Psychic battles are boring.

It's better to be tied to each other's umbilical cords.

After watching for a while, Azu felt bored. He rolled his eyes first, then suddenly smiled brightly. After instinctively changing his face, he looked at Deadpool and Wolverine and said:

"And you, my friends, you are the real heroes."

I won't talk about saving the timeline.

This is very daily.

The key is that there is another Erica, two cards and two plugs, Dad should be very happy.

The most wonderful benefit of the multiverse is this.

"He said that, that's what he said!"

Deadpool's idiot head suddenly looked at the camera, breaking the fourth wall and said, "Do I have to cover my face to draw cartoons? He won't come to me and tell me his heart and intestines later, right?"


Wolverine looked at Deadpool with a look of idiocy and said, "Boss Zu, someone in the Time Mutation Administration wants to see you."


A Zu found an office and sat down, crossed his legs and said, "Let someone come."


After a while.

A fat and big-bellied woman came in.

S.H.I.E.L.D. is the same, as is the Eye of Heaven in DC next door, and the Time Mutation Administration.

Always like to place a brine man in the key clown position.

Purely for laughs.

Earlier, there was the gatekeeper of Asgard, what was his name? I forgot.

A Zu scratched his head.

Anyway, how could there be a brine man in Norse mythology?

Just like America today.

Good old white people.

Instead, they are inferior to others in every way.

America, which once relied on its strong industrial and media strength to invade culture everywhere, has now successfully attracted donuts, Mexicans, and magnetic queen mothers from all over the world.

And 3.2 trillion Chinese scientists.

... It's getting more and more funny.

In Dad's words, if the farm wasn't here and the female characters he liked to play were here.

He would have run away long ago.

Azu deeply agrees.

If he hadn't met Dad, but met any American, he would never have achieved the success and happiness he has now.

So, whatever Dad says is right, and Dad can do whatever he wants.

"Hello, fellow countryman."

Azu was daydreaming and drinking milk, when a gentle and easy-going voice suddenly sounded.

After the Luren woman.

A pair of loafers appeared.

Further up are green trousers, armor, green cape, and horned helmet.

Loki, the god of stories who has ruled the ages, sits on the throne of time, and connects every multiverse.

He walks gracefully.

"Loki?" A Zu raised his eyebrows.

"It's me." Loki said.

"The god of stories that my father mentioned?" A Zu asked.

"It's me too." The God of Stories smiled, "It's an honor to be remembered by that gentleman."


Azu's action of drinking milk increased, like an Autobot refueling, a warrior gathering strength, he said: "Multiverse-level God?"

"In fact."

Loki paced, smiling elegantly, talking freely: "Multiverse-level, single universe-level, the destructive power is not much different."

"The difference is the realm of God."

"For example, my father Odin, his power once surpassed the level of the Father, but he is not a multiverse god."

"Another example is Dormammu, its strength is only the Father, but it exists in the spiritual dimension of every universe."

Chaos is the most intuitive feeling of Marvel's combat power system.

This feeling is right at all, but also a little wrong.

The main reason is that Blue Star is too weird, with hanging walls everywhere.

For example, the endless Omega mutants, such as Professor X's son Daqun, the crazy Phoenix girl, the ghost Wanda who wants to find her relatives, and the son of the Wonder Pig teammate Franklin, all affect the entire universe at any time.

There are also superheroes like Iron Man, Hulk, Doctor Strange, and especially Captain America, whose combat power is always twitching.

Maybe the day before, this group of people were still fighting on the streets of New York.

The next day, they carried a tiny shield and went to give the Celestials a pedicure, and even killed them.

Even every few days, they beat Galactus down again.

This abstract expression will naturally give people a feeling that everyone is a chicken pecking at each other, and they are the same.

But in fact.

Putting aside this planet full of protagonists.

Looking at the entire universe, the combat power setting is still a bit framed.

In the Father, that is, below the planetary god level.

Big Mom Marvel and normal Thanos are definitely at the ceiling level, and other strong people in the universe, such as Ronan the Accuser, are similar.

They are strong and weak, but they are all within this range.

Among the fathers of heaven, Odin, who is hanging on the wall, should also be excluded.

In the Marvel Universe, exceptHe, there is really no other father of heaven, who has defeated the gods.

Others, such as Zeus who appeared in the Thor film, may not be able to beat Star-Lord's planet father in a real fight.

Super father of heaven, or single universe level.

In fact, this is a huge range, from Galactus, one of the five great gods of creation, to the gods who can be beaten by Odin.

All are included.

The difference here is that Odin is purely powerful, and he does not have the realm of a cosmic god.

So Odin is a super father of heaven, and is not defined as a single cosmic god.

A true single cosmic god.

Like the gods, they are like Odin in Asgard in any place in the universe, with almost unlimited power.

And every cosmic god has at least one conceptual ability.

For example, Galactus's swallowing.

When these concepts are expanded to the extreme, they are almost invincible.


Being a multiverse god does not mean that the combat power is higher than that of a single universe god, but the applicable range and survivability will be stronger.

What Loki meant was: Big brother, I am not a fighting type! Let's not fight, okay?

"The difference is not big, but there is still a difference."

But Azu was even more excited after hearing this.

He is also a leader among the fathers of heaven. Although he is still a little behind the young Odin, he is confident that he can catch up.

Then Loki, the god of stories, is a great test object.

"Okay, okay."

Loki was helpless and spread his hands and said, "If you want to fight, let's talk first, okay?"

"How do you know I want to fight you?"

Azu was curious, he hadn't said anything yet.

"Your face is full of stories."

Loki smiled slightly, "And I am the god of stories. I don't weave stories, but I always know the stories."

People say that this is also a spoiler player.

Azu suddenly realized that it was no wonder that the time gem was green.

He was just about to ask about his future.

Unexpectedly, Loki asked first, mumbling: "So, do you know your story, the meaning of your existence, your mission, and your ending?"

"Or, fellow villager A-Zu, those good and bad ones are all stories, and what kind of chapter do you want to weave?"

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