Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 179: Palace banquet

A row of small maidens, all of them are carefully dressed, each person has a large tray, there are ten small dishes in the tray, each one is elaborately made by the palace royal dining room, as the court musicians play slowly Walked towards each table. Then came the second team, the third team ...

The table in front of everyone was full of thirty-six dishes, plus one person and one Otaru wine. Although Mu Xiyue is not a delicious food, but still seeing the full flavor of mountains and seas, my heart still moved. She whispered to Long Yinfeng: "The emperor is really a big deal this time." Long Yinfeng listened to Mu Xiyue whispering in his ear, breathing into his neck, and it was a bit numb.

Long Qixuan was sitting across from the two. I saw Mu Xiyue today, and my eyes lit up. This is what Mu Xiyue looks like when he is 16 years old. If he grows up again, he will definitely be a top beauty. Although this beauty has a bad reputation, her face is enough to cover up everything. And next to her was his Dragon Yinfeng, which had always been a thorn in his heart. He was always observing the actions of the two, and saw that they ignored the biting ears of others and snorted in his heart.

Long Jingsong watched the tribute from Tianzhu Messenger carefully. A small cloth bag caught his attention. He poured out the cloth bag and looked at the things like gray stones , Curious, asked: "Tianzhu Messenger, what is this baby thing?"

The angel of Tianzhu looked at the cloth bag in Long Jingsong's hand and said with a smile: "This is a medicinal material produced by our Tianzhu."

"Oh? What is its function?" Long Jingsong was a little curious.

"Haha, you can guess." Zhu Zeng smiled and sold Guan Zi that day.

Long Jingsong also came to interest at this time and said to Deshun: "Deshun, holding a cloth bag to show to all the lovers, if there is a guess, it will be rewarded!"

After Deshun was ordered, he took the cloth bag in Long Jingsong's hands and gave the ministers a glance. How did these ministers understand Chinese herbal medicine? After seeing it, they were also interested in the strange appearance of the herbal medicine. Eyes, then shake his head.

At this time, Mu Xiyue looked at a minister next to him, glanced at it, and knew what it was. Long Yinfeng looked at her clearly and asked, "How do you know what?" Mu Xiyue nodded.

Deshun showed it to the adults, shook his head in a circle, and did not show it to the princes, he was ready to return. Long Jingsong felt a little uneasy on his face at this time. At this time, Long Yinfeng said: "This Grandpa Deshun is so forgetful that he turned around and forgot our brothers."

Deshun quickly smiled and accused him, and then looked at Long Qixuan who was near him. Long Qixuan was also novel, but still shook his head. Deshun walked to Long Yinfeng and handed the cloth package. Long Yinfeng didn't look after receiving it, and handed it to Mu Xiyue directly. Mu Xiyue glanced at it, then took out one, smelled it, and licked it again.

Then he stood up and said, "Go back to the emperor, Sang Chou."

Some ministers thought of her movements and thought to herself: The princess had never seen the world, but she just pulled it out and licked it. But who knows that Mu Xiyue really uttered a name after licking it, and after the messenger Zhu heard that day, he could not help applauding and saying, "Yes!"

Long Jingsong also had a certain degree in his mind, and then asked, "Can Yueya know her habits?"

Mu Xiyue said in a hurry: "This is one of the mulberry scorpions, called the black scorpion, which is made of giant axe mantis and has a sweet and salty taste. It can be used as medicine."

"Oh? This month, the girl knows a lot about it, and you haven't said its specific habits yet?" Long Jingsong smiled.

"This ... its habits are not suitable for concubine." Mu Xiyue hesitated a little.

"It doesn't matter!" Long Jingsong waved his hand broadly, and the two Tianzhu messengers also looked at Mu Xiyue with a smile.

"This medicine belongs to the liver and kidney meridian. Its function is to invigorate the kidney and help the yang." Mu Xiyue said with a red face and a heartless heart. She is a doctor, why haven't she seen it?

After Long Jingsong heard it, he laughed and said, "Good things and good things!" The following ministers also laughed, and the awkward atmosphere gradually eased, "What's the reward for Yueya!" Long Jingsong smirked. Asked.

"Concubines don't give rewards, it is an honor for concubines to explain to the emperor." Mu Xiyue replied.

"Hahaha, okay! Okay! But I still want to reward!" Long Jingsong said in a cheerful mood: "I heard you go to the palace every day to ask the queen, filial piety, it is better to save you hello later "" The queen was shocked and looked at Long Jingsong inconceivably.

"The emperor Xie rewards, this is what the concubine should do!" Mu Xiyue quickly thanked, then An An sat down. Long Yinfeng was in a good mood at this time. Hearing the whispers of the ministers, most of them praised Mu Xiyue and were unbelievable about Mu Xiyue's performance.

At this time, the queen suddenly said out loudly: "The eldest son Yinfeng is now twenty-six years old, and it should be added to Fufu. However, the girl is still young, and the palace is considerate. Several concubines were sent to Fufu. "After all, a few beautiful women with different styles entered the temple.

Long Qixuan looked at Long Yinfeng with a smile on his face after listening to the queen. He naturally knew what the queen wanted to do. The ministers also looked at Long Yinfeng with different thoughts, and the two special envoys of Tianzhu also looked over. They naturally understood what this was doing, but they looked like Mu Xiyue, who had just appeared in the limelight, Mu Xiyue At this time, just like everyone, looking at a few dishes on the table.

Long Yinfeng looked at the women who came from the models and said, "It's a few beautiful people. Thank you for the kindness of the Queen Mother, but I don't need it at this time. When I first entered the political affairs, I didn't know much about these things. Every day, one head and two big, there is no time and energy to look after them. "

"It's fine to put it in the palace," the queen said anxiously. Long Jingsong heard that he was studying hard, and nodded secretly. And Lou Shaobo, who heard Long Yinfeng's words, almost spewed out wine, didn't understand? Who believes it!

"I don't support idlers in my house." Long Yinfeng's eyes narrowed and he said. After all, it's the people fighting on the battlefield. Isn't the momentum comparable to others? Then he said, "The father and emperor also demanded clean government a few days ago. I am the great prince, and I want to lead by example."

Long Jingsong listened to his answer, and laughed: "The emperor said good!" The queen gritted her teeth bitterly.

"However, I don't have a concubine beside Emperor Qixuan. These people should be rewarded to him." Long Yinfeng said with a smile.

Long Qixuan heard, his eyes widened suddenly, just wanted to open his mouth to refuse, Long Jingsong said with a smile: "Your brothers are very affectionate, it's so good, Qi Xuan also had to quit, accept it. Yin Feng said also Yes, someone should be around you! "

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