Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff.

This Russian girl, in addition to being a secret agent, is also a world-class athlete and acrobat.

It is reasonable that she was chosen by the company crew.

In particular, because the Skrulls were exposed and the egg escaped, SHIELD has completely become a Hydra bureau.

In the dark Hydra, Azu is the god of Hydra.

In the open America, Azu reigns in the White House and appoints and dismisses the president.

In such an environment, Black Widow naturally cannot eat official food, and can only work to make a living.

"Mr. Guan is here!"

At this time, Aishili rushed out in a hurry, with a look of surprise and flattery on her face:

"The crew will stop working first, girls, come and greet Mr. Guan!"

"I have never asked you to do this."

"But Mr. Guan, you should have seen and known him, he is Mr. Zu's father!"

"Promotion and salary increase depend on your ability!"

Guan Fuyun: "?"

No, Aishili, you use this to test your father?

What father can't stand this test?

He can't stand it.

At this time, the ugliness of capital is reflected.

The original superhero, after the company's beating and the temptation of salary, has become full of life.

In addition, Guan Fuyun is really handsome, strong and famous.

"Mr. Guan is so leisurely and elegant, do you want to have a drink?"

Their eyes are hot, as if they want to melt Guan Fuyun.

Looking around.

Secret Guest was already wearing black silk stockings and dragging a lightsaber. Flashing teleported directly into his arms. There was also Polaris who used magnetism to release the aurora to add to the atmosphere, and Erica who was COS ninja and dressed coolly.

Guan Fuyun couldn't spoil the fun either.

He could only hug the girls on both sides, let them sit on his legs, and accept feeding from time to time. Whether it was the sky-high Queen Nina red grapes or the smashed cucumbers, he ate them all equally.

"Mr. Guan, can I ask for a raise on my salary and advertising this month?"

Flashing was very ambitious. I heard that the company's tax evasion was started by her.

Guan Fuyun smiled but said nothing.

He raised his glass to invite her. The White Queen poured him vodka with ice. He sipped it. Hiss, not spicy.

"Come on!" The pear was still blowing the wind. "Everything in the company was done by Mr. Guan!"

But it must be said that Guan Fuyun is not a stick pan anymore.

He is almost perfect in both temperament and appearance. Although he is surrounded by superheroes, he is not silly like the demented pig brother. He just smiles faintly.

No response, no rejection, just enjoyment.

He walked around the set with the super actors, hugged and danced under the curtain. Afterwards, he was invited to add a collar to Polaris's neck, signed the diamond of the White Queen, changed the white silk for the Secret Agent, and performed Ninja Method Rasengan with Erica.

He also hugged the flashing shoulders, took a photo with her, and heard her call him godfather.

After a simple set party.

Guan Fuyun came to the office, sat down, looked at Black Widow, and asked: "Are you undercover again?"


Black Widow said sincerely: "I have left S.H.I.E.L.D. and am now a worker."

"Why did you come to Daddy's company?"

Guan Fuyun asked again.

"Company?" Black Widow shook her head and took a deep breath, saying, "It should be said that this is the most powerful supernatural unit in the world."

It seems that she is afraid that Guan Fuyun will not have the patience to listen.

Black Widow speeded up again and said, "I thought I was a superhero, but in fact, I couldn't even find the Skrulls."

"It wasn't until I left SHIELD that I knew it was full of Hydra."


"Hydra's damage to this world is not as good as SHIELD."

"Especially in comparison with the company."

"It makes us look more incompetent and stupid."

"America is not the paradise on earth I imagined... I regret it, Mr. Guan."

Natasha said, "I don't want to be Black Widow anymore. I want to start from scratch."

"What kind of person?" Guan Fuyun raised his eyebrows.

"A very stupid person." Natasha said frankly.

Guan Fuyun: "6."

He said that it was right for A-Zu to start a company. Look, his son worked hard, and I enjoy it.

Carry forward the black robe style.

He will have a toilet in the company in the future.

At the same time.

In New York, a sewer was hollowed out and turned into a safe house.

It was covered with various rare metal layers, and various ion facilities and isolation belts were added to prevent perspective and mental perception.

The former director of SHIELD, now a human traitor, Nick Fury Egg, was supporting his goblin wife and walking into his safe house.

"At this point, even you have no way to deal with it?" The goblin wife of Nick Fury,The incarnation of the number one on Blue Star said affectionately.


Lu Dan said nothing. As long as he didn't speak, he could always pretend to be a master.


Should he tell his wife that he has only been asking for money and funds for these years, pretending to be deaf and dumb, and that the Skrulls did all the dirty work and collected all the intelligence, and he not only took advantage of the Skrulls for free, but also planned to kill them after they had done their work?

How embarrassing that would be.


Facing the powerful Daddy Company and the almost invincible fellow villagers.

Lu Dan really has no idea what to do.

According to the data analysis of SHIELD, the combat power of the original skin Thanos is already close to that of Big Mom Marvel.

Not to mention the fellow villagers who defeated the upgraded Thanos?

And that man...


Lu Dan sighed, in pain and entanglement.

"Knock, knock."

The door of the safe house was suddenly knocked.

"Oi, Daddy is here, open the door."

Tumor Man, oi, the gangster-like voice came out, threatening: "We all want to kill the same person."

"And you, Nick Fury, either open the door and cooperate, or I will expose your location immediately."

This is too beastly.

Even more beastly than boiled eggs.

He opened the door with a dark face, and then with a "bang", the whole person was beaten back by the tumor.

But this tumor is also intelligent.

Beating superhumans, one hit kills.

Beating ordinary people, just a light punch, giving a knock-back effect.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Billy Butcher, a CIA agent from another world."

"This is my superpower, it comes from Compound No. 5."

"My fellow countryman, that guy's ability also comes from the same potion. And I have a virus that restrains him."

Tumor Man shook his head while speaking, with an evil expression.

Very Shenjin.

But the performance of this divine gold just suited Lu Dan's appetite. He half-believed and half-doubted: "Can you beat the fellow villager? But he still has a father, and Godzilla..."

"So, we have to create more viruses."

Tumor Man said viciously, "Tata Kai! We must drive out all the superhumans! No one will be left!"

"Either cooperate or die."

"You have no other choice, Nick Fury."


I have to go on a business trip and will be back on Tuesday. Brothers, please urge me to update. I will write as soon as I get to the hotel to rest.

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