premise of all this is that there is no Daddy Company to grab money.

Seeing Daddy Company making money, the president feels more uncomfortable than if he loses money.

"Watch your words, Mr. President."

Ebony Maw's lips moved, and he said lightly: "...We may have different ideas from that adult, but we are not hostile."

"On the contrary, we are here to help him, to help him become stronger, to a certain limit."

"But, we will also help you by the way."

President: "Speak human language."

Ebony Maw said slowly: "I can help you improve the Sentinel Project and replicate a Hulk for you."

"I can help you make more super serum."

"I also I can tell you. "

"According to observation, calculation, deduction, and verification of the war between New York and the Chitauri, there are three hidden countries on this planet."

"One is located in the African continent."

"One is located on the seabed."

"One is called the Inhumans."

"For the world police, they are also unstable factors."

"In addition."

"There are also a large number of Skrulls here."

President: "?"

In the Marvel world, many super villains are directly/indirectly created by the government.

So the president's acceptance ability is not bad.

But it is still a bit too exciting to expose so many explosive materials at once.


They, the Americans, are the newcomers?

The president asked: "What is your goal? Or, what does America need to pay to get all of the above?"

Ebony Maw: "Nothing."

"We, or rather, Lord Thanos's vision, has never been limited to a planet or a small place."

"It's just that occasionally, our needs are the same, so we help each other."

"Speaking of that."

"Since it is capital, you should know that the more chaotic, scattered, disorderly, and panic-stricken the people are, the more money you can make, right?"

The president smiled confidently: "Of course!"


Leave the White House.

Ebony Maw hid his body, sneaked low-key, and returned to the nameless island in the depths of the ocean.


Under the sea.

In the place where the great snake is sealed, the runes engraved by Odin are like elves dancing, surrounded by huge sea snakes.

They guard Kull.

The former Asgardian God King was extremely depressed at this moment.

Because he sensed that the giant beast that had been hitting the barrier was dead.

In an instant, it wasKill.

All the breath was covered up, annihilated, and disappeared from the material world.

It was as if...

Someone deliberately prevented him from being born.

At the most critical moment, he was stopped.

It was uncomfortable!

After seeing hope, he felt despair again, and Kul's mentality exploded.

He cursed.

He was just trying to defeat Kul, but suddenly his eyes lit up.

Someone is coming.


The God of Fear, the Atrium Serpent, Kul, asked in a hoarse voice.


The waves surged.

The fish formed a staircase layer by layer, and an elegant alien in a black robe came with a gentleman's pace.

It was like coming to a feast, so calm.

It had a smile on its face, and its hem swayed with the wind, as if the high pressure of millions of miles under the sea, those physical rules, were completely invalid.

Kul stared at the newcomer until he saw the reality gem.

"You are... a dark elf? An enemy of Asgard?"

Kul asked.

"Please introduce yourself, Mr. God King."

Ebony Maw said elegantly: "My name is Ebony Maw, and I am the son of Titan, Universe Overlord, and Thanos."

"Three lives of you?" Kul was shocked.

In recent years, occasionally humans would accidentally enter the restricted area, and Kul searched their souls before they died.

So he knew that humans now have abnormal development and can even evolve into armed helicopters.

Ebony Maw: "... an adopted son."

Ebony Maw held his forehead and said: "Titan, Universe Overlord, and Thanos are one person."



The atmosphere suddenly became awkward.


Ebony Maw forced elegance and continued the line: "Mr. God King, how long have you been trapped here? A hundred years? Or a thousand years? Or even ten thousand years?"

"Have you never thought about seeing the light of day again?"

Kul asked back: "What do you want to say?"

"We are just happy to help."

Ebony Maw said slowly: "Lord Thanos admires you very much and believes that a generation of God King should not die in a place unknown to anyone, rotting and moldy in silence."

"For this."

"Lord has started a war on this planet."

"Now, this planet is in a mess, and it will soon be even more chaotic, entangled by layers of fear."

"As long as you can get out of trouble."

"In an instant, you will restore your true body and restore your peak power!"

It is drawing a pie in the sky.

"So what is the price?" Kul said calmly.

He was sure that he didn't know any Thanos, and he would not be arrogant enough to think that the other party was his believer.

After so many years, his name as a god has long been crushed by history.

"We do need you to give us some help." Ebony Maw confirmed.

"Who to kill?"

"Not to kill anyone, on the contrary, we want you to help us to make a person, a guy who seems to be the incarnation of the Celestials."

Ebony Maw said elegantly and cunningly: "The power passed down from generation to generation in Asgard, the power now called Odin's power, we all know what its essence is."

"Now Odin has been dragged down by that power."

"You, who used to be the king of gods, will immediately be able to seize the control of this power once you recover to your peak state."

"Then, generously, give this power to that man."

"Make him stronger, make his senses disordered, and make him unable to act easily, otherwise the whole universe will be destroyed."

"Just restrict him like this, if possible, it would be better to exile that man to another universe."


"Never be hostile to him, never attack him, and never dream of sealing him."

"Can I?"


Thanks to everyone who generates electricity with love! The next update will come soon.

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