The more he recalled those dreams on the farm, listened to his words, and remembered Guan Fuyun's fatherly words.

Even put them into practice.

John felt more and more.

That's right!

Whether it's Superman, Batman, or even his former self, the motherland of Vought Company.

Basically a poet.

But a more beautiful and popular product.

Vought Company, Deep Sea and Locomotive once fought each other because of popularity, fans, and the order of speaking...

It's the same in the DC world.

Popularity, support rate... have been virtualized into belief and will. In order to prove themselves, everyone is hysterical and unscrupulous.

This world is a huge Vought Company, absurd and hopeless.

Just like him, he has never left the laboratory.

"I really envy you."


"You have a farm, a father, a career, a pet..."

"And my life is only despair."

In the corner, behind Wonder Woman, behind Batman, and far away from Superman.

John was following like a pervert.

It was like the entire Vought Company, and he himself was all the actors and all the audience.

He watched Bruce Wayne and Clark put on strange costumes.

Meet as Batman and Superman.

Batman asked that sentence -

"Do gods bleed?"

To be honest.

Even in Vought Company, this scene is a classic in film history, requiring many people to modify the lines, write scripts, shoot, and edit.

And here.

This scene is so perfect and natural, but there is only one audience, John.

What a irony.

What's more ironic is that he is a native of the country, but now he has no audience or fans.

It's also at this moment.

John became more and more certain and convinced that the only answer in the multiverse and countless time and space was Guan Daddy.

It was not until he saw Azu in his dream that he glimpsed the normal, happy life where he could do whatever he wanted.

He realized how poor he was.

His poverty was picking up garbage and eating rats, and there was no real care and companionship. He had never received love.

"Azu, Azu. You left the laboratory when you were young, and I have to be domesticated, indoctrinated, and made into a product. You have a safe haven, your family affection and efforts will always be responded to, and you have the warmth of home."

"And I have nothing."

"Azu, Azu. I want to be a hero, but I always fail."

"John, John. Can you really get someone else's life by poorly imitating someone else's happiness and learning to be like the same person?"

"Azu, Azu, let me go."

Gotham City, late at night.

Batman and Superman are gone.

John was alone and homeless, wandering in the streets full of sin and laughter. He did not show Bizarro's ability.

Instead, he was like a failed man, kicking bottles everywhere.

Swinging his limbs.

Like a crazy dancer, swaying on the darkest stage, he was a puppet of fate.

His audience.

It was the murderers, villains, and sins that could be found everywhere in Gotham City.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

The sound of gunfire rang endlessly.

"It's so embarrassing!"

Occasionally, the window opened, and someone threw out the body with a grin, saying, "Police station, come and clean the floor!"

Screaming, crying, wailing, praying.

All kinds of sounds were mixed in Gotham City.

However, when the chaos, disorder, and madness reached a threshold, when the hysterical laughter appeared.

The city suddenly became quiet again.

It was like the real King of Hell appeared, and then the little ghosts retreated and went back to their homes.

Da, da, da.

On the deserted street, far away.

Opposite to John.

Another dancer appeared. He was wearing a purple suit, shiny leather shoes, a horribly pale face, and green algae hair swaying on his neck like waterweed.

"Hehe, hahahahaha!"

He looked at John as if he saw a new and unique toy, with a smile on his face, and the corners of his mouth slowly tore to both sides, as if he wanted to tear his whole face apart.

He has no past, and doesn't care about the future. He is a symbol of chaos and madness, and his main focus is the beauty of the mental state.

There are only three types of people in DC.

Hero, villain, clown.

He is the clown.

"Hehe, do you want to dance too?"

Like the Mask, or the Slender Ghost, the clown danced all the way over with a twisted and grotesque dance.

He looked at John, like a ghost examining a human being.


Like a magic trick, he pulled out a gun from his sleeve, pointed it at John, and pulled the trigger.


A small flag shot out from the muzzle of the gun.

"Surprising?"The Joker circled around John.

John: "..."

John said nothing, he stopped dancing, his eyes were gloomy.

"So, am I going to die?"

The Joker laughed hysterically, he liked to show the meaninglessness of life to the world by creating pain and death.

And he didn't hesitate to sacrifice his own life.

As long as it's fun, crazy, and fun, it's fine.

"Yes." John nodded, his eyes shining.


"Because you and Batman are enemies, if you want to kill him, you have to kill him too. This is safer, so you don't go crazy."

"Oh, it's really funny."

Hearing this, the Joker seemed to have heard the funniest, most ignorant, and most whimsical joke in the world. He held his stomach, pointed at John, and smiled hysterically: "Well played, well played!"

"Please be gentle when you kill me..."

The words were not finished.

John pulled out the clown's head.


Blood splashed all over his face.

John was used to it. He crushed the clown's body bit by bit and destroyed the corpse.

But he was afraid that this was not enough.

He was afraid, too afraid, afraid of failure, afraid of not seeing Guan Die.

So he crawled down and ate the clown's flesh, body and brain bit by bit.

"Hee hee."

After doing all this, John suddenly smiled with a fake smile.


He is not a god.

He has always been a product of lack of love, inferiority and arrogance, sensitivity, suspicion and paranoia.

He wanted to get love and relatives, but some things cannot be done by hard work.

Guan Die didn't pick him up, and Ryan also stabbed him repeatedly.

He can only fail again and again with his own abilities.

All these made him more extreme, greedy, crazy and twisted.


Even if he is as humble as a maggot, he must and should meet Guan Die. That is his last blanket.

"It would be nice if Ryan also came to this world."

"A natural superhuman of Compound No. 5."

"Eat him."

"The enhancement obtained should be stronger than that of injecting Compound No. 5."

John wiped his mouth and said, and from then on he became a cannibalistic and abducted native.

In his opinion.

If there are enough Compound No. 5, or enough temporary Compound No. 5.

It is entirely possible to pull out a super army.

To deal with Steppenwolf who sensed the vibration of the Mother Box after Superman's death.

As for Darkseid?

We have to wait until we get the Anti-Life Equation.

According to Guan Die, Darkseid is the ruler of Apokolips, the most terrifying planet in the DC worldview.

He is also one of the most terrifying and powerful new gods in the DC multiverse, a powerful new god who destroyed the New Genesis Star.

It is 64 to Superman in normal conditions.

It is a very tricky existence.

"After killing Superman, we must find a way to go back to Walt."


The next day.

Luthor arranged a special wheelchair to blow up the employees of Wayne Enterprises and also ignited the Superman hearing site.

The accident happened in front of all mankind.

The scene was on the verge of breaking out and it was out of control.

Batman directly took the kryptonite, made equipment, lit up the bat light, and challenged Superman.

The peak of superpowers and the peak of money power.


The same as the set of the movie "Dawn of Justice".

These two heavyweights fought, saying that the big bird eats the big bird, the grandpa is a mortal body, beating the god of the world.

It's really grass.

With the sentence "Martha gave birth", the two people who were originally going to die immediately shook hands and made peace. Hey, let's go, buddy, it's just a joke.

It was at this time.

Superman's nemesis, one of the most powerful biological weapons in the DC universe, Doomsday.


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