Signed the contract.

Gwen couldn't wait to go back to the company with Aishili.

Of course.

She was wearing a spider suit.

Young body, hot figure, and close-fitting battle robe, pressing forward step by step.

This image doesn't need any extra design to be a popular anchor.

Mainly original.

"You're really good!"

Aishili recalled Xingguang again. Xingguang back then was much more shy and shy.

Aishili introduced: "The company's employee contracts are divided into four types."

"The first type is a celebrity contract."

"Employees are superheroes and celebrities. They need to pay attention to their image, words and deeds at all times. They need to produce movies, short videos and other works, and they need to accept advertisements and endorsements."

"The second type is a labor contract."

"Employees do not need to become superheroes. They just need to do their best and farm and produce seriously."

"The third type is a non-staff contract."

"For example, Kingpin."

"The fourth type is a temporary contract."

"It's the one you just signed."

"A temporary contract can be upgraded to other contracts after meeting the conditions. It mainly depends on your talent and development direction."

"Every employee will be required to write reports regularly, and it is forbidden to cause major incidents without approval."

"Otherwise, the contract will be invalid and the responsibility will be investigated."

Aishili emphasized the key point of the last sentence.


Gwen nodded obediently. The characters in the Spider-Man series are generally very obedient.

"Of course."

"If you are popular and capable, like a locomotive, it is not impossible for Chaoying to farm and do labor."

"Contracts are mainly for classification and filing, not for restrictions."

"Employees can choose to change the contract, and the company can also coordinate the work. This is a dynamic process."

Ai Shili said with a relaxed look. She was very good at doing these jobs.

As she said.

She took out Jin Bing's contract and file and said, "Take a look, get to know each other, maybe you will cooperate in the future."

Gwen quickly browsed.

Jin Bing, whose real name is Wilson Fisk.

Born in the slums since childhood.

His father is a member of a gang.

Because New York congressmen, in order to please various associations and make money by making up excuses, constantly sent refugees to the slums, jobs became increasingly scarce, while the crime rate remained high.

Jin Bing's father died in a fight.

This brought a great shock to Jin Bing's young mind.

He came up with the idea of ​​"fighting evil with evil, punishing crime with crime".

What really made this bud grow into a towering tree was that after adulthood, he had become a gang leader and had love and family.

He wanted to quit the gang.

But because of the shooting, he was angry about the death of his beloved son Richard.

From then on.

Kingpin killed his wife to prove his faith and began to unify the gang.

The result was that he succeeded.

Gang activities and wars in New York were strictly confined to a range, and those who crossed the line would die.


"In terms of efficacy, it is good."

Gwen frowned and couldn't help asking: "But is it necessary? It sounds very second-rate..."

"Of course it is necessary."

The pear smiled and asked back: "Do you think shooting, selling arms, selling addictive drugs, corruption, politicians' lies, speech restrictions, instigating wars... are crimes?"


Gwen responded affirmatively.

"But the United States has passed the bill. Above, not guilty."

"Did you know?"

"There is already an official Flying Leaf Club in New York now. It is said to be more formal, healthier, and more suitable for the physique of American babies."

The pear became more and more calm as she spoke, and said bluntly: "And the only one who can stop all this and define evil."

"Really, only Kingpin."

"On the contrary."

"The police department is supposed to protect formal places and increase GDP."

Gwen: "..."

She was speechless and her body shook.

Her three views were shattered again, and she couldn't accept it for a while.

She couldn't accept it for two times.

The third time, Gwen hesitated and stammered: "But, but, the villagers can decide who the president is, right? Can't he also amend those laws?"

"That's the problem, Spider-Woman."

In a moment.

Aishili felt like she had just come across a stupid and naive locomotive that had just woken up. She taught him:

"Americans would rather have a dog as president than a real leader."

"Washington, Kennedy...all died because of this."

"Now this dog is president."

"After four years, at most, a new dog will be replaced, but an emperor who has the final say must not come."

"The law of our ancestors,It cannot be changed!"

"Officials are elected by their votes, and the bills are sending them to a dead end word by word."

"Isn't this too easy?"

"At the same time, fellow villagers and Mr. Guan have no intention of managing this cesspool. They are people, not anyone's nanny."

"They are just interested in existence."


"You should learn from the predecessors of the company. Don't be a hero, be a star first."

Gwen was thoughtful.

The mentality changed quietly.

Her pupils were full of clear stupidity, and she said, "Okay, okay."

She said, "I choose the star contract."

"Look, you are anxious again."

The troublemaker threw out a document and pointed to the location of the US-Mexico border on the globe and said, "You must first participate in the company's new employee training program-Run."

"You have to join a team of Run people."

"Then follow them and enter America together. ”

“This training method was proposed by Thor, the god of thunder, and it can effectively screen out talents.”


Gwen held the document blankly and asked, “So, what do I need to do specifically?”

“Just be brave and be yourself.”

The pear encouraged, “The company will pay attention to the whole process and give a comprehensive evaluation.”

“Then I will set off now!”

“So urgent?”

“I can’t help it. I really want to make progress and meet and understand that adult!”

I sent a voice message to George Stacy, which meant, “Goodbye, Dad. I’m going to sail tonight. Don’t worry about me. I have the courage and wisdom of the oars. "


Gwen boarded the plane to Mexico.

Traveling with her were Phantom Cat, Little Rugrats and other new recruits from Xavier School for the Gifted.

Everyone got to know each other briefly, and then each person was assigned some nanorobots, drones, and lighting props.

These things came from Mysterio, who was already dead. The technology in his head was dug out by the company and the products were made.

It was just right to use it as a disguise.

Out of curiosity and fantasy about Guan Fuyun, Gwen disguised herself as a handsome oriental man.

Then she separated from the other newcomers and randomly entered the long queue.

"Don't push, don't push! Can you squeeze in?"

"One! ”

There are many idiots in the Run people, and the languages ​​of various countries are noisy and extremely harsh.

Gwen's disguised person was dressed decently at first.

But after a few steps, he was soon infected with the dampness, stench and decay of the rainforest.

She listened and observed quietly.

It was found that many Run people, especially those from the East, were carrying 70,000 or 80,000, or even hundreds of thousands of US dollars.


Gwen shuddered, she felt that she had found a blind spot!

These people are so rich, but they would abandon their hometowns and their original lives, travel thousands of miles, and endure hardships to go to Runmei?

This is too abnormal!

Is it a spy? It must be?!

The girl became serious.

That thing relapsed, and I have to go to the hospital for surgery again. Brothers, please take leave today and tomorrow.

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