According to unofficial historical records.

On the African continent, there was once a magical country called Wakanda.

The technology here is advanced and ahead of the times, but the people can only fight like hooligans and throw spears. It is suspected that their intelligence has been cursed by vibranium, and their brain and cerebellum are congenitally atrophied.

Later, the villagers seemed to be gods, descended from the sky, and took away the vibranium vein.

Wakanda imported a batch of AKs and learned to dada. From then on, the harvest of hunting has been rising steadily, and they have enough food and clothing. Soon, the Animal Protection Association took it to the International Court of Justice.

Of course, this is a later story.


Knowing that Azu had taken the vibranium vein, Guan Fuyun laughed out loud.

Is there such an operation?

Sure enough, Azu always makes him shine and play new tricks. He has really grown up.

Unlike Wanda.

He still needs to constantly spur and educate.

"Hit, hit, hit."

In the mirror space, Guan Fuyun whipped Wanda with a small whip and said solemnly: "You are not allowed to dig in the future, understand?"

Wanda was lost, her eyes dimmed: "But Godfather..."

"Let's dig and dig together." Guan Fuyun sang.

"Godfather!" Wanda's eyes lit up.


Then Wanda was whipped again. She staggered back a few steps, weak and pitiful, covering her face and crying: "Godfather~"

"Call dad."

"Dad, dad."


After dealing with Wakanda, he brought the vibranium vein home and used it as a bed for Godzilla.

A Zu went to the bottom of the sea again.

Atlantis City.

The name is very arrogant, full of legends and legends.

In fact, it is a gathering place for a group of mutants and mutants. Like Asgard and Wakanda, it is a barbarian base.

The leader here, the Marvel version of Namor, the Aquaman, is in the water, but he has a very hot temper.

He floods cities at any time.

He has caused harm to innocent people many times.

For example, this time, the underwater people VS Wakanda, flooded most of the African continent.

But because Namor has super strength, super speed, endurance, can fly, and can communicate with aquatic products, few people can catch him.

When he heard that aliens were coming, he didn't care and fought with Wakanda first, and finally wanted to make a seal of reconciliation for no reason?

Is he a human?

The fans of Daddy's company just quit.

At the strong request of fans.

And to satisfy his revenge.

Azu came to the bottom of the sea.

Then he saw Aquaman Namor and the deep sea of ​​the black robe world, playing with an octopus together.



Damn, he was struck by lightning.

"Not my buddy?"

"The poet of Maruizumi..."

"I'm sorry to meet you in this way."

"I have a disease that makes me want to laugh when I see the deep sea!"

[Ai Shili gave 100 big rockets. 】

The simple and rough black robe style shocked millions of people in the live broadcast room.


Seeing A-Zu and his fellow countryman, the fish-lipped deep sea, the pig brain that would only be recognized by a wise man after opening his skull, has not yet reacted.

He thought this was a native of his motherland.

When he thought of him in Atlantis, he was a buddy with the Sea King, could command all kinds of powerful sea beasts, and had seen the power of the artifact trident.

The deep sea was directly swelled.

He felt invincible.

So he wanted to be arrogant and arrogant, but still couldn't hide his cowardly nature. The villain said: "Bro! Since you see the Sea King, how can you not bow?"

"Bro?" A-Zu's expression was stunned. He was really unfamiliar with this person. Even if it was me in another world, I would still look at Shen Hai like a fool.

"Bro." Shen Hai came over with his hands on his hips and an octopus on his head.

"Bro!!" Azu took a step back, feeling a little disgusted.

"Bro!!!" Seeing this, Shen Hai became even more arrogant.

He waved the Neptune Trident of the Sea King, as if he had become a king, full of vigor and vigor.


Then Azu's eyes lit up and his thermal vision shot out.

The golden thermal vision had already exceeded the simple concept of temperature, and its pure destructive power was amazing.

In an instant, it melted the Neptune Trident like melting a piece of paper.


The artifact was destroyed, and the whole Atlantis was about to break apart.


Namor, the Sea King, was furious, and he made a sharp explosion on the bottom of the sea, like a whale or a whistle.

He summoned many huge sea beasts and countless schools of fish.

These sea beasts and schools of fish spun around Azu, creating many waves and forming a huge underwater hurricane.

This "hurricane" not only has the speed of wind, but also the mass of thousands of tons of seawater. It rotates like a hardened world, and its destructive power canDestroy a city easily!

"It's pretty."

Azu took a photo and shared it with his father.

Then the bio-force field spread, gently pushed away the fish and sea beasts, came to the front of the sea king Namor, stretched out his hand, and pulled his head off.

"Bro." Azu looked at the deep sea.

"... Bro." The deep sea was shocked, and recalled the fear of being dominated by the motherland, and his legs were shaking and almost wanted to leave first.

"Bro, tut tut tut." Azu was amused by the deep sea clown who was arrogant at first and then respectful.

"Bro! Bro!" The deep sea knelt down and said humbly: "Spare my life, bro! I can be your dog! I will kill any fish you ask me to kill!"

Azu: "Deep sea, eat the octopus."


The deep sea looked painful, swallowed the octopus alive, and then showed an ink smile.

Azu: "Deep sea, eat the Atlanteans."

So the deep sea started to eat people directly.

Although this bro is funny and clown, he is still capable. His physical strength can withstand the high-speed elbow of the locomotive.

With this configuration alone, he can crush the miscellaneous soldiers.

Azu quietly watched the deep sea eat people, and waited until he slaughtered Atlantis, showing a dog-like flattering smile.


Azu stepped over and crushed it to death.



Fly and land again.

Azu has appeared outside the White House, looking at the high-heeled soldiers in diapers and the agents fleeing like mice.

He shrugged helplessly: "And you, my friend, you are the real losers."

His eyes were hot and compelling.

Whoever he looked at would be torn into pieces, with white intestines, brains, and red hearts.

Like sorghum at harvest, it grew all over the White House.


A pair of peaks pierced the ears, beating the president who was still nagging, not knowing whether he wanted to beg for mercy or negotiate conditions to death.

In front of a group of media and cameras.

A Zu called a stray dog ​​on the roadside with a "slurp slurp" sound, put it on the table, and said: "From now on, it will be the president of the United States. Who agrees and who disagrees?"

Please urge for more updates QAQ, thank you for every gift, and wish you all good health and happiness!

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