Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 198: Mu Xiyue was invited to Wuqueshan

Mu Xiyue listened to the question of Long Yinfeng's somber voice and shook his body, saying as if he was pleased: "I swear, I am definitely not taking the initiative, I am just bored in the yard, and I don't have any medical books. Look, I thought about picking some medicine. I took the swallows specially! "

"What about swallows?" Long Yinfeng asked with anger.

"Well, at the door, it was stopped outside." Mu Xiyue quickly pointed to the door.

Long Yinfeng calmed his anger a little bit like this, and continued to ask: "How did you get invited here."

It turned out that Mu Xiyue was staying in this yard all day, without any medical books, so bored, she chatted with Yanzi and others. The two swallows and Mo Heng used to have a lot of stories about running through the rivers and lakes. The two of you told me one story each, and it was interesting to tell, and Mu Xiyue was also interesting to hear. On that day, Mo Heng was sent out by Long Yinfeng to find out these hills, and the swallows had nothing to say. Although Xiao Xiao was a funny one, both Mu Xiyue and Yan Zi were girls, too much. Dare not make fun of it.

Mu Xiyue had been sitting in the yard for a long time, and it was really boring. He suddenly remembered that he could go for a walk on the surrounding mountains and gather some herbs. The two swallows and Xiao Xiao strongly opposed Mu Xiyue's going out. Mu Xiyue begged for a long time, and then his eyes turned, saying: "If I were a woman dressed as a man, and the swallows followed me, it would be fine!"

"But Princess, where are the men's clothes for you to put on!" Yan Zi asked with a frown.

Mu Xiyue's big eyes glanced at Xiao Xiao diligently, and said, "Will Xiao Xiao bring a suit if he goes out?"

Xiao Xiao whispered, "Concubine! How can I let you wear my clothes!"

"Less nonsense! Go get it!" Mu Xiyue raised her eyebrows, pretending to be angry.

Xiao Xiao had to bite her face and took two of her own clothes. Xiao Xiao was a skinny, Mu Xiyue was not too big to put on, and then she swallowed her hair up, but she didn't fit her. Cloth shoes, Mu Xiyue sent Xiao Xiao out to buy two pairs of cloth shoes. Before going out, I followed the big bamboo basket next to the kitchen and carried it on my back.

Mu Xiyue first asked the people in this yard where the mountain is not occupied and still calm. The next man showed the two the way. The two were looking for herbs on the mountain. Suddenly they saw an old woman lying down on the slope. Mu Xiyue was surprised. Then she and the swallow under the old woman's nose. , And breath!

In the heart of the doctor, Mu Xiyue treated the old woman. The old woman was bitten by a poisonous snake on the mountain! Fortunately, just after being bitten, Mu Xiyue quickly took out the hemostatic strip from the space, first let the swallow seal her acupuncture point, and then used the hemostatic strip to tie the wound around to prevent the venom from flowing to the whole body, and then carefully found that the toxicity was not Big, afraid that it was a little viper that was shocked by the old woman who had passed the mountain, and fled after taking a bite.

Mu Xiyue simply disinfected the wound and received a shot of medicine. After half an hour, when the old lady woke up, she swallowed the hole. When the old woman woke up, she was very grateful to the two. Mu Xiyue was afraid that there would be anything wrong with the old woman, so she planned to come back to pick medicine again and send her home with the swallows first.

As soon as I entered the city, I saw the old woman's family. It turned out that the old woman and the old man came to the mountain to cut wood. After seeing the old woman bitten by a snake, the old man wanted to go back to the doctor with the old woman. People are old, and they have no strength after half back. So she put the old woman on Banpo and hurried to ask the doctor.

The old woman praised Mu Xiyue's medical skills as if she were awesome. There was a little whistle of Wuqueshan next to her. When she came down the mountain to invite the doctor again, she heard that the old lady was so admiring Xi Yue's thoughts and waited for them Just go to Mu Xiyue.

Mu Xiyue thought it was just an ordinary family, so he agreed. Who would have thought Xiao Xiao was afraid that she would be tired, and asked her to take her on the carriage to take her. Mu Xiyue felt that something was wrong, but there were swallows beside him, so she settled down and agreed.

Then there was the scene where Long Yinfeng and Mu Xiyue met ...

After Long Yinfeng listened to Mu Xiyue's story, the gloom on his face did not diminish, but increased. He said, "There is no vigilance at all, and all who teach you are white!"

Mu Xiyue heard Long Yinfeng teaching her all the time, and muttered: "Doctors have kindness! I also promised to see a patient, and there are swallows!"

Wu Queshan's head of the house listened to Mu Xiyue's words and laughed: "A doctor is kind, I said that the court official, don't be angry with this little brother. Besides, my Wuque Mountain is Bandit, but never kill innocent people! "

Long Yinfeng glared at Mu Xiyue fiercely and said, "Go back and teach you again." Then he said to the big master: "The tutor is not strict, making the big master laugh."

"Eh, I don't think this little brother is completely wrong! Hahaha!" He smiled and patted Mu Xiyue's shoulder.

Long Yinfeng browed, got up and blocked Dadang's hand, and said, "Please also bring Dadang's hand to see Madam."

Seeing the dragon Yinfeng from the big house blocked his hand, he didn't think much about it. Thinking of the importance of his wife, she nodded and said, "Please come here."

Before Mu Xiyue left, he did not forget to tell the person next to him: "Hey, remember to invite the beautiful girl outside to sit and have a cup of tea, don't be tired of her." The others heard the order and retreated. .

Da Dangdang listened to Mu Xiyue saying this, and then said: "I was negligent and I didn't know it was a girl outside. How dare I ask the little brother how to call it?"

Mu Xiyue smiled and glanced at Long Yinfeng and said: "Don't call me like an old brother or a little brother, I'm this big ..." The big master was just called Long Yinfeng Chaoting Officer, afraid of not knowing the identity of Long Yinfeng, he quickly changed his mouth and said: "I am the wife of this official, my name is Mu Xiyue, you just call me Doctor Mu."

Da Dian's listen to Mu Xiyue said this, and quickly apologized: "It's my eyes, I'm talking about how a little brother can be born so beautiful, it turned out to be a woman."

Mu Xiyue listened to him boasting about him like this, his eyes narrowed with a smile, and quickly said: "Dare not dare not dare to be."

Dadang is the only one who knows this, no wonder he always feels that this little brother is a little bit of a woman, no wonder Long Yinfeng is so angry when he sees that Mu Xiyue is coming, no wonder Long Yinfeng stretched his hand when he just shot Mu Xiyue's shoulder by himself Blocked his hand back ... Thinking of the uncontrollable murderousness of Long Yinfeng just now, and thinking that Long Yinfeng was pointed at by all the swords and continued to speak without changing his face, the big master was a little distracted. , This court official is afraid that it is not simple. I'm afraid it was just this doctor Mu who didn't feel the bloodthirsty murderousness of this court official ...

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