Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 171: Captain's Return

Lou Shaobo looked at his teacher's expression and thought about it, and then said: "Teacher, this matter is of great importance. It is better for us to find several teachers and brothers and discuss together."

Here, Long Yinfeng received Jiao Enjie and Yu Pei, and hurriedly went to Lou Shaobo. The two of them summoned several other officials who were on the line, and then leaned back easily, knowing This first big fish should have been on the net.

Yes, the man in black who went to Jiao Enjie's house was the cron that Long Jingsong wanted to recover but could not be recovered, and the jade pendant was left intentionally, otherwise ordinary people would leave this kind of identity-produced jade pendant Why didn't you take it away? Zhuangzi was also written by Long Yinfeng according to Jiao Enjie's previous zigzag paintings. He focused on Enjie's observations for a few days. This person was cautious. Every time before he turned in Zhezi, he would read it again, so, Long Yinfeng was not afraid that the book would fall into Long Jingsong's hands.

Originally, Long Yinfeng expected to spread some rumors after this incident happened, so as to boost the situation. Whoever knew that Long Qixuan's idiot ran out of the gun, pretending to refer to Sang and cursing Huai, but caused a commotion. But that's fine, the province's own spreading rumors, bothersome and laborious.

The generals are mostly straight-hearted, quick-tempered, and easy to regain. Those civil servants have a lot of thoughts and thoughts. Although their grandfather is the elder of Lushan University, most of the civil servants have been taught by their grandfather. However, they have been injured for five years, and many civil servants are because of themselves. The grandfather gave him a courtesy of three points, but after all, he had a short time to enter the dynasty, and those civil servants didn't know much about himself. Coupled with the queen's pressure and envelopment, those civil servants had already ignored the wind.

This long road to envelop people.

Here, Jiao Enjie summoned several of his students and apprentices, nominally for a meal, a few people ate fiercely for a meal, and they were discussing their future path.

Jiao Enjie was an old man in the middle ages. He had seen the scene where Longyinfeng recaptured the city, suppressed the Huns, and returned triumphantly. He also knew how Longyinfeng returned with one enemy and three enemies ...

When Long Yinfeng defeated back to Beijing back then, thousands of people were all empty, and the 20-year-old boy was riding and laughing Yan Yan, with a high spirit. In the capital of the year, some people may mention the name of the prime minister of the Dang Dynasty, but some people mentioned the name of Long Yinfeng.

At that time, Jiao Enjie was already forty-eight years old, but still from Sanpin's official position. The 20-year-old has achieved a startling position by himself! Before the battle, he was awarded the post of general, the first battle, victory, and the title of the Megatron; the second battle, victory, the title and the official residence; the third battle, victory, a yellow jacket, the sword One hand; the fourth battle, victory, and a gold medal to avoid death. Four victories and four victories, the invincible general Megatron!

It's a pity, the master of high power! The greater the prestige, the more enemies there are. Those warriors who were fighting on the battlefield and licking blood on the blades looked down on the civilian officials who grind their mouths every day, and these savvy civilian officers looked down on the group of five big and three thick military officers. After Long Yinfeng returned to Beijing, he did not ask about political affairs, and the Queen's party took the opportunity to impeach. With the power of Long Yinfeng gradually increasing, coupled with his mother's strong background, who is not afraid of a third?

In the fifth battle, the two generals of Long Yinfeng's left arm and right arm were killed, and his legs did not obey. Although it was a victory return, it was also a victory. The loss of the city was counted, the loss of thousands of troops was lost, Long Jingsong was furious, and the reward of life was taken back, and after the Dragon Yinfeng was seriously ill, from then on, there was no great general in the dynasty. ...

Jiao Enjie's students heard the Long Yinfeng's deeds and couldn't help but sigh, how high-minded this is to be able to endure five years after being seriously injured!

"Thus, for the teacher's sake, although the emperor is now in full swing, he sees that several princes are getting older, and the fighting between the king and the center is fiercer than the tiger. The parties are in dispute. Those of us who do not stand partisan are the eyes of these jackals and tigers. Others I do n’t care, and I ca n’t control it. You are all supported by me. I ca n’t watch you get involved in this dispute. That ’s why I did n’t support any of the princes before. ”Jiao Enjie said seriously. .

"We naturally understand the teacher's mind, but now this queen is powerful, and the eldest prince is recovering from his illness, and he is afraid of losing money when he enters the government!" Lou Shaobo was careful, he said his thoughts. , The next few nodded again and again.

"The queen wolf ambition, although a woman, is evident in her vicious heart. At that time, the second prince became the king of Germany with her step-by-step support, but after the second prince accident, the queen immediately abandoned the second prince. The five princes returned to the palace and continued Use it to support ... "

When Jiao Enjie said this, someone immediately responded: "So, if the five princes become emperors, the queen is very likely to be regent."

Jiao Enjie nodded, adding: "Not only that, the queen is vicious, her own son can be abandoned at will, not to mention our little officials?" Several people were shocked after hearing this.

"So, I want to confirm the opinions of several disciples again."

"All listening teacher is the master!"

Jiao Enjie nodded. In fact, he could have continued to be neutral. It was just one thing after he returned to the house this morning, which changed his mind. When he returned to the house, he was replaced because of the discount. When there was no idea, the next person reported that it was the people from the Grand Prince's Mansion.

Jiao Enjie couldn't help crying. This dispute really came to him. First, the five princes secretly accused Sang of Huai, but Jiao Enjie blamed Long Qixuan, but he still listened to Long Qixuan more or less. .

At this time, the great prince will send someone again, how should he respond?

Jiao Enjie can only take one step at a time. Who knows, the visitor just sent a letter. This letter is Long Yinfeng ’s handwritten letter. Its content is probably that Long Yinfeng learned of the thieves in Jiao Enjie ’s mansion last night. Going forward to greet, I sent a letter to express my inner worry.

An additional piece of paper was attached to the letter, which was a tranquilizer. Jiao Enjie took the prescription and went to see the doctor. The doctor praised the prescription and even asked for a copy. Jiao Enjie was relieved, and felt warm because of Long Yinfeng ’s interestless interest. When he grabbed the medicinal herbs according to the prescription, he went to Lou Shaobo ’s house. The discerning person, the five princes are far from it!

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