Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 193: Meet the Rolling Dragon

The Rolling Dragon took the horse to stop the Long Yinfeng's path and asked, "However, the one you shot the Heifengshan Dadang hat a few days ago?"

Long Yinfeng looked at a dozen or so people, and then said faintly, "Yes."

"Wow, have the courage, I heard that you just want to eat a lot of food?" Chuanlong laughed.

Long Yinfeng was also reluctant to make more nonsense to him, and asked, "What's the matter with the big master?"

"I am the master of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Rolling Dragon. I just think that you are interesting, come to you and chatting." Rolling Dragon looked at Long Yinfeng with a smile, and the defense line in my heart was getting deeper and deeper. The blood-thirsty aura on Long Yinfeng is not an ordinary person. He has n’t seen such a powerful person with such an aura since he has been burned and robbed for more than ten years. Was scared away!

The second head looked at the person with a clear heart, and immediately said with a cup of arms: "I heard that the great prince of Jingzhong came to our Shanxi, and this one must be the only one."

Gudilong suddenly thought of the news more than ten days ago, and didn't pay much attention at that time, thinking that it was a weak fool, and it was such a powerful character.

Long Yinfeng nodded, and since he was named by his surname, he was too lazy to cover up anything, and he did not expect some people to be surprised when he saw him, or to dismiss him to meet him. They are the emperor of the earth.

Long Yinfeng said very calmly: "Since a few of you know it, please ask a few for your convenience. There are still important things to see in the city to see the officials."

The Rolling Dragon listened to Long Yinfeng's words, looked at Long Yinfeng with a smile, and said: "The chaotic mountain bandit is not us, but Wuqueshan. How is this big prince going to solve it?"

Long Yinfeng nodded and said, "Xie Da is the one who raised the point. This time I came from cleaning up as a chaotic mountain bandit."

Rolling dragon laughed, said: "Yes, soon to clear the chaotic mountain bandits, the eldest prince returned to Beijing to work sooner." Then he gave way, he got what he wanted, this The eldest prince is aware of the current affairs, so he can hardly say much.

Long Yinfeng motioned to Xiao Xiao and Mo Heng to go first, then punched the big master's fist and said: "I have heard the prestige of Long Hushan's big master, but now it is really the same as the rumor at first sight. Officials have murdered the eldest prince and other stupid things. But Mo Yao will say nothing more. You can't bear this name. "He finally patted Er's shoulder and drove away.

Long Yinfeng knew that poisoning was a problem. Eighty percent of the dragons were unclear. Otherwise, if he knew that Long Yinfeng had arrived as scheduled, he wouldn't take people to block the road like this. And with a word from the two heads of the family, he revealed his identity, and after Long Yinfeng admitted that it was a bit unnatural to flash in his eyes, fearing that it was him.

Long Yinfeng didn't say much, just mentioned a few words, and the remaining thing that the Rolling Dragon did not look stupid, and what he had done was so obvious ...

Sure enough, after Long Yinfeng drove his horse away, Rolling Dragon looked at Er's house and said, "Boy, after returning to the top of the mountain, tell me the details."

In the heart of the second master, he secretly complained, he really looked down on the great prince. After returning to the mountain, the two heads described their behaviors one by one. It turned out that the brother of the Rolling Dragon, Taiyuan Zhifu, had received the news that the emperor sent the big prince to the bandits, and directly informed his brother of the Mountain Bandit. Pay attention to this news.

But these two heads of mind paid attention to a few points and returned their thoughts to Zhifu. If the eldest prince could come later, or feel unwell when he came, then the Zhifu would be notified in advance and it would be good. Doing a bit back and forth, they also avoid the limelight. When Zhifu heard him say this, he naturally agreed, and he passed on his book to his friends in Beijing to let them find a way ...

Then there was the next one out. After listening to the second master's talk, the tumbling dragon smashed the wine glass on the table and said, "You are a real mess! You don't look at who this is! It's our action Did he get it? Besides, he is a bandit who has come to make trouble, what does it have to do with us? The gang of Wuqueshan has not reached its end, and we can just take the opportunity to expand a place! "

"I was confused, and looked down at the big prince." Er Dang's head slightly bowed and said, a forehead of sweat was already covered with a fine layer of sweat.

The ground dragon snorted coldly and said, "You're not the first time you've made a decision with my back. I used to open one eye and close one. Then you passed. Today you are offended. The prince, I think he is not simple. If it is really pursued, the first thing I want to protect is this hilltop! "

"Yes, I know it clearly." The two masters counted forever, and did not even think that the great prince was able to say that he was inside, except for his idea, so I thought that a drop of cold sweat remained, and he has been doing it step by step for nearly thirty years. , I did not expect to lose in my mind!

Long Yinfeng arrived all the way to Taiyuan City, and only after he entered the city, he informed Zhifu to come and pick him up. This Zhifu Wang Zhuoben listened to Qu'er in the lobby, and the next time he heard that the prince had entered the city, he was scared to take a few People trot to the gate of the city, where Long Yinfeng waited.

Wang Zhuo has been in the officialdom for many years, since he can see that Long Yinfeng is an extraordinary aura, he quickly hurried over and said: "Xiaguan Wang Zhuo has seen the great prince!"

Long Yinfeng turned and dismounted, threw the reins to Mo Heng, then sneered at Wang Zhuo, and said, "I have already met Master Wang's meeting ceremony." Long Yinfeng's height and length, plus the provocative Aura, standing in front of Wang Zhuo, Wang Zhuo's legs trembling.

Wang Zhuo wiped the sweat on his forehead. When he heard Long Yinfeng say this, he knew that Long Yinfeng had been cut off by a few bandits who didn't have long eyes, and quickly laughed and said, "This is outside Taiyuan City. It ’s all bandits. The lower officials tried hard to suppress them, but the gangsters were all tough, and they could n’t kill them.

Long Yinfeng glanced at him, and didn't answer his words, saying, "We have been running for several days, and Lord Lao Wang has arranged it for us."

As soon as Wang Zhuo saw a carriage in the back, he knew that the princess was coming along, but he didn't expect it to be true, and then said: "It was packed a few days ago, and I'm waiting for you to come."

Wang Zhuo arranged several people of Long Yinfeng in a mansion under his own name, and all of them were packed and there were dozens of others waiting at the door.

At the gate, Long Yinfeng helped Mu Xiyue first, and Mu Xiyue's eyes lit up around the carriage. Wang Zhuo thought to himself: No wonder this great prince has to carry the princess everywhere, this princess is really a beauty.

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