Favored Doctor Consort

Chapter 210: rely

On the second day, Mu Xiyue was awakened by Long Yinfeng. Looking at the sky outside, it was still bright, and he felt angry, and asked, "Call me so early, but what's important?"

Long Yinfeng glanced at Mu Xiyue, and said, "Miss Mu really is a noble thing for the noble. She shouted yesterday that she wanted to fight with me, but today I forgot all?"

Mu Xiyue had no choice but to get up and wash her hair. She bundled her hair high and went out with Long Yinfeng. Long Yinfeng changed his habit today and took Mu Xiyue out for a run.

It only took a quarter of an hour, Mu Xiyue pinched his waist and waved his hands breathlessly, saying, "If you don't run, you won't run, it's too much torture."

Long Yinfeng looked at Mu Xiyue and asked calmly: "Don't strengthen your physique? Don't you think your physical fitness is bad? Not long?"

Mu Xiyue was a little bit confused by Long Yinfeng's series of questions, thinking that he had asked for it yesterday, but he gritted his teeth and trot to follow.

In the morning, Taiyuan City had already come alive, and the store had begun to open. Mu Xiyue looked at the large and small stores in Taiyuan City, and suddenly remembered that he was planning to find a pharmacy to grab medicine today, so he began to pay attention to the stores on the road After being transferred, Mu Youyu was easier to run.

After running for about a while, Long Yinfeng stopped in front of a shop and said to Mu Xiyue: "Sometimes, we will have breakfast here."

Mu Xiyue glanced at a small shop and asked, "Here?"

Long Yinfeng nodded, lifted his feet into the store, and said, "I heard this breakfast was delicious yesterday, so I will take you to try it."

After entering the door, Long Yinfeng ordered a few things, and the two were waiting in the dining room. Although it was morning, there were still many people in the small restaurant. The noisy people around were talking.

After a while, Long Yinfeng's breakfast came up, a basket of steamed buns, two bowls of soup, a few stacks of side dishes. Mu Xiyue looked at this mediocre meal and was a little skeptical. As soon as it came, Mu Xiyue took the chopsticks from the hands of Long Yinfeng, put a small dumpling and put it down on the dish, and after a bite, the filling inside was very delicious. It was only found in the middle. There is a fresh shrimp hidden in the middle, the entrance is full of flexibility. I took another sip of soup. The soup seemed mediocre, but it contained university questions. The entrance was fresh and salty, and the ground peanuts sprinkled on it gave an endless aftertaste.

Then Mu Xiyue heard what the person next to him said, "Well, did you hear that Wuque Mountain was flattened?"

"what happened?"

"Did you know that Wuqueshan was messing up some time ago?"

"You know, how can you not know how to make such a big deal?"

"So, let the emperor know that the court sent an official to Taiyuan to calm down."

"A big official? Levelled Wuque Mountain?"

"Well, I have a little uncle who is an official in the government. I listened to him. The big officer broke into Wuqueshan alone and stayed on the mountain for more than ten days. After returning, Wuqueshan was calmed down. . "

"Oh, so powerful?"

"Isn't it? Otherwise, the official from Jingli is different."

Mu Xiyue raised her face and smiled at Long Yinfeng, and whispered yin and yang whispered, "The official from Jingli is different."

Long Yinfeng smiled lightly and said, "The wife of the official is even more powerful. Let's eat."

Mu Xiyue was satisfied with a meal. He smiled and said to Long Yinfeng: "It's so full. I just didn't run back after eating."

Long Yinfeng nodded and took Mu Xiyue's hand after going out, saying, "Come on, let's walk and eat."

Mu Xiyue looked at the tall man who was pulling her. She was so sweet that she moved her mind and asked, "You are now twenty-six."

Long Yinfeng shouldn't say anything, knowing that this little guy didn't think about good things in his head, he quietly listened to her continue.

Mu Xiyue coughed lightly and said, "You should have children at this age, but I'm still young and can't have children for you. Would you like to ask some concubines when you go back?"

When Long Yinfeng heard Mu Xiyue say this, she thought that she had said that she wanted to have two people in her life, and raised her eyebrows. Long Yinfeng stooped, resisting Mu Xiyue to his shoulder, so scared that Mu Xiyue exclaimed and asked, "What are you doing?"

Long Yinfeng looked faint and said, "Go back and have a baby."

Mu Xiyue listened to him as he said, his heart was ashamed and angry, and he was also bored to start this topic, intending to give Long Yinfeng a chance to show his sincerity, who knows this guy, but this is the reaction!

Long Yinfeng thought that Mu Xiyue had just been full, and she was carrying her for a long time because she was afraid of having a bad stomach for Mu Xiyue, so she put down Mu Xiyue. Although she was expressionless, Mu Xiyue was still from Long Yinfeng. He felt it in his eyes, he was in a good mood!

Mu Xi walked forward, and Long Yinfeng followed her step by step. Mu Xiyue was walking, feeling that the surrounding streets and shops were very strange. I was afraid that it was the wrong way. When I turned around and looked at it, Long Yinfeng was not behind him. Mu Xiyue suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of panic and danger.

At this time, Mu Xiyue didn't dare to go around and shouted at random, so as not to let others know that she was separated from her companion, Mu Xiyue turned around and returned from the original path, thinking about it all the way Looking at the road, I can only go back by feeling. After walking a few steps, I saw Long Yinfeng jumping from the eaves and standing beside her.

After Mu Xiyue saw Long Yinfeng, he was calm for a while, and at the same time an unspeakable grievance poured into his heart. Mu Xiyue asked with red eyes: "Where have you been? I just turned around and didn't look your turn."

Long Yinfeng watched Mu Xiyue's wronged accusation against him, raised his mouth, and said, "I see that the road you are taking is getting worse and worse. I don't even know this place, so I went up and found the way back." "

After listening to Long Yinfeng's explanation, Mu Xiyue realized that she was too careful, and also realized that she was relying on Long Yinfeng so unknowingly. Looking at Long Yinfeng's large and broad shoulders, Mu Xiyue Regardless of whether it was on the street, he hugged it upright, and after the warm breath in Long Yinfeng's chest wrapped himself, Mu Xiyue felt a little calm in his heart.

Then I felt the slight tremor of the chest I was holding. Long Yinfeng suppressed himself from laughing out loud. He raised his face to see Long Yinfeng's smiling eyes and himself in the eyes. Mu Xiyue felt slightly. Somewhat disappointed.

Long Yinfeng also felt the little guy in his arms relying on himself. An inexplicable emotion swelled in Long Yinfeng's chest, making him laugh involuntarily. He had known each other for more than a year without pains.

Long Yinfeng pulled up Mu Xiyue's hand again, nodded Mu Xiyue's forehead, and said, "It's okay to think less, let's go, I will take you back."

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